True Blue

Sitting upon the living room floor, Ellamir held her daughter in her lap. This boundless ball of energy contained by her mother's loving embrace.

"Ellani, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Hardly a question to ask a 2 year old. The path that her daughter would walk in life tickled Ellamir's imagination.

The little dark elf nestled into her mother's arms, a doll in her hand.

"I want to be strong, like mama!" Ellani hand pointed straight to the Amazoness sitting at the couch close to them. Perhps Ellani wanted to be an adventurer? Her limited vocabulary hampered any elaboration.

Watching the two bond and delighted by her daughter wanting to follow her footsteps, Antani's lips arced into warm smile.

"Oh? This might come as a surprise to you, little one, but I am stronger." Ellamir raised her objection. Antani paid her claim no heed for the sake of their family time.

"But you become into big spider! I don't like spiders!"

Every dark elf would recoil in horror upon hearing Ellani's words. To shun spiders would be to shun Lolth. A shunned Lolth would mean a doomed Dark elf in the under dark.

But they are not in the underdark.

And for this very reason Ellamir was able to laugh off her daughter's remark.

"That's a fair point." Ellamir admitted, followed by a kiss on her daughter's cheek.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Alara and Maessha giggling about. Alara's hand around her little sister's waist sparked a glare from Ellamir.

"Aunties, let's play!" Ellani beamed as she propositioned the two.

"Maybe later. Auntie will take you around the market, alright?" Maessha felt no guilt turning down the child for her mothers supplied her with an abundance of attention.

Ellamir's gaze followed the two as they made their way upstairs, her hands pressing to block Ellani's pointy ears, turning to her lover.

"Those two are going to fuck, aren't they?"

Antani laughed, "And? Are you jealous of them?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Ellamir would never trade every moment spent with her precious daughter to anything else. Now, they can't be as frisk as they were before in fear of Ellani's youth becoming tarnished. After a moment of pause, Ellamir gulped her pride. "Okay, I admit I am."

"Then let our sisters have their fun. They promised to take a stroll with Ellani later, didn't they?" Antani flashed her lover a coy smile.


Back in Maessha's room, Alara's muscular arms spared not a moment as she lifted Maessha the moment the door closed behind them.

Maessha's famished hands sated itself on the back of Alara's hair as their kiss held not an ounce of innocence, but mired deep in passion. Lips biting and tongues clashing.

As much as Alara would love to kiss Maessha all evening, her new 'toy' below sought a much erotic play.

Thus, Alara tossed lightly the dark elf into the bed.

Hands setting her upgright, while her slender legs went side by side, Maessha's form was that of a coy maiden awaiting for her lover to bare her all.

And bare all Alara will as she shed her upper brassiere to reveal her modest breast that meshed fantastically with her abs. The muscles of a warrior spruced with the feminine.

For the moment they are both waiting for, Alara undid her battle skirt to unveil her blue, meaty rod. It was magnificent to feel under her skirt, but see it in all its girthy glory was enough to make Maessha gasp.

"Would you rather stare at my dick all night or have your insides rearranged by it? Strip." The smug Alara posed her question. The way her new cock fit Alara's toned physique was a sight to behold. Maessha hand no problem with former, but being pounded by the blue baton before was far too enticing to pass up.

Ordering Maessha around, the nerve of her lover order her like she was a back alley harlot. Maessha smirked, removing her clothes while commenting, "That cock suits your ego."

"Damn right it does."

Maessha's flawless obsidian skin now free from any article of clothing, her lithe body glistened like a gem.

Holding both of Maesha's ankles, the dark elf giggled as she was playfully pulled towards her lover's raging phallus.

There laid on Maessha's stomach Alara's dick, its length and hardness pressing upon her, a prelude to this monster of a cock about to ravish her pussy.

"Ready to be claimed by an Amazoness?"

Claimed? As far as Maessha was concerned, her heart had been Alara's for quite some time now. Maessha simply smiled.

"Be gentle now, I'm not even sure if it would fit in me."

"Trust me, you'll take and love every inch."

Bracing to enter Maessha's folds, Alara gently rubbed her lover's clit, sticking out like a pink beacon in a sea of obsidian.

Alara's breathy tone goaded, "That's it, relax. Let me in. "

With one push, an inch of Alara's bulbuos head slid. Maessha moaned as she gazed below, it wasn't even half of Alara's head and her entrance was stretched wide already!

A continuous clit rub to ease her entry, Alara once again rocked her hips ever so slightly. This time, letting Maessha's pussy take her entire head. A velvetty softness that gripped her tight, one that did not prevent, but begged Alara to push through and go ever deeper.

Maesha's spread legs quivered in delight as Alara's thick, meat stick slowly slid inside. Hitting all the right spots by virtue of filling her entirely. In obsecene admiration, Maessha was in awe at how much how deep she was able to take in Alara's fat cock.

"I think half of it would do." Alara declared. There was no point in plunging it all when half had Maessha arcing her back. It was lovemaking, Alara needed to ensure that her pleasure wasn't the focus. "I'm going to start moving now."

And move Alara did, her hips swaying into this slow and tender rhythm. A rhythm Maessha could feel in her pussy as each wihdrawal and sudden thrust of Alara's girth engraved into Maessha's nerves a euphoria unlike any she had experienced before.

It did not even register to Alara anymore that she was fucking senseless the daughter of the Mad Queen that drove their tribe from their homeland. The only one Alara recognized underneath her was the kind-hearted Dark elf that Alara would like to keep happy for as long a she could, to enjoy and get lost in the moment with.

Thrust after thrust, Alara picked up the pace. Their moans, hot and heavy, entwined like their nethers.

Minutes later, Alara settled for one final push, banging a bit mode than half of hee virile rod into Maessha. Pulsing with joy at the fleshy embrace of Maessha's pussy upon it.

Back arched to its fullest, euphoria surged all over Maessha as she too achieved orgasm from their lovemaking.

Both glistening from the afterglow of thei intense orgasm, the buff giantess laid on the bed to spoon the dark elf.

The now soft cock that ravaged Maessha pressed upon her backside, Maessha was all all smiles, satisfied to the fullest.

"How was it?" Oddly enough, Alara ensured that her lover was sated. It was her first time with her sword between her legs, feedback from the Dark elf would do her good. Hoping that Alara did indeed do Maessha good.

"You were amazing! What, my moans not good enough of an indicator for you? I knew a cock would suit you better than it did me."

Feeding Alara's ego be damned, Maessha will praise this frost giant for the virility she exhibited! If need be, Maessha will become a town crier and shout to everyone her overwhelming bedroom zeal!

Alara giggled as the two cuddled for a little before fulfilling their promise to Ellani...

...but fate had other plans as Maessha sat upright, possed by hysteria.

"Mother, she is here!"