A Celebration

With a little help from their friends in arranging the decorations and furniture, Ellamir and Antani's house now had the semblance of a proper home. The wood used to build it is made from treant, giving it a luster as ages pass. Upstairs, you have windows to let in the fresh air or maybe gaze at the peaceful city. Two bedrooms on either side between the stairs, one as a guest room and one for Ellani when she's finally old enough to sleep on her own. Below, the living room had two wooden couches, perfect for when the rest of the Rogues would visit. The couple's homes were open to them anytime. Right next to it was Ellamir and Antani's bedroom.

The tiefing wearing a blouse sat on the sofa, both her legs raised at the table.

"For ten-thousand pieces of gold, you really lucked out with this house, Ellamir."

The dark-elf put on a casual smile as she sits right next to her Yulia.

"Definitely, it's not that grand but I tried to give the best that I can for Antani and Ellani."

Yulia chuckled, "You princesses are really something. This a house with two floors, what do you mean it isn't grand!? This place is splendid!"

The upbringing that Ellamir experienced are something along the lines of a castle with servants tending to her every whim. A part of her wanted to give that to Ellani, eclipsed largely by the bond that the three of them shared. This humble abode, Antani together with Ellani, Ellamir couldn't ask for a better home.

Antani went to the living room to fetch them both.

"The food are all lined up and the visitors are about to arrive soon. What are you two even talking about?"

"Nothing, Yulia was just praising me, telling me how lucky you are to have me as your lover."

Antani gazed at the tiefling, her smile wry, telling Antani that 'I didn't say that shit.'

Oh, the ego on her lover. Antani sighed. No matter, Ellamir backed up her talk this time with this magnificent house. Antani shall let Ellamir have this one.

"Definitely the luckiest." Antani leaned in to give her lover a kiss of appreciation right on the cheek. "Now get both of your asses by the dining room and join us at the table."

A knock on the front gate grabbed Yulia's's attention, telling the lovebirds to go right ahead as Yulia would be the one to welcome their visitors.

Another couple whose bond were as strong as Antani and Ellamir's. As proof, the woman's belly swelled with the Gorgon's child, seven months in since their trip from the frigid north. Her usual light armor changed in favor of a blue dress, easy to move in despite the child in her belly.

"Hey, you both made it, come inside! The party is just about to start!" Yulia nodded at Yasmin, the snake woman returned the gesture in kind. As Yulia led both into the dining area, the tiefling's curiosity got the better of her. "I'm happy that you're here and all, Althea, but aren't you worried about your kid being born anytime soon?"

Althea chuckled, massaging with tenderness her stomach in lieu of the child inside.

"I'm not due until two months."

"No, way! But your stomach, it looks so huge already!" Yulia meant no harm with her comment but suddenly went quiet as she might have been a little insensitive. "Sorry, I was just surprised."

"It is one of the dangers of siring a half-breed. Countless times I have told her to seek the aid of a druid and let me do the bearing, but no, she insists that she should be the one to carry out child! "

Although vexed, Yazmin held tight Althea's hand. Althea's stubbornness angered Yazmin, the snake woman harbored no fury towards her lover. The Gorgon would do everything she can to ensure that Althea remained stress-free during her pregnancy.

Soon, the three of them arrived to a jovial dining area. Close to the kitchen, the place had tables packed with all manners of scrumptious and plentiful food for the party, celebrating the lovers' new home.

The wild boar that Naya hunted in the wild just for this, now cut into chunks and impaled into a stick. Glazed with a secret sauce taught to Naya by her mother, coating it in a brown sheen for a juicy taste and appearance. Stefano and Gloria both pitched in for the gigantic grilled tuna. The former complaining to the mermaid since only he had to spend silver for the herbs and spices stuffed into the tuna's entire underside where the latter only had to dive into Elaria's fish port. Yulia brought in a whole platter of fishcakes, knowing it is Antani's favorite. And of course, Dragon's kiss, only the finest whiskey for such a fine occasion.

As Yazmin and Althea took a seat in the round table, another loud knock from the gate outside, it was Magna.

"Happy to see me, dear?" The succubus lunged at her lover, close for their lips to almost touch, spacious enough to remain the tease that Magna is.

Yulia smirked, "Always, love."

Magna can tease all she wanted, Yulia will await for her lover to give in as they gazed coy into each other's eyes. Their tails entwined around the other's leg, Magna did away with her teasing and kissed Yulia.

The tender and intimate kiss, followed by the divine sensation of Yulia's mana leaving her body rendered the tiefling dazed, closing her eyes to savor their kiss. Interrupted by the familiar grumpy voice.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, are ya going to let me in or are ya two gonna bang out here in he open!?"

More pissed than usual, Augustia crossed her arms, hoping that she didn't attend an orgy.

"Oops, go right in. Just make a turn to the right, you'll easily find the dining area." Yulia let her dwarf friend pass. Watching the small woman's silhouette fade, Yulia said. "Happy to see you too, Augustia."

"Fuck off!"

"Such a grumpy woman." Magna commented.

"To be fair, we are blocking the entrance."

"Then shall we head inside?"

"How about you give me a kiss first? I missed you."

Magna giggled, "Oh you did? Care to remind me who was in my bedside last night?"

"What, am I not allowed to miss you in the few hours that we are apart?"

Suddenly another voice interrupted the horned lovers. This time it was a bit more understanding but still hinted at the disappointment of finding the tiefling flirting out in the open.

"I'd get a room if I were either of ya."

In each hand, the dwarf carried with him bottles of the finest spirits. Honey rum, a dwarven favorite, the sweetness of honey combined with the kick of rum.

"Oh, Dax, are those honey rums!?" Yulia's expression brightened like a kid in a candy store.

"They are. Ye and yer friends are a troublesome lot, but the lovers deserve to be congratulated."

"Awesome, let's go in and open a bottle of that!"


"Well well, look who decided to finally crawl out of 'is tavern?"

"Cooped up in yer workshop, ya really should be the last person to give me shit about going outside, Augustia."

The two dwarves bantered upon sitting right next to each other upon the round table. A joyous table where laughter were shared among friends over good wine and good food.

Happiness overflowed within Ellamir at sight of the comely gathering, bending her lips into a smile.

Antani sitting right next to her and little Ellani in her lap playing with her doll, add this to the lists of moments that Ellamir wished to last for an eternity.

"Ellani is such a sweet child, do you think if I pulled the doll from her hand she's going to get mad at me?"

Of course, Stefano asked first for one of Ellani's mothers for permission before teasing the little girl.

"Sure, go right ahead." Ellamir gave him her okay for the harmless prank. Certain that a little light-humored meanness should get an interesting reaction out her sweet child.

Slowly, Stefano yanked away the wooden doll that Ellani held. At first there was confusion, then next came Ellani's glare. It looked like she wanted to hurt the cleric but Ellani's demeanor had this cute baby rage. The adorable fury Ellani displayed had everyone laughing. A fury that receded like the tide the moment Stefano returned her doll.

Yazmin and Althea held hands, all smiles, they couldn't wait to have an adorable mini-Yazmin soon.

"Look at that glare, taking after Ellamir at such a young age." The Mermaid taunted.

Suddenly, another knock outside interrupted the festivities.

"That's odd, all that we've invited are already here." Antani said.

"I'll go check it out." The tiefling volunteered, equally curious as to who these mysterious guests might be. The moment Yulia opened the door, her brow shot up in surprise. "No way!"