Glass Overflowing

It was the day after the lovebirds had returned from their adventure.

With about 2,000 combined gold at their disposal, Antani and Ellamir are just about ready to head out into the Amazon's new land.

And since they're only going to need about 100 gold for their boat fare, they had massive leftover gold to splurge. Does that mean that they would now be moving out of their love nest?

Doesn't seem to be the case. Ellamir was dead set on making sure that her lover would be the Amazon's next queen come next month, they would rather just make a couple more memories in their humble abode. The sweet kind of memories.

What Ellamir did consider was upgrading their bathtub. From a shoddy wooden one that would hardly fit one person, into a ceramic one that's more than spacious for two people.

As soon as their training had concluded, Ellamir couldn't wait to get back home and try out her new purchase. Ellamir was no bathtub aficionado but she definitely saw the comfort in having a good tub to soak, especially after a grueling training session.

Body to body. Antani was enveloped within the gentleness of Ellamir's arms as the two laid in their new tub, ladened with herbs both to cleanse and impart the sweet lavender smell on their skin.

"How much did you spend for this tub anyway?" Antani asked while nestled in her lover's embrace.

"Just a few gold coins. Don't worry about it."

Antani softly smiled, "Alright then."

Ellamir evaded Antani's question but the relaxed mood Antani was in washed away her inquisitiveness. Besides, Ellamir rarely spent her gold on anything aside from books to add to her personal collection and gifts to lavish Antani with.

The tub might well be the first thing that Ellamir had spent a fortune on.

Although, there was something really odd about the tub. There were candles all around and petals spritzed all over. The mood was strikingly romantic.

Antani wasn't against it, her heart was even moved by it all. But she just wondered, what was the occasion?

Then, Ellamir uncovered the cloth that covered a tray on their right side, revealing a wine glass filled with fresh strawberries.

It was romantic, but since it happened out of the blue, Antani couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"Ellamir, what the fuck are you on?"

Even the organizer was trying to stifle her laughter as the two were having a blast in their new tub.

"Don't laugh. I spent half an hour preparing for this, you know!" Ellamir complained while she gestured as strawberry in front of her lover's mouth.

Giggling about, Antani ate her lover's offering.

The overflowing sweetness that rolled around her tongue fully embodied their situation.

"Want another one?" Ellamir offered.

Even if Antani was highly dubious of Ellamir's motive, she couldn't deny that the fresh strawberries tasted good.

"I'll have another, THEN you will tell me what all of this is for." Antani ate the strawberry from her lover's hand.

After laying down the glass of strawberries, Ellamir's embrace on her lover tightened, as if she was trying to gather her resolve by drawing it from Antani.

"You mentioned that your tribe's fertility festival is going to be next month, right?"

An ear to ear smile etched upon Antani's face. Now, she sees what Ellamir was trying to do.

"I did. What about it?" Antani's tone was coy, purposely leading her lover on so she could get that confession sweeter than the strawberry she just ate.

"Would you…" Ellamir paused, her chest thumping loud. What would she do if Antani still wasn't interested? The fear lodged the rest of her question in her throat. Suddenly, Ellamir gulped, swallowing the trepidation that barred her feelings. "Will you participate in your Fertility festival, with me as your partner?"

"Well that depends, can you give me a compelling argument on why I should?"

"My love for you will last until the end of my days. I want you to carry the proof of it. To plant my seed into you, have it bloom into a lovely daughter." With the same tenderness as her tone, Ellamir kissed the nape of Antani's neck. "Become the mother of my child, Antani."

Ellamir's words might have been sweet, but Antani akined them to a match, igniting the pyre of passion within her chest.

The Amazon turned around to straddle and used her lips to spread her fire into Ellamir. Their hungry hands held each other's hair while their tongues twirled together, languid and heady.

As minutes passed they knew that their torrid kiss won't sate their lustful appetite for one another, both rose from the tub.

Ellamir twirled Antani around, she massaged her lover's mound while her other hand gently rubbed her love bud down below. All while planting hickeys, marking Antani. Ellamir felt as if the pyre inside of her now swallowed her whole, its flames tender while imparting pleasure all over her body.

Ellamir's fingers played Antani like a harp, her melody pleasure. Yet as her tune of eroticism echoed, she had to reproach her musician.

"Don't leave too much mark, you dumbass. We're gonna go out later, remember?" Antani's tone was ragged as she rebuked her lover.

The possessive part of Ellamir didn't want to stop, to let everyone know that she laid claim on Antani by showing the marks she made on her neck. Nonetheless, Ellamir knew the love that Antani gave was already overflowing on her glass cup, if her hold tightened, she might just shatter it.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

With Ellamir's thoughts entirely consumed by her lover, she forgot they were supposed to have their celebration tonight.

Ellamir ceased her foreplay. It was now time to take Antani.

Antani was already dripping wet, her heart throbbed with excitement as Ellamir's rock hard dick started to slowly slide inside of her.

Biting her lip, Antani's excitement was cut short as Ellamir's battering ram halted its intrusion into her already open castle gate. They were already open, ready to accept Ellamir's siege, why the fuck did Ellamir enter only her tip?

With a sultry whisper, Ellamir leaned close to her lover's ear and said…

"Here's another compelling argument for you…"

Antani gasped with delight as she felt Ellamir thrust her entire length, her juicy dick filling her to the brim. Her walls reflexively tightened as if to embrace the intruder.

"...I fuck good."

Ellamir hooked Antani's arms with hers. As the Amazon slightly leaned forward, Ellamir moved her hips like a beast with her need to devour Antani. The lewd sound of slapping flesh was drowned out by Antani's moaning.

Ellamir's pounding continued, as if her pounding alongside her love would be enough to break the Goddess' spell. Ellamir's quixotic musings made her grin even as her hips swayed relentlessly, making sure that Antani received the ultimate pleasure.

"I'm…aah…coming!" Antani shouted.

A shout like that would usually be a trigger for Ellamir to speed up, but not this time.

Antani felt the warmth of her lover's embrace once more, her right leg was lifted and upper body tilted to the side, rendering Antani open for Ellamir's kiss.

The pyre inside of Antani exploded, scorching Antani's entire being with pleasure. The innocence that Antani felt from their lips touching juxtaposed the obscenity of Ellamir's meaty rod twitching inside of her, spilling Ellamir's 'proof' within her.

Panting, the love birds crashed into the tub once more.

"Are those arguments compelling enough for you, my Queen?" Ellamir questioned, her tone smug.

While Antani's knees were still weak from the dicking she just received, her lips twisted into a grin as she answered.

"Fine, you have yourself a partner. But don't get cocky just yet, remember, you still have to defeat me."