No Arms, Just Sheets

The grandfather clock ticked. Ellamir's gaze shifted towards its hands.

It is now one in the afternoon.

What had usually been her and Antani's after training lunch, Ellamir now sat alone on their couch, doing nothing but listening to the ticks.

Ellamir glanced at her ring finger. The only silver lining to their situation is their communication ring, which Antani chastised her for the crime of checking up on her lover's well being. Unbelievable. Did she overdo it by calling thrice in quick succession? Ellamir grinned. No, it was just Antani being unreasonable again. No matter, she would just call her again later.

For now, she would amuse herself. Enjoying a certain moment makes the flow of time go faster, riding with the current, if you will. Go against it and time becomes an absolute slog.

Thus, instead of being tormented by boredom, Ellamir would instead enjoy her alone-time. She's going to have such a blast that time would pass by quickly, before she knows it, Antani would have already returned.

With resolve burning in her eyes, Ellamir set her plan into motion.


Rather than eating out, Ellamir would instead prepare her lunch. Ellamir would admit that her cooking skills pale in comparison with Antani's, there's still one dish that she can make flawlessly.

A sandwich.

Since Antani always cooked for them both, it was a flawless dish she never had the chance to whip out again until now.

It didn't take that long to wedge the sliced eggs, smoked boar bacon, and vegetables in between the loaves of bread.

After her delicious lunch, Ellamir enjoyed a relaxing dip in her bathtub alone.

Once done with drying her hair, Ellamir slipped into her satinwear and went back to her couch. Here she would pamper herself by applying some nail polish. Her chosen color? Matte red. Its gloss complimented the melted ebony quality of her skin.

Finishing the nails on both of her hands and feet, Ellamir leaned into the couch with a novel in hand.

Moments later.

After being lost in the world in between the pages, Ellamir checked up on the grandfather clock to see how much time had elapsed. Surely everything she had time had taken a huge chunk of it?

The time was now three in the afternoon.


Unable to take it, Ellamir went into their bedroom.

Ellamir collapsed onto their bed. Her hand caressed Antani's pillow. Her heart ached at the thought of having to spend the night with nothing but the sheets to hold her.

Suddenly, Ellamir's ring glowed. How Ellamir's face suddenly Lit up was similar to an adventurer suddenly stumbling into a chest full of gold.

Antani was calling her.


Since the Royal Branch's dorm room was tailored for affluent individuals, it is only natural that the room Antani was staying in right now to be gaudy.

The designer furnitures were all made from treants, giving them a strong tint of brown even without varnish. There was even a chandelier right above the tea table. The bed that Antani was laying on was large enough to fit even five on it.

Everything was as luxurious as Antani remembered.

After a quick soak in the room's personal tub, Antani slipped into her satin wear and was about to get into some relaxation after traveling for hours and her adrenaline-pumping sparring session from earlier.

Antani's thoughts drifted to Shatter Sound who was in the room next door. Should she have urged for Shatter Sound and her to share the same room? No. A bit of time alone with her thoughts might be what the werewolf needed.

Speaking of someone being alone with her thoughts, Antani was thinking what became of her lover?

Laying on the luxuriously soft bed, Antani pulled the ring on her left finger close to her lips, After channeling a modicum of mana into it, the ring glowed. It was now ready for use.

"What's my royal retainer up to?" Antani questioned.

"Antani, you idiot! Why didn't you call sooner!?"

Despite her remark, the voice that Antani heard answer was a jovial one, if Ellamir ignored their little roleplay, then she must have been missing Antani a lot.

"Well, many things happened. Let me tell you all about it."

With glee, Antani recanted the tales of her and Shatter Sound's adventure so far. From their travel, to their arrival at Vanluc, up to her visit at Aeselis and sparring session with her old professor.

"You seem delighted when talking about this 'Rayla'." Ellamir's tone was dubious, it wasn't like she was slinging any accusations, she was just on edge since Antani and her are far apart.

"What, are you jealous? It was nothing but infatuation, I told you I'm now over her."

Ellamir sighed, "I know…I know. I can't help it. You're over there while I'm here. I miss you, I miss your embrace."

Antani's heartstrings were tugged, it almost made her want to hurry back to Elaria and coddle her lover. Almost.

First and foremost, the whole quest Antani was doing was for Ellamir. It was intentional to leave her in the dark so the surprise would be more impactful when she finally sees it with both of her eyes.

Then, a flash of inspiration entered Antani. They may be far apart but they were still connected through voice. A lustful smile spreads on Antani's lips. They should be able to make do with what they have.

Taking on a more salacious tone, Antani questioned her lover, "How badly are you missing me?"

Mistaking it for Antani's usual coyness, trying to tease her when they are apart, Ellamir answered with a timbre equally as salacious.

"Oh, you have no idea. The things I would do to you when you get back."

"Then tell what kind of pleasure awaits my return…while you pleasure yourself. Touch yourself, Ellamir. I'm going to do the same."

It was an absurd instruction that made Ellamir raise her brow, did Antani expect her to wank her meat fueled only by her voice? Ellamir liked the sound of that.

Making herself comfortable, Ellamir freed her slumbering dragon, her grip portended its eventual awakening.

Meanwhile, Antani on the other end slid her right hand down below her nethers. Intently listening on her lover's erotic musings, as Ellamir said…

"As soon as you step back inside here, I'm going to lift you by your thighs and slam your back against the wall. Your tongue will reunite with mine, swaying as I make you wet down below."

Antani began rubbing her love bud as Ellamir's imagination tantalized her, she bit her lip, Antani urged, "Hmmm. I love it, tell me more."

With her dragon now fully awake, Ellamir stroked up and down while laying out her lascivious plans for Antani.

"After that, you need to be punished for leaving me here all miserable and lonely without you. I'm going to turn you around and plant your head into the wall, with your ass sticking out, my strength will easily let me tear your clothes down below. I would position my dick at your entrance, but I won't enter you just yet. Instead, my dick would 'slowly' grind against your sensitive clit, until you beg for me to give it to you."

Listening to Ellamir's heady voice, Antani found both of her fingers already wedged inside of her pussy, rhythmically moving with delight. Her moans she muffled but made sure Ellamir still heard.

"Aaah, Yes! Make me want it, make me beg! What's next!?"

Ellamir began picking up her pace, like a squire furiously polishing a sword, she told Antani of her next intentions.

"I would lift you once more, this time, my arms would hook the underside of your knees. Bit by bit, I would start lowering you onto my dick. I'm going to make sure that you enjoy every inch as I sink into you. Then, I would fiercely move you up and down, fucking the shit out of you until you cum hard. How's that, excited to go back home yet?"

"Fuck yes!"

Although apart, both of their hearts thrummed intensely with lust, Ellamir's hand motions became faster and faster until she could feel her climax nearing. Antani, on the other hand, was on the same boat as she fingered herself frantically.

It was a miracle, as distance didn't matter as they both finished at the same time.