Day 7 - Return to the City

7 days before the Grand Celebration of Elaria's foundation...

A festive air filled the entire city as flaglet banners hung above the streets. On them, the symbol of a dragonhead can be found, honoring the city's Draconic deity.

With more citizens roaming the streets than usual, these visitors from the neighboring cities arrived early to save themselves the pain of scouring a place to stay for the 8th day, Elaria's Tournament of Glory.

Of course, the city's ever famous open market doled out seasonal goods to fit the occasion. Differen from their usual stock, these rare items were a treat to both locals and tourists.

One such goods were the wooden dragon mask that the kids ran around while wearing. As the kids passed Maessha by, the sight of the young ones enjoying themselves lit up the dark-elf into a smile.

The frost-giantess clasped tight Maessha's cute, tiny hands, compared to Alara's that is.

The beaming Maessha said, "I want to buy one of those masks!"

"Aren't you too old to wear one of those?"

A mischievous smile upon her lips, Maessha broke free from their held hands to rush into the tiefling man's store. Answered by the dark-elf's actions, it was crystal clear for Alara that her lips curved into a smile as well, it was Maessha's own way to tell Alara to loosen up, enjoy the moment.

"How much for the mask?" Maeshha asked.

The tiefling's stall had a menagerie of different masks, ranging from mysterious fox mask to imposing demon-like visage. A true master of his craft, these masks carried with them the aura of mystique and intricate chiseling. But what really drew Maessha in were the draonhead masks. Its long snout fashioned into an overhead design, imbibing it with a badass flare.

"For a pretty lady like you, I'd give it for 5 silvers."

Alara's eyes narrowed at the shopkeep's comment, but ultimately let it slide. A harmless sales talk, Alara recognized.

Giving the shopkee the pieces of silver, Maessha grabbed one of the dragon masks, immediately heading in front of Alara.

"What do you think?" A glimpse of Alara's smile could be seen underneath.

Silly, utterly so. Buy as long as her lover enjoyed herself, it makes Alara happy as well.

"I think it suits you. But you know what suits you more?"

Maessha tilted her head, "What's that?"

"My lips on yours."

Raising the mask's snout, Alara descended for a kiss, chaste and sweet. They were lost in the softness of each other's lips that they both failed to notice the playing children from before now gathered before them, bearing witness to their love.

Their wide, innocent eyes had Maessha giggling as she dove into Alara's chest.

Afterwards, both headed deep into the market in search for the druid stall, fulfilling a spicy promise they made while they were on adventure together.


Browsing the various druidic remedies brewed, ranging from healing salves, ointments, to other more lascivious concoctions like different flavored lubes extracted from slimes. These druids sure know how to use nature and harness it its fullest potential.

Maessha's wait now comes to halt as the woman with cervine horns emerged from the back of the shop, flashing her a smile. As expected arming Alara with a dick through druidic magic went without fail. And speaking of, the giantess followed right behind the druid. The smile on her face not so jovial as the Druid's, it was a bit more coy, for she now carried a 'package' that her dark-elf lover would love to handle.

As evidence, Maessha's eyes stuck like glue to this newly emerged bulge lining in Alara's battle skirt.

"Take a portrait, hang it on your wall so you can stare at it all day." Alara teased, walking body to body towards her lover.

How dare this Frost giantess act so smug!? Maessha smirked. Being told off like she was some kind of lecher gazing at Alara's bulging junk...oh, wait, Maessha was.

"Shut up! If you're done, let's go home!"

But of course, Alara would not let her lover simply stare. The freedom to explore her body, Alara, she wanted for Maessha to do so.

Slowly, Alara grabbed Maessha by the wrist. Alara's lips arced into mischief.

"What are you doing, Alara!?"

Before Maessha knew it, Maessha gasped. Her hand pressed into Alara's dick. Its warm virility she could feel through the fabric. Mighty and long, one that fit the giantess' stature.

Even though they were hidden by the vial rackk, they could still hear the passersby, this public groping was unbefitting for a princess such as Maessha! And yet she could not help but admire how potent Alara's new cock is even in its flaccid state. A cock that paired well with Alara's muscular physique. The blame has to fall on Alara for this groping. Maessha bit her lip while her hand continually admired her lover's meat. Oh for sure, Alara was the one to blame.

"I-I don't know if this will fit in me." There is worry in Maessha's tone, but in spite of it, there is excitement.

Enjoying the tender touch on her junk, just a little more and Alara might sport a hard-on. Ah, she should stop this now or else she's going to walking all the way home looking like some degenerate pitching massive tent.

Alara leaned in to her lover's pointy ear, "We'll make it fit, I'll be gentle while I slowly push every inch inside of you."

Such indecent proposition had Maessha gasping! Her obdsidain cheeks not flushed red! Screw her royal dignity, Maessha had no qualms if Alara took her then and there!

Alas, the druid's shout broke them out from their lustful haze.

"Hey, no fucking inside the store! See the sign!?" A rare occasion to see this Druid upset, it was simply bad for business to have customers fornicating in her shop. It was indeed a 'solid' advertisement for her sevices, but the indecency drives away potential customers.

Thus, a sign was put up with two creatures that appeared to be banging and a giant red X plastered over them. An easily understood sign even by those that did not speak common.

Maessha and Alara giggled before heading out of the shop.