Fuck Me To Sleep

The resplendent morning sun shone down on 'The Queen Ysbeil'.

Ellamir was curious about what seafaring is like for the captain, and Dumas was happy to show it to her daughter's lover.

"You set sail, deliver the goods, earn gold. Rinse and repeat." At the elevated helm, Dumas steered the ship with the dark elf by his side. Seeming as if she was an apprentice in training. 

Ellamir nodded, "I see. But what about the pirate attacks, you know, like the one last night?" 

"Raids like those are rare since Silvio was one of the pirates on top of the bounty board. Ordinary pirate ships have only about 10 to 20 crew, my own crew and I can easily take them. out."

"Take them out, huh." The dark elf garnered a stare at the captain, scrutinizing him. He certainly did appear capable last night, but 'capable' wouldn't cut it against Antani. How the hell did this man score a victory over the Amazon queen? 

His hands resting on the wheel, Dumas felt Ellamir's curiosity through her gaze, "Something the matter?" 

"Forgive my curiosity, but how did you defeat the Amazon Queen and sired Antani?" 

Dumas gave a hearty laugh. Ellamir was correct, the Amazons are fierce warriors, and the fiercest among them was Ysbeil. 

"I poked at Ysbeil's pride. Said, 'I bet I can beat you in a fist fight and without any mana whatchamacallit' "

"Mana augmentation." Ellamir corrected.

"Yeah, that. If we fought with weapons or if she was free to augment her strength, I would have been toast as soon as the fight began. The queen even gave me a handicap saying it was my victory if I could land a single punch. Hell, our fistfight was a one sided beat down until I scored a lucky one. After that, we did it and then bam, I fell head over heels for the Queen ever since." 

"Are you two still together?" 

Dumas chuckled, "Us, together? After the deed, I confessed to her. But Ysbeil said she only fought me because she needed an heir. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in terms of who they want to be with, that's why I wasn't that surprised when Antani introduced you."

Ellamir internally applauded the current queen for the lengths she was willing to go through for the Amazon tribes, but luckily, Antani won't have to do the same since Ellamir was already 'equipped' to handle such a scenario.

Antani joined the conversation and wrapped her hands around Ellamir's waist, delivering a morning kiss on the dark elf's cheek, "What are you two talking about?"

"Your mother and how she beat the bloody crap out of me during the festival." Dumas answered.

"Ah, that story." A somewhat ludicrous and inspiring story, a normal man going against the strongest of their tribes. With the combination of tenacity and luck, he was able to score an otherwise unimaginable victory.

Since the ship was now steadily adrift towards their course, Dumas left to give the two some privacy.

Antani leaned at the wooden railing, overlooking the rest of the ship not far from below, while the ocean breeze refreshed her face.

Tomorrow morning they should arrive at the Amazon lands, tomorrow morning Antani would claim her destiny. A destiny already held by her sister, and Alara will not let it go until they pry it from her cold dead hands. The sisters' wants are both equal in terms of the throne.

"Tell me what's bothering you." Ellamir leaned right next to her lover, hoping that she could help alleviate or at least ease whatever was troubling Antani.

"It's about Alara, like me, she's going to give it her all. She can be VERY scary when she's not holding back." The bottomline was that Antani was afraid. Their skills are both equal, honed throughout the years. Yet Alara still has her jotunn heritage to fall back on. What was Antani going to do if Alara's strength had increased? What was she going to do if Alara had now unlocked her soul's Aeon? What was she going to do if…

Ellamir's hand clasped Antani, the anxiety caused by her overthinking were all whisked away along with the sea breeze. 

"My Aeon is yours, I highly doubt the strongest swordswoman I know will lose with my regalia in her hand." With a faint smile, Ellamir encouraged. 

Antani rested her head on Ellamir's shoulder. 

"You're right." 

The lovebirds watched the deck not far from them as Stefano looked absolutely terrified on top of the wyvern, Gloria and Yulia egging him to man up before taking to the sky. 

"I never should have agreed to this, this is a bad idea! Let me down!" Stefano held the reins as tight as he could due to the fear, making his words seem contradicting. 

The mermaid culprit who enticed Stefano into riding the wyvern, was having a giggle at the freaked out cleric. 

"You're going to love it once you're up high, I promise!" Gloria encouraged. 

"Come on, Stefano, maybe being a wyvern knight is your true calling, just give it a shot." Yulia lightly slapped the wyvern's leg, signaling for it to take the cleric for a ride. 

Zargs mighty wings spread, each flap summoned gusts of wind made the two women's hair wave. 

With a mighty draconic roar, the wyvern took the screaming cleric into the sky, "AaAAAaaaaaHhhh!"


The night fell, and as they all went to retire early in preparation for tomorrow's arrival at the Amazon lands, Antani remained restless. 

It had gotten to the point that her constant turning had caused Ellamir to wake up. 

"Can't sleep? Gently, Ellamir wrapped her arms around her lover's  waist and spoke in a hush tone in order not to wake the others up, especially since Shatter Sound was now sharing the bed with them. 

"Aside from my sister, I'm not sure how the tribes would welcome you tomorrow, maybe you should have gone for a disguise after all?" 

Ellamir kissed the nape of Antani's neck, hoping that such gesture would ease her worries. 

"No, I will face your tribes and whatever they will throw at me. After all, we have settled that I should be your retainer, have we not? Then I WILL make them accept me." 

Even though hushed, Ellamir's words were imbibed with such confidence. Antani sofly giggled, she couldn't argue with that determination. 

Suddenly, Antani felt kisses raining down the nape of her neck. A hand gently caressed one of Antani's breasts. 

"Ellamir, we're going to wake up everyone!" Antani warned as she was currently receiving Ellamir's loving touch. 

Ellamir halted her kisses and whispered straight into Antani's ear, "They're all fast asleep, all we must do is not make a single noise. I'm sure I can easily do it, but can you?" 

Antani chuckled, her lover really knew how to push her buttons. 

Before Antani knew it, Ellamir's hand slid down inside of her satinwear as the dark elf gently toyed with Antani's clit, all while leaving love nibbles on Antani's neck. 

Tender their foreplay might be, Antani's passion was ready to spill in the form of a moan, what's more, the thrill of the taboo of being found out added a spice to their love making. 

Still, she held in her tongue. Antani was a hardened warrior, she had no trouble subduing pain, so the same should also apply to pleasure. 

Ellamir gave a condescending smile, "Not a single whimper, good job." 

To which Atani mirrored, "Just like you said, it is easy." 

"We'll see about that once I fuck you good." 

The threat made Antani bite her lip in anticipation. As her satinwear was slid down by her lover, Antani felt Ellamir's raging rod poking her entrance. 

Ellamir smirked, grasping Atani's ass as she prepared for entry, Ellamir questioned "Are you ready?" 

"Stop being coy and give it to me!" Although whispered, Antani's tone was that of a woman begging to be ravaged. Ellamir would be more than happy to.

Ellamir slid her meaty cock into Antani's already wet cunt. Its sheer size alone was enough to massage Antani's love spot as it entered Antani's hole. 

The ecstasy overflowed from her mouth down and into her mouth above, Antani moaned but Ellamir ultimately gagged. 

"Hah, told you." Ellamir gloated for a second, before swaying her hips. 

Antani felt divine as each of Ellamir's slow and steady sway made her legs weak from the pleasure. It made Antani want to yank Ellamir's hand off from her mouth just so she could moan her heart out. 

As Ellamir leisurely pounded Antani to avoid making noises, the dark elf closed in to whisper into her ear, "You love it when I'm deep inside you like this, don't you?" 

Antani took Ellamir's hand with her nod. Ellamir's smirk widened as she kept moving, gladdened that the feeling was mutual. Ellamir loved Antani's wet and tight cunt all wrapped around her rod. 

Soon, orgasm claimed them both as Antani grasped Ellamir's hand on her mouth while Ellamir pulled out, and immediately re-entered Antani. 

"Ellamir, wha-" Antani was perplexed but before she could even finish she felt Ellamir stroking her hair. 

"If you're too anxious to get some shuteye, then why not let me fuck you to sleep? Don't worry, I'll pull out once you do, no one will catch us." 

Oddly enough, the ambivalent sensation of Ellamir's now soft yet still meaty rod filling Antani up whilst having her hair tenderly played with allowed Antani to easily drift into unconsciousness, catching the much needed rest for Antani's confrontation tomorrow.