An Artificer's Bargain

"Saw this one snoopin' around our camp."

Garuk threw the man to the tent's floor. Scared witless, the human clutched his metallic case. A gesture that cast down the eyes of the outlaws like those of wolves, gazing at a hapless rabbit. Whatever was inside that case, they can simply pry it from this man's corpse. No rush, they will simply do what they do best, find out whatever else they can squeeze from someone stupid enough to come snooping in their abode.

It was Morrgen that drew his weapon first, the cocking of his flintlock pistol made the man gulp.

"Ya look like a reasonable fella, why would ya think it would be a bright idea to drop by an encampent full of outlaws? Depending on yer answer, we might just settle for yer gold and leave ya with yer life."

"Morrgen." A stern gaze from Miryam was all it took for the wolf to stop playing with its food.

"Alright, I lied. Yer dead regadless of yer answer, but least we don't hafta make it painful."

Slamming a dagger at table, a threat well perceived as the man once again cowered. Rellana smirked.

"Who says we don't? I say we hang his head by the camp's entrance. Let it serve as a warning if another will be as stupid as him."

A keen eye for the profit, Miryam noticed there is more to be squeezed from this man than just his life and the gold he carried. His trousers and coat well-kempt, although trembling with fear, there is resolve in his gaze. Brave, but ultimately foolish. There is a reason why this man sought them, Miryam will hear it.

"State your reason for coming into my camp. I cannot guarantee your life..." Miryam took a quick glance at Rellana. "...but I can at least promise you that your corpse will not be desecrated."

"Tsk." Rellana clicked her tongue, leave it to her lover to ruin her fun.

Dusting off his coat, as well as his fears, the man stared back at these vicious murderers. One slip and he would end up with a bullet in the head. The creases on his aged face straightened as he put on a front of bravery.

"I am Maxwell Colt, Havardin's leading artificer."

Morrgen chuckled, "I thought you artificers are a smart bunch? You being here doesn't seem all that smart to me."

"I suppose so. But wait until you have seen what I have in store for you." Maxwell readied the case. His smile, a beacon of hope amidst danger he was in, albeit a bit cocky. "You all fancy yourselves as the best shooters the south has ever seen. 'The Havardin Vipers' are second to none.', that is your reputation is it not?"

What was in the steel case? Could it be a magical object of some kind that will harm them? Even so, Rellana couldn't help but be swayed by this artificer's speech.

"You're damn right we are! No other gang, or officers of the law can come close!"

"Then it would only be fitting that you be given arms fitting for your marksmanship!"

Free from the shackles of fear, the articer shone with the elation of a madman. A madness channeled from the finest weapons the human hands crafted.

Lifting the lid of the case, the Vipers all gaped their jaws in awe. Right in front of them were guns, but unlike they had seen before. Its metallic barrel ever so slick. A majesty that shone in deadly silver.

Morrgen whistled, "Well ain't those the prettiest pieces I've ever laid my eyes upon."

"They're beautiful, aren't they!? I call them Colt Revolvers!"

Compelled by a gunslinger's desire, Morrgen and Rellana both rushed to grab each of the colts.

Entranced by the lethal silver, the two Vipers admired how magnificent it felt in their hands more than the flintlocks they currently owned.

A devious glint in their eyes, Morrgen and Rellana whipped their new toys straight at each other's faces.

An insidious test of camaraderie of some kind, they exchanged a grin before spinning the revolvers into a holster.

Enthralled by beauty of his creations, William was sure he now had the two gunslingers in his pockets, its time he let them know what his true intentions are.

"There is more where that came from. If you can escort out of Havardin into Elaria, I will let you keep these guns and plenty more. And of course, once I create new patents, it will the Vipers that will have the honor to test them out."

Miryam tilted her head, "You think we're some kind of adventurers you can enlist?"

If Miryam would admit, the new guns are indeed fancy as they are deadly. But she was a swordswoman first and foremost. Their flintlock will do right by them just as it had since the beginning.

Foregoing their relationship as subordinate and boss, Rellana ran to shake Miryam by the shoulder.

"We have to take his offer, Miryam! Can't you see how fucking magnificent these guns are!? Our flintlocks look like relics when matched side by side! Come on!"

The sight of Rellana with a child-like glee was a first. That reason alone was enough for Miryam. A boss must spoil their subordinates from time to time.

One sway of Miryam's hand, Rellana knew it was time to back off.

"Let's make things interesting, shall we? On top of your offer, I want 150 pieces of gold."

The predator that she is, Miryam sensed this man's desperation. This Naga will squeeze him of his gold before offering any assistance...and he will accept.

"I..." William hesitated, until regaining his resolve. 150 gold is nothing compared to how sweet his revenge will turn out to be. "...I accept your offer."

"Good. Now, let us discuss the heart of the matter. Fill us in on what has brought you to seek the assistance of outlaws." Miryam said.

"An artificer's exhibit shall commence in Elaria's festival in a few daya. I mean to head on over and present my invention so I can garner investors. For the past exhibits, it had always been Augustia that took the title 'Visionary of the year', but no more! My revolvers will grab the eyes of both judges and masses!"

Rellana drew her revolver, "Ya want us to kill this Augustia or somethin'?"

"No! I want her alive to see me snatch the title from her!" Although putting down the dwarf was tempting, he respected Augustia and her talents as an artificer. Therefore, William shall prove he is better. "Dyablos, have you heard of them?"

"Dirtiest outlaws in all of Havardin. Filthy enough to make us look squeaky clean sometimes." Morrgen chimed in.

Extortion, blackmail, illegal drugs, gambling. Any illegal activity, Dyablos has their hand in it. Of course, an organization as evil as the Dyablos are not some you would want to trifle with.

"When making these guns, I made the stupid mistake of asking them for funding. Now, they demand from all the royalties I will make! I want you to escort me to Elaria, where the Dyablos will be unable to touch me!"

Morrgen and Rellana turned their heads at Miryam. The situation changed, even as Vipers, there are moments when they must be wary of who they bite.

Miryam smiled, "Well, then. It seems the Vipers will have an audience with the devil."