Sparring Session

Grand enough to be considered a small arena with its concave design complete with seats that circled its entirety, Aesel's training hall would be shared among the different branches.

As of now, its scheduled use would be for the Knight branch.

Half of them were human, half were various races, 30 of the Knight aspirants gathered at the front row seats, intently listening to their professor down below.

Rayla's voice boomed, her zeal to teach swordcraft was palpable.

"When dual wielding it is important to remember that your strikes would hold less weight than if you would two-hand…" with one swift motion, Rayla drew both of her shortswords. "...However, the advantage within dual wielding lies in the pressure you would be able to apply to your opponent."

Rayla spun both of the blades in each hand like a windmill, an impressive display of her aptitude with dual blades, all while still conducting her lesson. "The weakness I mentioned earlier can easily be overcome by augmenting your physical strength with mana. Although, one could argue you can also apply it when two handing. All in all, it all boils down to a matter of preference. If you prefer the security of a shield, or the stability of a longsword."

The spinning blades in Rayla's hands halted, leaving all of her students in awe at such magnificent swordplay.

"And before we start our combat practice, we have a special guest today that would allow me to showcase how effective dual wielding can be. Not only is she an alumnus of the Royal branch, but she is also a platinum adventurer at the moment. Miss Antani, would you please take the stage next to me."

Murmurs were aplenty as all the youth's eyes were locked onto the woman descending on her way next to their professor.

Contrary to the students, Antani and Tayla would use real swords as opposed to their wooden replicas.

Standing a fair distance apart, a smile could be seen on both of their faces due to their imminent duel.

"Is there something that you would like to add to my lesson, Antani? Feel free to address the students." Rayla waved her sword at the student, seated akin to spectators in the Arena. A fitting description for the duel they are about to witness would be between two fine swordswoman.

"Nothing…On second thought, I have one." With a cocky grin, Antani faced the students. "Don't be too surprised, but you're about to see your professor's ass get handed to her."

Rayla grinned, her beauty might have matured, but she was still the same teen that loved to banter.

"Don't think I'm going to go easy on you, if you let up even one but you're going to find yourself eating those words."

Brandishing the shortsword she borrowed, Antani assumed her forward stance.

With the unspoken rule of the challenger starting the fight, Antani charged.


The Amazon's assault began with a cleaving overhead strike. To which Rayla deflected with her left sword, her right free thrust, the merciless Rayla aimed for Antani's side.

Diagonally, Antani's sword brought itself down to defend against Rayla's thrust that would puncture her lung if left unattended.

With Rayla's left sword freed, Antani had to break her deflect and tend to its oncoming slash.

Rayla's ferocious dual swordplay raining down thrust and slashes forced Antani to be on the defensive. The Amazon was being driven back.

"Come on, Antani. Surely this isn't all that you have to give?" Rayla taunted, remaining steadfast with her strikes.

Antani grinned while guarding the relentless blows. As expected of a veteran ex-mercenary, her professor was truly a force to be reckoned with.

"Certainly not, professor. I'm just prolonging our dance, I wouldn't want your dear students to think any less of their esteemed professor."

Not one to shy away from a duel banter, Rayla fired back, "Oh, don't be worried about me. Whatever it is you have hiding under your sleeve, I can match it."

Technically, Antani had two. Ellamir's Aeon and her 'Comet form.' Antani would have loved to put her old professor to the test, see if she can truly handle her trump cards working in unison.

Then again, it was just a spar. No reason to unleash her lover's blade on a joyous reunion.

Amidst their clash of blades, Rayla noticed Antani's speed picking up. The mana that the Amazon pumped into her limbs started to overflow, leaking to form a blue aura.

No longer was Antani being driven back, each hit of her sword was hard and fast, empowered to superhuman heights. Every deflect would cause Rayla's sword to flounder as she hurriedly composed herself to prepare for the next strike.

Sweat dripped on Rayla's face, the smirk she had before was wiped out by Antani's ferocity.

If there was one thing Rayla had in common with Antani, it was their love for swords. She may not have the same calibre of control over mana as Antani, Rayla had other means to reach the peak of swordsmanship via her own method.

Giving it her all, Antani raised her sword up high. Her intent? Maximum power. Antani's sword came down like a guillotine aimed at Rayla's head. Rayla's swords crossed together to intercept, she needed both of them to fend off Antani's empowered strike.

It was a checkmate for Rayla, go backwards and Antani would continue her thrust, keep the hold and Antani's elevated strength would wear her down.

But why is it that Antani's is the one that contorted into worry?

It was because Rayla had regained her grin.

The runes in Rayla's swords were unbound, the words of power that were etched onto her blade glowed red, fortifying her strength while giving her superior speed.

With the playing field now even, Rayla's dual swords broke their lock by pressing and pushing Antani forwards.

Their duel raged on, the sound steel against steel echoed in the entire training hall, leaving the students on the edge of their seats at such display of exquisite sword play.

The special runes woven into Rayla's blades needed only to drain mana for its activation to work, and just like Antani's 'Comet form.', surpassing their physical limitations took a heavy toll on their mama reserves. Both of them are reaching their limit.

Drenched in sweat while their lungs heaved heavily, the two decided to end it with one final sword swipe.

"YAAAAAAH!" With one fearsome warcry, Antani's final slash was about to take her opponent's neck.

"GWAAAAH!" Not one to be outdone, Rayla fervently shouted as her strength was about to depart her body, leaving her with only one last strike.

Their battle concluded, each of their blades touched the skin of their opponent's neck, stopping shy of decapitation. The fierce look on their eyes softened as they recovered their breathing, as the battle ended in a draw, the two warriors flashed the other a grin, acknowledging the other's skill.

A wave of applause surrounded them, the intensity of their fight caused the hearts of the spectators to become stirred. Come their combat training, the students tried to replicate the passion that the two just exhibited with their wooden swords alongside their partner.

As Antani returned to where she was seated before to fetch Shatter Sound, Above the wolf woman, there was now a new figure seated right next to their Headmistress.

"That was quite the spectacular display of swordsmanship, if I might add." The tiefling with long locks black hair admired. Wearing a splendid dark blue overcoat, although middle aged, his horns gave him a devilishly handsome air. Head of the Arcane branch, the tiefling is the one that imparted Aeselis' students with knowledge of spell casting.

"Professor Abdel! It is so great to see you!"

"Is that so? Then why is it that you would often skip my classes?" Abdel's tone suddenly took on a sharp turn, making the Amazon awkwardly smile in response. Did her professor really begrudge her for that? Magic just isn't Antani's cup of tea.

Although Antani's control over her mana might have been immaculate, her aptitude with magic wasn't that good. Her basic fireball spell was so pathetic that a thrown rock might do more damage. With time and effort, she can rise to become average, but Antani would rather devote all of her time in honing her skill with the sword.

Thus, she would often cut classes with Michaela whenever it was Abdel's time to teach the Royal branch.

Suddenly, Abdel's tense exterior broke into a smile.

"It was a jest, Antani. It is great to see you too."

After having a chat with her professor, Antani sensed that Shatter Sound might have been getting bored.

As soon as the two got up to leave, she heard Rayla calling her from below.

"Antani, I was hoping you and I can catch up. There's a newly opened tavern near the plaza. What do you think?"

Antani in her younger years might have leapt for joy knowing that her professor that she deeply admired would hit on her a few years later. But the Antani now could only flash a warm smile.

"I'm sorry, professor. My companion and I would need to leave early in the morning. Maybe another time."