Maessha's Visitors

2 Days before the festival...

Gazing at the window of her room, the view from high above Saheilla's manor differed greatly from her sister's home.

What could little Ellani be up to right now? How about her dear sister? Fooling around with Antani perhaps, leaving Alara to take care of their niece.

The same myriad houses below imparted to Maessha some kind of longing as she lacked the person she would usually share the sight with. A bitter smile crept across Maessha's face. Looks like the time their paths would once again cross will be at the arena. How Maessha wished she could see Alara before the tournament.

As if her longing heart teleported her lover to her side, a thud granted Maessha's wish, Maessha gasped and almost fell on her backside as a humongous mass of fur loomed by the window. Claws dug deep into the brick wall, giving them both a solid support as the giantess rode the werewolf.

Since the purpose was to see Maessha, and Naya, a family friend, she would not give any ulterior meaning to the fact that Alara rode another woman.

"Alara, how...what are you doing here!?"

Elation jumbled with worry, Maessha knew that Alara should not be here. And yet her smile told of how happy she was that the Blue giantess was right in front of her.

"Just swinging by. Came to see how much you missed me." Alara casually teased, maneuvering herself to jump from Naya's back and into her lover's room.

A bravado that made Maessha giggle. How badly she missed Alara? Painfully so. But if Alara would be coy about it, then so will Maessha.

Walking up to her 8 foot tall lover, Maessha flashed upwards a teasing smile before asking, "Care to wager a guess?"

Alara's answer came in the form of her muscular arms pulling Maessha, making it apparent that the affliction of longing was something Alara suffered from even more. Slowly, Alara's lips took its descent.

By the Gods, how much Maessha missed being held by Alara's strapping arms like this. Thus, she closed her eyes to savor the reunion of their lips.

The world itself seemingly stopped, only the beating of their hearts and their sweet kiss mattered.

The low growl of their companion turned the gears of time. Naya hated to ruin this moment, but this ominous aura that lingered in the air made her uneasy.

As Gaia's champions, the werewolves are a ward against evildoers and wicked spirits, there is a resident in the mansion that exuded an aura of both.

A vileness that assaulted her sixth sense, making her close to gagging. How horrid.

Hearing Naya's call, the two broke their kiss. The carefree demeanor of Alara replaced by solemn pleading.

"Come with me, why stay here with your wretched mother when you can be with us? Your sister, the rogues, Ellani. And me. We all miss you."

Breaking free from Alara's embrace, Maessha expression took a sour turn.

"You don't understand, I am here to keep mother in check. Without me to stop her, she will seek Ellani at the cost of a mortal scuffle with my sister, of that I am certain."

Her mother was a self-lighting dynamite, tossed into room filled with powderkegs, her vigilance needed to always step on the fuse. It's been a miracle that she could suppress Zorrla's curiosity to witness her granddaughter firsthand. Maessha feared that without her, Ellamir's family innocent life will be caught in the blast. One that her sister did not deserve after years of torment.

"Then let us confront your mother right now! End her meddling once and for all! Set her lunacy straight!"

Maessha let out an unamused chuckle, "Set my mother's lunacy straight!? You'd have a better chance at punching a hole in the moon. Leave, my love. Don't make this any harder for the both of us."

Gripping Maessha's wrist, Alara made sure not to put enough force. It wasn't to hurt, but to remind Maessha the reason that Alara came. It was...

"I'm not leaving without you."


The mad laughter of Zorrla echoed in the darkness of night. Even with the werewolf's senses on high alert, it was as if the shadows hid this giant drider clad in an armor of malice.

Naya winced at the figure that emerged from the darkness in front of her. All eight of her legs bull-rushed towards the werewolf. The spider that she was, Zorrla ran sideways easily as she could above ground.

The source of the wickedness now in her vision, she must slay this monster or she does not have the right to call herself Gaia's defender. This woman was an evil that shouldn't exist.

The werewolf's instinct telling her to run, for she knew how potent in combat this Drider armor was. Ellamir was a close friend, after all. Her pride as Gaia's guardian will accept no other recourse but to engage this shadow beast head on!

Facing the moon up high, Naya let loose a howl, a rite to bless her and dedicate this fight to the earth mother. Her legs and arms tensed to its fullest, Naya lunged at the speeding drider!

A prey delivering itself to her wicked embrace!? Under her armor, Zorrla's lips curled into a devious arc. So too, did Zorrla use her legs to leap and meet the werewolf mid air!

As the Werewolf and Zorrla tangled in a violent whirlwind of punches and claw swipes, Alara was about to jump below before fist of pure ice shattered the wall and slammed into Alara, throwing her out of the window.

"Saheilla!" Maessha shouted, suiting up in her shadow armor to strike down her mentor that dared to attack her lover.

Palm wide open, Maessha blasted Saheilla with a black fireball to seal the deal on who was more important.

The hand of ice that punched her lover out the window quickly retreated to form to deflect Maessha's fireball.

Obliterating a good chunk of her ice hand, pride surged within Saheilla. Perhaps she had the makings of a great mentor after all. But now, her unruly student needed a lesson in discipline.

"I have eyes and ears at every corner of this manor.

Did you truly think you can elope under my nose?"

While her ice slowly reformed, electricity vortexed around Saheilla. A conduit of arcane power, twin strands of pure lightning lashed out towards the armored Maessha.

Arms crossed to block the strike, the innate magic resistance from her Shadow Armor negated the ruinous lightning.

The moment Maessha uncrossed her arms, the same arm that struck her lover knocked her out of the Manor.

"My, my, you two are such a perfect match." Saheilla taunted, standing on top her ice hand as it hovered down to the ground.

Below, a brutal melee unfolded.

"Sneaky little pup! I'm going to turn you into a rug if I ever get my hands on you! Kyahahaha!"

Zorla laughed with glee, even as Naya avoided all of her punches. All the more sweeter it will be when Zorrla gets to flay that wonderful fur.

Naya's right hand swiped at Zorrla. The werewolf claws able to scratch through steel failed to even leave a dent at the malice that forged Zorrla's Drider armor.

As Zorrla countered with a mean left hook, the werewolf ducked. Her bestial agility letting Naya reposition behind Zorrla to deliver a devestating dropkick straight to her spine, making Zorrla's armor clang on impact.

Dexterity was a trait for spiders, lagging Zorrla might be in terms of speed. One poor choice of attack was all Zorrla needed to capitalize upon. All eight of Zorrla's legs spun, delivering a backhand as violent as it is disrespectful.

The attack sent Naya flying.

The recently fallen Alara immediately jumped to the rescue, catching mid-air the battered werewolf.

Tilting her head, the spider took her time with her stride. If they turn their backs on Zorrla, it shall be the last mistake they have the luxury to make. Carefully examining the buff giantess, this one has got to be from Ysbeil's litter. At least there is solace in the fact that Maessha knew how to pick well, combining both looks and status. Such a shame since Zorrla needed to kill her still. For Lolth's name.

"You greedy Amazoness, I take your land and you take two of my daughters!? Hardly a fair trade, don't you think so?"

The isle that the Amazoness resided far benefited them than their previous settlement. Homes and their palace constructed with the help of their Fae allies. The vegetation more lush, leading for more animal to hunt.

Alara pointed her spear straight up at Zorrla.

"It's not about our land. That is a thing of the past. I am here for your daughter's hand. I shall take her into our isle give the future she deserves, one that is free from a madwoman like you."

"What is it with you Artemis' spawn and my daughters!? Fine. You can take Maessha over my dead corpse." Zorrla spread her arms, welcoming even death for this glorious scuffle that she would dedicate to Lolth. "Now come, I can play with both you and that pup. Kyahahahaha!"

"Mother, Alara, cease this lunacy at once!" Standing between the exchange of murderous glares, Maessha shouted.

"Maessha, perfect timing. Be a dear and help your allies. They will need all the assitance they can get. I promise not to injur you too badly with the tournament right around the corner."

"What if I told you I can arrange for you to meet with Ellani? On the condition that you let Alara and Naya walk away."