Deck Festivities

At the ship's helm, Silvio steered The Devastator via its wheel. The titanic ship gradually turned sideways, true to its name, five massive cannons emerged from The Devastator's side, ready to blow The Queen Ysbeil to kingdom come with a single signal.

Silvio regained his sinister grin once more, sure the tiefling and the mermaid might be trashing his men, but those two sure as shit won't be able to fight the destructive power of his cannons. All he needed to do is to wait for Fin to gather all the loot she can, and then into the bottom of the ocean the Queen Ysbeil goes.

"Gwahahahaha!" Silvio couldn't help but belt out a laugh at how solid his diabolical plan is, he might have encountered a hiccup in the form of those mermaid and tiefling but the pirate captain had full faith in Fin. I mean why wouldn't he when she's literally a wereshark? Silvio could only imagine the bloodshed below the deck. Using his monoscope, Silvio eyed the hatch where fin had entered, expecting her to emerge with gold chests or a fat sack of loot.

Fin would emerge a few moments later, just not how Silvio envisioned.

Suddenly, Silvio saw his wereshark first mate get thrown from out the hatch, flattening some of his men as she landed on them. And from the same hatch emerged another predator whose ferocity is enough to rival the wereshark, a werewolf. The smile on Silvio's face drained faster than a mana starved succubus. Werewolves were supposed to be tree huggers, what the fuck is it doing out in the sea!? What's even more absurd is the fact that it was even wearing a turtleneck!

The wereshark stood, shaking its head as if to shake away the nausea induced by the werewolf's punch. With ruthless eyes, the shark gazed at the wolf. The wereshark grinned, taunting with its rows of razor sharp teeth while the werewolf answered with snarls. The viciousness of the ocean versus the savagery of nature, both of them rushed at each other to discern which would come out on top.

Silvio raised his timbre, "All of 'ye, board their ship and back up Fin, NOW!" The pirate captain had just gone all in. He best get something out of this raid or else his reputation might tank among his fellow sea marauders.

If all fails, then he still has his cannons to fall upon.


As the scalawags kept swinging onto the Queen Ysbeil to back up the wereshark, the werewolf too would have her own reinforcement. All 24 of The Queen Ysbeil's crew who had become aware of the pirate's assault immediately rushed to defend. Including their captain, only 10 of them were trained in combat, it is but a cargo ship after all.

But the two women that spearheaded them are more than just trained. One was the epitome of skill, the other of might.

Antani took in the wild view in front of her. At the bow, Yulia was holding off the swarm of pirates with nothing but a cutlass, applying her paladin swordsmanship with the curved blade, elegantly cutting down the invaders that dared approach. Gloria, was leaving plenty of ice statues in wake of her rune cannon salvo.

And at the center were two predators engaged in a bestial scuffle, exchanging claw swipes and fist blows.

It was total chaos on the deck.

"Looks like the party's already started." The battle lust in the air infected Antani, she unsheathed the sword in her waist with glee.

Ellamir dressed for the festivity, donning her drider armor, "Come, let us get rid of these pests."

The reinforcements that The Devastator sent swinging swarmed the lovers en masse. Before one of the goblins could finish its thrust, Antani's blade had already cut its head, the same goes with every pirate that tried to claim her life.

The dread that Ellamir's armor projected made some of the pirates tremble and in fear, running and finding themselves either stumbling on Antani's blade dance or getting ripped to shreds between the two shapeshifter's monstrous bout. Those foolish enough to charge at the drider head on found themselves brutalized by Ellamir's otherworldly strength.

The tide was shifting as the two newcomers mowed down the pirates as if they were nothing but blades of grass.

At the Devastator's helm, Silvio grinded his teeth in frustration at his useless crew. If they can't even take down one cargo ship then he had no use for them, including his first mate that turned out to be a disappointment.

Silvio grabbed the flintlock from his waist.

In a world brimming with magic, human ingenuity dies at the womb. The hand cannon or what is referred to as the flintlock cannot compete with dwarven forged platemails, halting indefinitely the need to advance what the humans dubbed as their greatest invention in terms of offense.

At point blank, however, it could still blow a hole through a human's skull, but the pirate captain won't hit anyone given the distance to his targets.

Silvio aimed the flintlock up high, shooting the heavens. The bang from its barrel would serve as the signal for a booming sound magnitudes greater than his flintlock.

All five of The Devastator's cannons roared in explosion, one of its shots obliterated a goblin on deck in a cruel act of friendly fire, spreading his limbs across the floor.

As one was about to hit Yulia, unarmored, she had no hopes of tanking the chunk of dense metal, sending the tiefling on an early meeting with Zariel.

Luckily, Stefano stepped up when it truly mattered, shielding Yulia with his Divine Protection from Mithra. The forcefield that shared the color of the sun parried the cannonball.

The other three shots that The Devastator fired off hit The Queen Ysbeil clean, rocking the cargo ship.

But instead of holes mighty enough to bring the cargo ship down under, it merely sustained dents, shaking the entire ship. It would need to fire 2 to 3 more shots to completely punch through the cargo ship's treant wood.

"They're fucking shooting cannons at us!" Antani cursed as soon as she regained her balance from the blast. "Ellamir, throw me at them!"

Antani's plan was simple: with her lover's fearsome throw, she would return the favor and board the enemy ship in kind, massacring those that were manning their cannons.

After Ellamir's punch sent one of the orcs flying, killing him in one vicious blow, she looked down at her lover, "I have an even better idea, follow me."

The two made their way to the deck's edge, bravely staring at the massive cannons only a few distance away from them.

Ellamir undid her transformation and fell onto the floor with grace, "Can you cover me while I use my eye?"

"Can I cover you!?" Antani chuckled. She was offended that Ellamir even asked. To further demonstrate, a human pirate with his cutlass drawn at them came rushing, with a swift slash, Antani struck him down before he could even dare bring down his cutlass. Antani audaciously grinned at Ellamir, that should suffice as an answer.

"Fair enough."

Free from distractions, Ellamir put her legendary artifact to work. She had conducted prior tests to its capabilities during her daily training with Antani.

The eye's magic was easy to invoke, but for some reason it didn't while clad in her drider armor. The only reason she could think of was that the two deadly magics did not mix well with each other.

Be that as may be, the legendary artifact was still very much destructive in its own right. Ellamir was now about to hold a demonstration.

Ellamir's blue iris, the magic circle, expanded into the outside of her eye. Rapidly spinning and growing in size as Ellamir poured her mana into it.

A ray of pure heat, like an energy borrowed from the sun, beamed from Ellamir's right eye.

The energy discharge was so great, that it took every ounce of Ellamir's strength to remain not just upright, but to also turn her neck.

The heat ray sliced The Devastator in half, inflicting its namesake, the devastation Elllamir brought upon the pirate ship caused explosions and fires to consume it.

While the pirate ship slowly sinks into the sea, casting such a mighty magic caused Ellamir to sink into her knees. She was no spell caster, so bringing about a spell so overly potent drained tons of mana, leading to instant exhaustion. The next time they meet, maybe she could ask Maessha some pointers on how to better wield the spell?

Antani immediately rushed to her lover's side, "Ellamir, are you okay!?"

"I am fine. Just give me a couple of moments to rest."

And in that couple of moments, Yulia and Gloria, along with the help of Dumas' crew were able to put an end to the scalawags that dared to invade The Queen Ysbeil.

All pirates except for one, the wereshark.

But even Shatter Sound and the wereshark had reached their limit, with claw marks and bruises all over their bodies, their breathing was as ragged as they could after exchanging nonstop blows.

Even as they were both surrounded by Dumas' crew, they sensed that the duel was personal, it was both that and the fact that they didn't want to be suddenly ripped asunder by any of the two colossal beasts.

With one final blow, both shapeshifters charged at each other with their right fists cocked and ready to claim the victory.

The sound of their punches thundered.

Their faces bent from the impact as their fists landed on one another's head at the same time. The very same fists were now glued to each other's faces, they both waited for the one on the receiving end of their final strike to fall.

And the first to lose consciousness, was the wereshark, transforming back into her base form as she fell to the floor.

Yulia closed in, about to deliver justice with her cutlass.


But before Yulia could bring her sword down, the now human Shatter Sound protested.