Yulia's Humble Estate

"Welcome to my humble estate. Make yourself at home while I prepare breakfast."

The 'estate' in question was a compact home.

With judging eyes Magna garnered her attention at the current state of the tiefling's dwelling.

The place was practically devoid of decorations aside from the usual amenities like chairs and a wooden sofa with pillows on it. And perhaps the cardinal sin in Magna's eyes was the unpainted interior. Even as the greyness of the walls mirrored her skin, she abhorred it.

The house was unfinished. Its drabness contrasted the tiefling's hoyden personality.

Then again, it's not like it's enough to be a dealbreaker for Magna. She was after Yulia, not her home. She's sure Yulia had her reasons why the place remained as such.

Minutes scrutinizing later, Yulia appeared with two wooden bowls.

"And breakfast is served. Hope you like it." Yulia handed her portion to the succubus.

"It smells good. What is this?" Magna questioned.

"Breakfast skillet. It tastes good too, although not as good as me." Yulia winked.

A soft chuckle escaped Magna's lips. Her spoon dug into the minced potatoes mixed with cheese and bacon.

As Magna took a spoonful, the cheesy taste blended well with the salty meatiness of the bacon, elevating the mildness of the potato.

"You're right, it is good."

"Told you." Yulia's smile widened with Magna's praise. Although she was no culinary expert, the tiefling took pride in the dishes she could make.

As they ate, Magna finally decided to confront Yulia about the state of her dwelling.

"Yulia, do you mind if I ask why your home seems…unfinished?" After taking another spoonful, Magna asked.

"Not at all. This house was Garreth's gift to me. Said he intentionally left it like this so I could paint it however I like."

"And why haven't you?" Magna's tone was calm, relaying that she was only genuinely curious.

"Just busy, I guess. Also, I'd rather be out there earning gold than holding a bucket of paint."

An excuse but Magna didn't mind. After all, it is boorish for a visitor to suggest to the master of the place that their house was lacking.

It didn't take long for them to finish their bowls.

And since Magna pursued her curiosity, it was only natural for Yulia to do the same.

Embracing one of her sofa pillows, Yulia asked what had been bugging her a while.

"Succubus' have the same life span as elves, your mother…how did she pass away?" When Yulia saw Magna's face suddenly become downtrodden, she quickly retracted her question. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

It was indeed a sensitive topic for Magna…"You want to know the answer? Then how about we gamble for it?"… A grin flashed on Magna's face, but it doesn't mean that she's not open to sharing it with Yulia. It is a heavy piece of information that might influence the course of their relationship. Since Yulia might end up learning it in the future, why not wager it and let fate decide if Yulia was worthy to handle the weight of Magna's personal baggage right now?

"You're on." With the same grin on her lips, Yulia agreed.

Magna requested for a deck of cards, Yulia provided.

"The rule is simple…" Magna began shuffling the cards in hands as she explained. "...Whoever draws the higher card, wins."

Magna laid the card in between them. Their gaze, playful but resolute. Another chance to discern which one them Lady fortune truly favored.

To a gambler, Good fortune was a caress, Misfortune was a slap. And Yulia was mighty sure that she's going to receive the former…

Emboldened, Yulia drew first.

"8 of clubs." The tiefling declared.

Magna's turn.

"10 of hearts."

…Yulia slumped backwards as if she just received the latter. Did Stefano's ill luck truly rub off on her? Was her gambling days now over?

She refuses to believe so.

Yulia brimmed with confidence as she straightened herself.

"One more round!" And since it was Magna that decided their last wager, it would only be fair if Yulia was the one that decided the next. "Whoever loses…has to kiss the winner!"

It was an absolute win-win scenario that Yulia set up. Even if Lady fortune betrayed her once more, things would still go according to her plan.

Magna giggled before ultimately agreeing to the tiefling's plan.

Magna drew a card.

"5 of diamonds."

Yulia drew hers. Oh, now she wins when she's resolved not to!? Fortune truly is whimsical.

"Jack of clubs." Yulia's lips arced into a striking smile.

A smile that was wiped clean by Magna's lips as the succubus suddenly lunged.

Even a simple act of kissing was enough to trigger Magna's mana drain as Yulia felt a sliver of her strength leave her body while their lips entwined. Yulia's thoughts were starting to become a mush of pleasure as mana started exiting her body.

Magna separated.

The dazed Yulia composed herself.

"I believe it's now my turn to decide our next wager, unless of course you've already had enough?" Magna teased with a coy grin.

Yulia won't be knocked out by something as flimsy as a kiss. She was able to brave being sucked dry the last time, and she would dare brave it again for Magna.

"Don't underestimate me, I can do this all day." Magna answered, her grin, equally as coy.

"Alright. For our next wager, the loser has to…give head." Magna declared. She then drew her card. "9 of spades."

Yulia presented hers.

"4 of hearts."

Since their game has now devolved into a lascivious one, they quickly made do with their clothes and slipped into something a little more comfortable, their bare skin.

Yulia's hands held Magna's slender thighs as she dove in, licking the succubus' clitoris.

Magna moaned at the way Yulia gave head. Her tongue, as gentle and refreshing as a spring breeze.

Magna held Yulia by the horns. To other horned beings, treating their horns akin to handles during sex was massively disrespectful. Magna had laid with a few of them, they were more stale than bread. She knows Yulia wasn't like them, after all, this isn't their first tango.

Being able to make a succubus moan was already an achievement in and of itself, but Yulia's tongue wasn't letting up. As if she was imprinting Magna's sweet taste into her palate.

The gentle breeze brought by Yulia's cunnilingus suddenly became a strong gust that slammed into Magna as she orgasmed.

While Magna caught her breath, Yulia had already decided what their next wager should be. It was an inevitable conclusion, but the thrill came in deciding what position they would take.

"Loser has to get fucked while bent over." Magna proceeded to draw her card. The coy smile on Yulia's lips faded. She didn't bother to maintain her poker face as her face screamed 'God damn it'. Yulia sighed and she revealed her hand. "2 of diamonds." And Yulia was so looking forward to bang Magna's ass from behind.

"What are you waiting for, Yulia, honey. Bend for me."

On her knees, Yulia bent and presented her supple red orbs for Magna to take.

Magna's grip was firm, her fingers entrenched themselves into Yulia's fine ass as she prepared to blow the tiefling's brains out.

In between Magna's legs came her tail, more handy than any strap-on . Her tool for draining, her tool for giving pleasure.

Yulia moaned in pleasure as the succubus entered her wet folds. The mana parting from her body gave rise to euphoria close to the sensation of climaxing.

Magna's tail began pistoning in and out Yulia's sopping count, as if she was trying to match the rhythm of Yulia's moaning.

Minutes later, The shriveled up Yulia reached her apex. As the mini-orgasms from earlier was soon eclipsed by the motherload. Yulia collapsed face first after experiencing such otherworldly pleasure, she felt as if her soul was already leaving her body. Guess that means her mana was now fully drained.

"I guess we're done for the today, wouldn't you agree, honey?" The succubus' tone carried pride. She did just knock out a platinum adventurer simply by fucking her.

"N-nyo. Not nyet." Yulia slurred like last, a side effect from the overwhelming lethargy gripping her body. Yulia grabbed a pouch from underneath her sofa. It was a pouch filled to the brim with mana potions.

Drinking like her life depended on it, Yulia gulped down an entire mana potion in one go. Within seconds she felt her mana reserve rising back up.

The fire burned in Yulia's eyes once more. No longer slurred, her speech was clear as her intent to fuck the whole morning.

Yulia turned around to straddle Magna. The tiefling said…

"We're going to finish the entire deck, honey."

Hours later, all the cards were strewn across the floor.

Magna laid on top of Yulia. The tiefling chugged a vial of mana potion that she quickly discarded after emptying. Since the couch was only fit for one person, the two for them stacked together while cuddling heightened the sensation of closeness.

"Do you…want to join me and my friends at Moon World tonight?"

Magna sensed the trepidation in Yulia's voice. She knew what it meant. Had they been just friends she could just show there without any worry whatsoever.

Although one could argue that they are just really REALLY close friends, Magna would prefer to be honest about what they are.

Friends with benefits.

Bedsheet playmates.

Fuck buddies.

And Yulia introducing Magna into her group of friends might elevate that into something more. It seems like Yulia wasn't the only one afraid of falling in love.

A wry grin marked Magna's face as she listened to the calmness of Yulia's beating heart. Magna answered…

"I'll think about it."