Dumas' Blessing

The Queen Ysbeil set sail across the still calm waters.

Once underneath the deck, Dumas led the party as they walked through the ship's corridor, breathing in the pungent smell of wet treantwood that blended with the distinct aroma of ocean saltiness. It wasn't a revolting odor per se, it simply hammered to them that they will be living the sailor lifestyle for the next two days.

Dumas' main trade was transporting goods from one city to another, evident by the plethora of crates at the ship's center that they just passed by.

"Here we are." Dumas stopped in front of a twin door, with a single flick of a key he was able to fling the doors open. "If you need me, I'll be at the deck. Dinner's in a few hours…" He smiled at Antani. A smile that turned upside down when his attention turned to Ellamir. "... I'll see you there."

Dumas left to give the party time to acclimate to their temporary dwelling.

Even though the ship mainly dealt with cargo, it was by Dumas' design that there should be at least a guest room just in case a need would arise for them to ferry important people.

The room was not only capacious but lavish. There were two king sized beds that are opposite to each other, complete with red embroidery curtains that can be let down for privacy. There are empty chests at each of the beds' feet, all for storing various trinkets.

Ellamir sat on the mini table and rested her mad under her chin, "I have a suspicion your father doesn't like me."

Yulia chuckled as she began removing her armor, freeing her blouse and pants underneath, she weighed in on her friend's anxiety, "From the get-go, Antani introduced you as someone who's going to knock up her daughter, of course he's going to be wary of you."

Antani sat next to Ellamir, she tried to calm Ellamir by nestling her head against Ellamir's shoulder.

"That might be a blunder on my part, I was so excited to announce to my father about our plans of having a child that I practically blurted it out." Antani admitted. She definitely should have waited until maybe it was just the two of them so they could have eased Dumas into the idea that he's about to become a grandfather soon. The surprise must have been similar to a hot potato that was out of nowhere thrown into Dumas' lap.

"That's no blunder. I could do without your father's approval as long as I have you."

"He's not hard to get along with. Maybe he's just testing you, speak to him later, I'll help you out."

"If you insist." Ellamir relented.

As the lovebirds were busy having their moment, Shatter Sound opened the room's window to let the refreshing sea breeze in, while at the same time, enjoying the wavy blue ocean stretching into the horizon. Adventuring was every bit as fun as she hoped it would be, especially with the kind souls surrounding her. A solemn smile marked her expression.

The werewolf wished she could write about this beautiful ocean scenery to her family.


The sun had set, and the party found themselves at the ship's dining area.

The repast laid on the rectangular table in front of them lends much of its credence to one of Dumas' crew, a legged fishman, a perfect amalgamation of its species name as it can live both in the environment suited for each.

Squid rings fried in a garlic breading. Fresh mackerel cut into small cubes, cured using vinegar, garnished by peppers, onion, with a dash of black pepper. And other fish dishes.

Stefano's fork picked up one of the mackerel cubes. He investigated the pale fish meat by smelling it before giving it the thought of ingestion.

"This is…raw." The bewildered cleric stated.

"It is cooked, by using vinegar and citrus. Try it, it is good." Dumas advised while he himself ate a piece of the mackerel.

Although a bit hesitant, Stefano chewed on the mackerel, and found the dish to be surprisingly delicious. The vinegar along with the green pepper seeped into the mackerel, enhancing the mackerel's fishy flavor.

"You're right, it is good!"

Dumas' 'as expected smile' faded as soon as he saw Antani romantically cater to the dark elf by serving her the mackerel using Antani's own fork. Dumas fought the urge to meddle with them since doing so would be nothing more than him being a prude. Her daughter was now her own woman. Be that as may, Dumas was still planning on doing his job as a father.


As soon as they were done eating, one of Dumas' crew members slammed bottles of rum into the table. A sailor's best friend, the alcohol would keep them warm during the cold ocean nights.

Sharing spirits with a parent wasn't something that Antani treated as the norm, but she waded past the awkwardness so she could have Ellamir's back as Dumas would no doubt try to intimidate her. Basically, Antani stayed so she could look out for both of them because Ellamir wasn't someone who would take threats in stride, especially with Antani involved.

Stefano, Shatter Sound and Gloria got out of their seats and left since they sensed that what was about to be discussed was of paramount importance for Antani and Ellamir.

Yulia was lured by the rum to remain, but ultimately decided to just grab a bottle while flashing the lovebirds a good luck smile.

Dumas poured for two mugs, pushing it as an offering for his daughter and her lover. He poured one on his own and gulped the warm drink, burning his throat on its way to his stomach.

Dumas slammed his now empty mug and looked at Ellamir straight in the eyes, as if he was trying to peer into her soul and discern if she would be truly a good match for her daughter.

"Let's cut to the meat of it, why do you think you're deserving of my daughter?"

"Father!" Antani raised her voice. It was a question that caught Antani by surprise, she was expecting it but not after some warm up questions first like 'how did the both of you meet?' or 'Are you two sure you're ready to bring a child into this world?'

Ellamir didn't take offense and was instead bemused by the bluntness of the question,"It's okay, Antani. I can answer it." Ellamir twirled the mug as she harvested the words from her heart. Like Dumas, she had gulped the rum in one go, slamming the mug with the same force and returning his resolute gaze with a brand of her own. "There are mornings when I would wake up from her embrace, doubting if I am. But one thing that I would never doubt is how much I love her. A love that would give your daughter nothing but my very best. Are you satisfied with my answer, father?"

The balls on the dark elf to call him father on the first night of their meeting. Instead of answering, Dumas poured another on his cup and slowly drank it this time, otherwise his lips might slip into a grin.

"And you." Having composed himself, Dumas turned his attention to his daughter. "You are chasing two dreams at once, both as weighty as the other, if you are not careful you might collapse under the weight of them both."

Becoming a mother and being the one responsible for the fate of their tribes, the latter might seem to hold more weight than the former, but Antani would side with his father that they are equal. Antani clasped Ellamir's hand, as if drawing strength so she could handle them both.

"I am aware, father. Becoming the Queen was something I trained for all of my life. While becoming a parent…" Antani glanced at her lover with an earnest smile. "...is something I know Ellamir and I both can handle."

Dumas sighed. It only seems like yesterday when Antani was still a babe that Dumas held in his arms. Although Antani was born and raised by Ysbeil, Dumas would never fail to visit her daughter once every month, fostering a strong fatherly bond between them however sparse his visits may be.

Now, her daughter was about to form a family.

Dumas poured rum in his mug. There is nothing left for him to do, except…

Dumas raised his mug into the air, "Then I offer you two my blessing."

Pride surged through Ellamir's chest, a different one from the kind that she usually harbors, it was a heartfelt variant that brought a homely smile not only on Ellamir, but Antani as well.

The lovers raised their own mug into the air, hitting Dumas' with a thump.

A toast for the future of Ellamir and Antani's family.

Cutting their celebration short, the door behind Dumas suddenly opened, revealing a haggard blue skinned tiefling, catching his breath as he announced…