
Inside her office, Melsa paced back and forth, her expression grim.

Right behind her was her twin sister sitting at the sofa, Selma, her legs crossed in a regal manner as she sipped her up of freshly brewed coffee. The bitter but strong taste that it offered was enough to almost make her enjoy the placid and relaxing mood. If only her sister's shoes weren't doing what could be described as a poorly imitated tap dance over and over again, grating Selma's ears.

"Melsa, can you please sit down? What's gotten into you?"

The listless Melsa heeded her sister and sat right next to her twin.

"Sorry, It's just that, Vicious hasn't contacted me yet. Her pigeon was supposed to have arrived half an hour ago!" Melsa's agitation was obvious, sitting down didn't calm her one bit.

"And? Are you that interested in that little runaway runt that she's hunting?"

"I am, but I'm even more worried about Vicious!"

Selma raised her brow. Being sentimental over a single lab rat was not something her sister would do.

"Melsa, I fail to see why you hold this werewolf pet of yours in such high regard, she's not even your strongest Chimera. You can make another like her if you so desired. If Vicious doesn't return then we can just hold Caduceus accountable, we'll ask him to hand over that runaway to us."

"Sister, you don't understand!" Melsa furiously stood up. "You have to help me get Vicious back!"

"You're right I don't understand, because you're not telling me what it is that I must. Why should I help you if that's the case?"

Melsa knew her sister, even if she told her the truth about her and Vicious it won't be enough. Melsa needed to strike a bargain, a damn convincing one at that. But what could she have that her sister already doesn't? Melsa may be talented but her sister's skill in alchemy eclipses hers.

A self deriding grin marked Melsa's face. Who knew that the woman that brought her heart to the clouds is the one that's going to make her dream come crashing down? Anyhow, she couldn't care less anymore. Vicious was worth it.

"I will give up my claim on making the 'Holy vessel'." Melsa declared.

To which Selma chuckled, "Have you forgotten, my homunculus had already been chosen as the vessel?"

"A rather unstable homunculi for what it's trying to contain, sister. Help me get Vicious back, and I will aid you in perfecting it."

Arriving at the realization, Selma grinned. So that's how it is. If her sister was willing to give up their dream just to get her pet project back then there's no need to further guess the nature of their relationship. Selma grinned in amusement with a tinge of envy mixed within it. Had her twin sister truly found happiness in another?

"Very well, I shall help you. I will not comment on your taste in partners but you're going to need to tell me how this all happened."

Melsa sighed in relief, there's still the matter of spilling the beans to her sister, and honestly, it was equally as dreadful but she couldn't help but feel enlivened at the safety of Vicious.


A salvo of explosions shook the ground, with mischievous glee, Gloria emptied all of her 'Hagall' runes on the werewolf from afar. With how destructive those cannon shots of her were, you'd think that her target would have been barely recognizable. Vicious is, or was since her healing factor now kicked in.

Vicious growled. That fucking mermaid just took ten of lives with that bombardment! As soon as she fully heals she's going to rip her throat out!

The smoke cleared, Vicious prepared to sprint towards Gloria but what awaited her were two veterans of the sword itching to claim more of her lives. Vicious successfully defended against Yulia from the front but as she turned around to face the Amazon, Antani's dark sword sliced through Vicious' hand like butter as she tried to grab it.

If Vicious' Aeon rendered Ellamir as nothing but prey, the two women's refined swordplay turned Vicious as a game to be hunted for sport.

And to finish her off, the distracted Vicious felt Shatter sound's powerful jaws dig deep into her right shoulder from her back. An elbow to Shatter sound's side broke a rib, forcing her to unclamp her bite while falling to the ground. Shatter sound stood up as she clutched her side, she would charge and charge even if all of the bones in her body broke.

Vicious took her distance, at this point she should probably run away. Run away so she could see Melsa once more, but she highly doubts that the adventurers before her would just let her.

After all, they were righteous in their motives for claiming her life. Vicious' sins are now at her heels.

"The hand and that bite, it's not healing anymore." Yulia grinned as she pointed out. After a gruesome hour of fighting, they could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Antani clutched her sword tighter, she wanted to play around with Ellamir's Aeon some more but it's now time to close the curtains.

Shatter Sound growled in anticipation, her revenge was almost close, she could almost taste the sweetness of it.

Vicious reverted to her human form. A sign of surrender? Perhaps. She didn't even bother doing a final clash. As a reward for their efforts she would give the adventurers an Intel that might benefit them in the future.

"You're Guild Master, it would be wise not to trust him. He's not who you think he is." Vicious nonchalantly declared. If Caduceus fucked with her then she will gladly do the same while still keeping their grand plans vague.

"What do you mean by that!?" Yulia shouted. Is she insinuating that THEIR Guild master is in leagues with them?

"Yulia, don't listen to her, she's trying to get in your head because she's already lost." Antani warned.

Like a hellhound, Shatter sound dashed on all fours, intent on dragging Vicious to hell's deepest depths where she belonged. She was about to Sic her claws and fangs into the 8 foot tall naked woman.

But before Shatter sound could close in, Shatter sound was blasted away and landed right next to Yulia. A pure white spear, overflowing with divinity and soul, stuck out from the ground. But that divinity was no match to the exuded by the weapon's owner.

The party's mouths were hung agape, as right above them, a literal angel had descended into the mortal realm.

Her white feathered wings sprawled in breathtaking majesty. The angel was fair, otherworldly in her fairness - far too fair that you could consider her cut from wax. Although majestic in her bearing, the angel gave off an aura of ruthlessness, reminiscent of predatory eagles that would gladly swoop down to murder their defenseless prey with their talons, or in the angel's case - her spear.

The long sleeved combat dress that the angel wore was the same deep shade of obsidian as her lips. The very same lips that arced into a lofty smile as soon as the white pupils of her eyes laid upon the tiefling below.

"We meet again, Yulia." The Angel's tone carried a hint of familiarity.

A familiarity made Yulia scowl. The angel that arrived wasn't one to blow trumpets of blessings, but disasters.

"Helel!" Yulia shouted at the sky. What was the leader of the 'First Fallen' cult doing here?

"I like that look on your face. But worry not, I didn't come here for you. I'm only here to retrieve a follower of mine." From loftiness to an ominous glint, the angel's smile widened. "Unless of course you would dare prevent me from doing so? Please tell me you would."

Helel's retainer warned her that her mortal vessel would break like last time if she engaged in combat as it cannot encapsulate her might. She was willing to risk it just for another dance with the tiefling. After all, the troublesome alchemists would just take care of her vessel afterwards. And she is doing this as a favor for them so they shouldn't really blame her if Helel indulged her whims for a bit.

After the initial surprise, Yulia regained her composure, her scowl turned into a grin to match the angel's.

"You want to tangle with me that bad, huh? Unfortunately, you were late for the party. Take that werewolf and go." Yulia made the decision knowing that they were all spent. It took every ounce of Yulia's strength just to make a retreat when they fought, and now, it seems the angel's body was more robust than it was before. Just thinking of facing a Helel stronger than the last time made Yulia shiver.

Shatter sound, in all of her rage, was about to charge Vicious. Until Yulia blocked her path.

Yulia whispered, "Engage her now and you will die. I'm sure your instinct is telling you how powerful that angel is. Let it go for now, we will face them again…trust me."

There was merit to Yulia's words, if it wasn't for her seething rage, Shatter sound would have been glued to her feet like the rest of her party, cowering before the angel's magnificence. With a heavy heart, Shatter sound listened to reason and relented.

"I never took you for a buzzkill, Yulia." In a princess carry, Helel picked up the grey woman that dwarfed her like she was casually picking up a pillow. "You're gonna have to entertain me come next time."

With that, the angel flew off, ending the party's quest.