The Party Returns

"So the leader of the 'First fallen' cult swooped in to save the werewolf, you say."

On his chair, the Guildmaster stroked his luscious beard as he ruminated on Yulia's report. Caduceus' mug turned into a grin. Must be quite the bargain that Melsa struck for Selma to help her like that.

"You seem pleased, Guild Master?" Yulia insinuated. The seeds of doubt planted by Vicious' words were now starting to take its root.

"I am only glad that all of you made a safe return! Yahahaha!"

Yulia could smell the bullshit from a mile away.

As if to further cover his tracks and shoo them away, Caduceus tossed each of them their promised 500 gold even if the ringleader for the scarlet talons massacre wasn't brought to justice.

"Now leave, I have things I need to attend to!" Caduceus exclaimed.

Team Valhalla left the Guild master's room, except for Yulia who gave them instructions to wait for her in the lobby.

Yulia locked the door into the Guild master's room.

"If you have any soundproofing spell, better cast it now, Guild master. We wouldn't want anyone to accidentally hear what I'm about to ask you."

Subtlety wasn't Yulia's strong suit. She reckoned that the 'Order of Zariel' won't be able to touch someone as high and powerful as the Guild Master. Better to just confront him outright.

"What is all this hullabaloo about, Yulia?"

Caduceus prevented to be confused, deep down he knew the reason for it all. He wanted to know how far the Paladin would go to squeeze the truth out of him.

Yulia's armored hands slammed into the Guild master's desk, her timbre was laced with fury, "Spill it! Are you in league with the 'First Fallen'?"

The exaggeratedly fake gasp that Caduceus took told Yulia how seriously she viewed her interrogation.

"Yulia, you would accuse your guild master of being in cahoots with an extremist cult!? Shame on you!"

"Don't you dare wiggle out of this one! That werewolf knew you!"

"I…" The guild master sighed, his head hung, making it seem like a confession was about to part from his lips. "I admit that…"

For Yulia, his admission was inbound. Her thoughts went to Althea, about how her friend would be saddened by such a news. Should she have thought this through? No. It was better than letting it eat her up at night.

"I admit that I am the most powerful wizard to have ever roamed these lands! Yahahaha!"

"What the…"

The Guild Master stood up, enjoying the confusion on Yulia's face. A blinding light filled the room and as her vision refocused. The grand wizard was already gone.

"Grand Wizard, more like a grand asshole." With that as her parting shot, Yulia went left the room to meet with the rest of her party downstairs.


"So, Moon World tomorrow, or tonight?" Yulia asked the rest of the party.

The two weeks that they spent together traveling on the road had been fun, but Yulia weighed the option to hold off their celebration until tomorrow, in favor of some personal time.

And somebody already had plans on how to use that personal time.

"Antani and I will settle for tomorrow." Ellamir declared.

"I'm sorry, but is there someone you forgot to ask?" Antani chuckled.

"If you want to go tonight then we'll go tonight."

In truth, Antani also wanted to spend the evening with just the two of them, but now that Ellamir had gone and declared it ahead of time it just rubbed her the wrong way. The combative part of Antani even wanted to vote tonight just to spite Ellamir. Antani sighed in resignation, what a troublesome lover.

Antani's arm wrapped around Ellamir's own.

"Let's celebrate tomorrow." Antani said.

"And how about you two?" Yulia questioned, she glanced at Stefano and Gloria.

"Tomorrow, Tonight. I go whenever."

"Yeah, I think I'll just lay back and relax with Gloria for tonight."

A teasing smile formed on Yulia's lips, "I bet you'd love that."

Stefano's eyelids narrowed. What the hell was Yulia insinuating?

"What did you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing."

From the corner of Yulia's eye, she saw Shatter sound, the very embodiment of grief. Although they had killed the majority of those responsible for the death of her clan, the werewolf behind it all managed to escape. Yulia could only imagine the pain Shatter sound must be going through when revenge was at the palm of her hand, yet still managed to slip right through.

Then again, revenge might have offered a temporary respite for her soul, but it won't bring her clan black.

The Werewolf knew no one in Elaria, Yulia was certain.

"Shatter sound, why don't you stay with Stefano for a bit? Take this as time to get used to the city, The guild will start their application process soon, you can just move out when you have a stable income."

"What!? Yulia, are you fucking insane!? Dumping another person on me just like that!?" Stefano shouted. Gloria was already a handful enough, Stefano couldn't imagine the chaos if another was added into the mix.

"Pardon me." Yulia smiled at Shatter sound, while her arms went over Stefano's shoulder, dragging him to the side.

"Aren't you a cleric? Where's your sympathy? Shatter sound doesn't know anyone else in this city but us." Yulia muffled her voice.

"You're a paladin! Why don't you go take her under your care? I would like to remind you that I already have a freeloader in my apartment!"

"Come now, Stefano, my boy. Are Mithra's clerics that heartless? Are you all quick to ignore those in dire need of help? I would take her in, but I have a feeling that things are about to go smoothly between me and Magna. Things might not if she finds out that I'm already living with another woman."

As a cleric, Stefano was oathbound to help Shatter sound, as a friend, he would like for her to one day heal from the massive wounds brought by the trauma that she is going through.

"Alright, I'll help."

Yulia gently ruffled Stefano's hair but by the time they turned around Gloria was already leaving with Shatter sound by her side. Gloria waved backwards as they headed towards the Guild's massive door entrance.

"Where are those two going?" Yulia questioned the lovebirds.

"Gloria said she was going to lead Shatter sound into her new home, and that Stefano was nothing but a big fat worrywart." Antani answered.

"Gloria, you son of a…!" Stefano cut his curse short as he chased after the two.

"I guess that about does it. See you two tomorrow night. Don't go at it too hard, try to save some energy for tomorrow's celebration." Yulia gave the two a wink.

"Funny, because I think you're the one who's going to show up at the tavern tomorrow all shriveled up like a corpse." With a smile, Ellamir bantered back.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong. I'm already on my way to the market to stock up on mana potions."

"Why don't you invite Magna to come and drink with us?" Antani suggested.

"I'll ask." Yulia departed after she answered.

Before giving her question, Antani's head fell onto Ellamir's shoulder.

"Now, where to?"

"Come with me, there's something I'm planning on buying." Ellamir's smile grew wide, it was time to put the gold they earned into good use.