Imprisoning The Shark

Imprisoning a wereshark is hard, all they needed to do was stretch the bars, bending the metal with their aquatic prowess imbibed in their powerful arms. They might even bite it with their fearsome jaws and rip the metal bars apart just for kicks.

It becomes harder once you realize that your ship nary had such cells durable enough to detain a rampaging great white on legs.

So how is our party planning on accommodating the captured pirate? By intimidation, hoping that she's not foolish enough to act out when the women surrounding her are equally as deadly as her.

Inside one of the empty cargo room, the place was desolate except for team Valhalla, staring at the unconscious wereshark in a chair, wearing nothing but a blanket that Shatter Sound provided to accommodate the wereshark's return back to her humanoid form.

"Why are we even keeping her around!? Her entire crew tried to murder us! This fish woman should be executed along with the rest of her friends!" Up to his usual hysterics, Stefano couldn't get a grip as to why Shatter Sound prevented the wereshark's just deserts. The latter part of his comment made a certain mermaid roll over his foot. "Ow! Obviously I'm talking about a different fish woman!"

"Call me a fish woman again, see what's going to happen to 'ye, laddie." Fin awoke at the denigration of her shark pride, her pirate diction running strong with every word.

A menacing grin, Fin's sharp rows of teeth made Stefano gulp. Tthe grin of an ocean's apex predator struck fear into his chest.

"You heard wrong, what I said was 'mighty shark woman'…" The Cleric hid behind his tiefling mentor. "...please don't eat me."

"Please, I have no desire in eating men." Fin's gaze wandered to Shatter Sound. "Now, you on the other hand…ever been with someone from an ocean clan before?"

"Wonderful, the shark is flirting with the wolf." Ellamir, who was quite amused, chimed in.

"Ellamir, shut up, let them be!" Antani reined her lover in. Romance is not a solution for one's trauma but the distraction might help Shatter Sound ease her mind off of things.

Meanwhile, the one being flirted with in question was stupefied by the wereshark's bluntness. How did they go from beating the shit out of each to one of them confidently hitting on the other? Shatter Sound's cheeks flushed rosy, unable to respond to the wereshark's advance. Elaria was a liberated city, it was common to find couples of the same sex or different races, but this didn't extend to Shatter Sound's clan. She wasn't adverse to the thought, just surprised by the sudden turn of things.

The silence from the target of Fin's affections won't stop her. A pirate will, as a pirate does, Crimson Fin won't stop until she has successfully raided Shatter Sound's heart.

"Where are 'me manners, I am Crimson Fin from the 'Raging Waves' clan. Would the pretty lass mind introducing 'erself? "

Pride surged inside of Shatter Sound at the introduction of clans. A pride that overpowered the skittishness of being hit on.

"I am Shatter Sound, a proud member of the 'Scarlet Talons'."

"So, Sound, 'ye mind telling what's a werewolf like 'ye doin all the way out 'ere, far away from gaia's protection?"

"I'm afraid it's a tale I'm not willing to discuss, all I can say is that I am here to follow my friend's fight for her birthright as queen."

Fin couldn't tell, was she withholding information about her clan in an effort to be mysterious? What she could, is that it's working. Fin wanted to know more about the werewolf far away from home.

The blanket covering Fin suddenly fell to the floor, unabashedly displaying her tantalizing slender figure that's hiding her monstrous strength underneath her ocean blue skin.

Antani and Ellamir's sword were at the ready, watching as Fin walked straight up to the still flustered werewolf. When Shatter Sound does it, becoming unclothed was simply a price she needed to pay for becoming Gaia's guardian. Hell, Shatter sound even felt glorious at being stark naked after her riveting transformation from an 8 foot tall beast, but Fin wielded her nakedness so aggressively that Shatter Sound could feel it directed right at her, making her already rosy cheeks even more red. Shatter Sound who championed how one should be proud of their bareness, turned her head to side.

" Fancy 'aving a chatter with just the two of us? 'Ye could probably tell, but I've taken quite the shine to ya." Fin sprinkled her pirate accent with a bit of coyness, in hopes of luring the werewolf.

"Hold on, you do know that we just massacred the rest of your crew, right?" Yulia was all for the werewolf finding romance, but Yulia had to discern if the wereshark weren't just planning on toying with their party member's heart. After all, Yulia was wise to the game that Fin wanted to play.

"Trust me, we don't get that attached to each other since we're all in it only for the loot. You have no reason to worry for 'yer friend, I simply wish to get to know 'er better."

"It's fine, you can leave us." Shatter Sound calmly voiced out. A decision that garnered all eyes on her. The timid woman who was still recovering rarely vocalized what she wanted, although the party was still a bit dubious of the wereshark, they all saw Shatter Sound trounced Fin. Thus, the party gave the two some time to be alone as they exited the cargo room, all of them returning back to their personal quarters.


After refreshing themselves and changing into their comfy sleeping wear, the party was about to hit the hay, as it was now way deep into the night. The grandfather clock told of the time. It was now 1 in the morning.

"Do you all wonder if those two are going to fuck?" Ellamir nonchalantly questioned as she laid in bed, her hand was over Antani's shoulder as she pondered. The way Ellamir saw it, they were already half there with Fin being naked and all. And It was obvious how much the sea creature thirsted for their companion.

With the proximity of their beds, it wasn't just Ellamir's lover that heard her crude question, but the other three as well. Whose bed was parallel to theirs.

"Ellamir, not everything has to end in sex" Antani reprimanded. It was their first night meeting, for crying out loud.

Serving to prove Antani's question, Ellamir pulled Antani by the waist, staring deep into Antani's eyes, the dark elf put on a coy smile as she tried to make her tone as sultry as possible, "How will our night end, then?"

A giggle escaped from Antani's lips, "Why don't you tell me how do you want it to end?" Antani merely teased the dark elf since Ellamir wasn't getting any tonight. The Amazon wasn't depraved enough to get it on in the presence of their friends.

Meanwhile, the tiefling was having none of it, "It will end with you lovebirds not banging in front of us, thank you very much. And to answer your question, It all depends if Fin is smart enough to recognize that she needs to entice Shatter Sound first to play on our team, see if our resident werewolf is open to the change. But I have to admit, what Fin pulled back there was one hell of an incentive to change sides."

As all three of them laid on the same bed, Stefano couldn't help but be curious about this 'team' that Yulia was speaking of, "Wait a minute, what team?"

With a confident smile, Yulia declared, "The L team."

L? Stefano crunched his head, the hell did his mentor mean by that? "L team? Loser?"

A remark that was immediately met with a flick on his forehead by the mermaid.

"Idiot, it's lesbians! I can't believe I have to explain it since this is a party full of gay women!" Gloria raised her timbre.

"Ow! I didn't know, you didn't have flick my forehead like that…wait a second, I'm not a gay woman!"

Ellamir snickered, "Give it time, pipsqueak, you're adventuring with the right crowd. There's always druid magic if you're ever curious."

The relaxed atmosphere had them chatting, teasing each other until it was 3 in the morning.