Pit of Slaughter

"Ellamir, I didn't expect for you to come all the way here. Tell me, are you here to get your ass handed to you like last time?"

That damn condescending grin from Vicious infuriated Ellamir to no end.

"Fuck you, Vicious! Come down here and I will show you how useless that regeneration of yours is against me!"

The memory of being mercilessly beaten replayed on Ellamir's mind. She knew how terrible of a match she was against Vicious' absurd Aeon, but since her pride was on the line, Ellamir taunted regardless.

Amused, Vicious let out a low chuckled. Ever the feisty one, this spider.

Equally as delighted was the alchemist right next to Vicious. Melsa was brimming from ear to ear at the thought of having this Ellamir as her test subject. An armor gifted from the gods, one that boosts strength to immeasurable heights and renders one highly resistant to magic.

If Melsa could only unlock a sliver of that sorcery, then then her chimeras will become an unstoppable army!

Melsa's joy was interrupted when she suddenly felt herself flung into a princess carry.

"Vicious, what are you doing!?"

"It's getting too crowded in here. I'm evacuating you." Vicious glanced at the drider down below. "We'll have to continue this another time, Ellamir. Oh, and tell your werewolf friend I said hello."

Ellamir is someone that Vicious can handle easily, the centaur and the wood elf would pose no problem. What Vicious can't do, is protect Melsa from Althea's speed.

Vicious would have to make a retreat. A wounded pride is a small price to pay for Melsa's safety.

"Coward! That's right, you better run, you mutt!" Ellamir shouted.

Underneath her armor, Ellamir sighed in relief. For a moment, she wondered if Vicious would call her bluff. Little Ellani was so close to growing up with one parent missing.

One of beetle warriors tackled Ellamir's side, making her slide. Its massive horns gored Ellamir with the intent to shatter her shadow armor.

Ellamir crashed into the wall, crushing the spikes laid with her nigh invulnerability.

The strength of these Warrior beetles are commendable. Although she was blindsided, this red menace was able to make her move. But that's as much internal praise as she was willing to give them. After all, before Ellamir, they are nothing more than...

"Insects. Know your place."

Ellamir clasped both of her hands together and delivered a crushing downward blow, shattering its horn and chunk of its head. Yellow ooze, its blood, sputtered from its head wound as it hit the floor.

It was sight that would inspire fear, seeing comrade brutalized in that manner. But the Warrior caste were bred to battle and even die for their Queen. Fear was as foreign to them as the common language.

Two of the beetle warriors too sprouted wings. The buzzing from their behind were akin a mechanical engine due its loudness. A loudness that irritated Ellamir as they used their aerial momentum to punch the drider.

Two more warriors used on the ground used their massive horn to tackle and gore the spider.

Although one was no match against Ellamir, them working in tandem was starting overwhelm the gigantic spider.

But that was the best that they could do. Their strength might be formidable, it was still no match against Ellamir's.

"You annoying pieces of shits! Die!"

Both of Ellamir's hands, it dug into the Beetle warrior from below, allowing for a solid grip as she threw it onto its oncoming flying comrade. The collision shattered both their chitinous armors.

Meanwhile, the centaur Telmano was going toe to toe with another beetle warrior, his battle axe against its horns.

This warrior before Telmano is tough, but as a centaur, he must show that he is tougher.

Using all of the strength that his horse body could muster, Telmano broke their stalemate and pushed the insect warriors back. With his foe momentarily out balanced, Telmano readied his battle axe to the side...


....with a fearsome shout, Telmano released an arcing swing that dug the blade of his battle axe deep into the insect warrior's side.

The physical fighters are able to fight on an even footing, while the ranger Marionne and his wind arrows cannot penetrate the magic resistant chitin of the beetles. But becoming the wind's allies is not all about devastation.

Knocking his string as far back as he could, Marionne unleashed a wind arrows that turned into a fierce gale that swept his chitined foes, ramming them into the spikes of the wall.

Althea's lightning too, did no damage but her masterful swordplay was able to wedge between the joints and puncture their eyes.

Meanwhile, Yazmin was in possession of a magic that could shred their magic resistance. A sorcery from the gods as fearsome as the drider armor wreaking havoc.

The Gorgon unmasked, her face emitted a petrifying light that turned about a dozen of the insect warriors into stone.

After an hour of fighting, the endless stream of insectoids have abated. The floor was littered with red chitin and yellow ooze, remnants of the fearsome warrior caste that died senselessly for their false queen.

Ellamir dispelled her drider armor, landing gracefully from her height, she bumped her fist on the centaur's pelt.

" You fought well, man-horse." Ellamir's haughty smile fell to the wood elf. "You too, forest twink."

"What the hell did you just call me!?" Telmano roared, his battle axe ready to resort to friendly fire. This dark elf truly is insufferable!

"Heh, man-horse." Marionne snickered.

"You're laughing? She just called you a forest twink!"

"I see no reason to take offense in that. Neither should you, you are half and half after all. Come, we must make sure our friend is safe."

On the far end of the arena, Yazmin made sure that Althea was safe.

"Are you alright?" Yazmin asked.

"I'm a bit tired, but I'll manage. You on the other hand should go see a healer."

Yazmin's skirmish with Vicious was still apparent. Leading to bruises and scratches all around. She was in dire need of a new mask now that her current one is shattered.

Suddenly, a voice from behind Yazmin rung.

"There's no need."

Curious to see who it was, Yazmin turned around to a potion flying right at her.

With an ominous hiss, Yazmin glared. A glare soaked in venomous malice.

"Ellamir. You're the one that killed Zisha, are you not?"