Head Over Heels

"I will keep her," Allen announced, disrupting Violet's train of thoughts.

"What did you say? You're keeping her?" There is disbelief in her voice.


"You're not! What if her owner searches for her?" she reasons out. Violet averted her gaze when Allen scrutinized her.

"So what? Finder's keeper," said Allen with a sweet smile like he had received a reward. "I will assume that it was your late birthday gift for me."

Violet was astounded at his behavior. Allen is always acting childish in front of her, which annoys her real good all the time. But this kind of side of him is undeniably cute in her eyes.

'Ah! You must be crazy, Violet! This guy would never look cute!' Violet shook her head after a part of her protest. She must not forget what he did on his birthday. And so Violet snapped at Allen.

"You seem to have forgotten that you stole something from me and said it would be your birthday gift from me! I didn't agree to that, and I want it back! Now you are claiming this as ...."

Allen's phone suddenly rang, interrupting Violet's rant. 'This is so frustrating!'

Violet's blood boiled in anger when Allen turned around and answered the call, ignoring her.

"Alright. I'm on my way." Allen said to the caller.

Violet was eaten up with curiosity about who the caller was.

"There is an emergency. I have to go." Allen announced, snapping Violet out of her trance.

"Huh? No one is stopping you. Just get lost." said Violet coldly, motioning her hand for him to leave.

Allen noticed how soured Violet's face was. He felt vulnerable. Whatever he would do, the girl would not warm up with him. Allen's sighs were filled with sadness that Violet missed noticing because she was fuming with jealousy over the call he received.

'Is that his girlfriend?'

'And why are you concerned?'

'Ah! You are out of your mind talking to yourself!'

Violet was in a debate with her inner self when suddenly an arm hooked around her waist, and she was slammed into a firm chest.

Before she realized it, her lips were claimed by Allen. "You!"

She planned to follow the guy and confront him, but he vanished too fast from her line of sight. Not long, she heard a hovering sound of an aircraft leaving the White House Garden parking area.

Violet knew it was Allen's private air transport. She ran toward the sundeck and watched the leaving aircraft. Allen is also looking in her direction and flashes a sad smile.

'You giant beast! Stealing Kiss should be a crime, and Kiss Stealers must punish! And I should be the one who looked wrong, not you!' Violet fret inwardly. She bit her lower lip, and her heart whispered into the air.

"Why are you the one who looks sad over me?"

Violet reached her chest and kneaded it with force when an unknown pain struck her heart out of the blue. She felt like a piece of her heart was cut and pulled out. That feeling was like; she was a flower, and one petal fell off from her stem.

"You a**hole. Give my heart back to me."


Meanwhile, Allen couldn't take his eyes off Violet, even though she looked like just a dot now because of his distance.

What a short moment of happiness. His eyes show sadness because of that.

How unfair his life is when it keeps robbing him.

"Meow…" the kitten purred.

Allen blinked and fixed his gaze on the kitten in his palm. It finds solace being carried like this.

"Hah. You seem like your momma, who is idly. Are you just going to sleep? Then go ahead. We will be there shortly."

After twenty minutes, Allen's aircraft landed at the Williams Research Center in Mainland City. After a thorough security check, Allen entered the building.

As the facility owner, he still must pass through the strict protocol to get a clearance. The technology of today's era can easily clone someone, and Allen is no exception.

[Welcome, Doctor Williams.]

"Hello, Violet. Give me the status of the facility."

Presently, reports appeared in front of Allen he read while walking toward the elevator.

[These are the reports of how much the hacker breached our data. Doctor Lao immediately launched a counterattack, and the hacker failed to reach my central system.]

"Great. Take me to Level 5."

Allen entered the elevator, and his personal AI, named Violet, took him underground.

At Level 5, Allen walks through many closed doors, only opened by his AI.

"Man, finally, you are here."

Allen was greeted by a man leisurely lounging in a wheeled armchair.

"You don't look like someone who just had a battle against my cousin," he smirked at Randy.

"Howard Shen is getting better at it." Randy Lao twitched his mouth as displeasure appeared on his face. "From here on, we cannot take a wink any longer but keep our eyes open."

Allen glanced at Randy as he walked straight toward the large glass window and peered at the colossal machine down below.

"There is nothing to be surprised about. Howard will never stop until he can hack Violet's system to destroy the Time Machine I am rebuilding."

Level 5 Underground is where Allen rebuilt the time machine Howard Shen destroyed ten years ago. It took many years for him to finish rebuilding the entire facility, and now that everything is all ready, he was trying to work the machine.

"What is that?" Randy was astounded when something was moving in Allen's pocket. He walked over and looked at the coat pocket.

"This?" Allen took out the kitten from his coat pocket and showed it to Randy; both the kitten and the guy were shocked to meet each other.

"The hell you are bringing a kitten here?!" Randy's voice echoed in the entire room, surprising the kitten.

"Hey, calm down...." Allen coaxed the kitten when it wanted to jump off him. He glared at Randy. "Why are you reacting like that?"

Randy flutters his eyelashes while staring at the kitten. He stuttered, "That… that…."

"What?" Allen felt annoyed by him. The guy seemed to overreact when it's not the first time he is bringing home a pet. "The security didn't see any threat, but this kitten is legit with cat flesh."

"That is not what I am overreacting to," Randy mouthed. "When would you stop fostering animals with the same eye color as Violet?"

Allen lowered his gaze at the kitten, who looked up at him. Randy is actually correct. He would not pick a pet if it didn't have green eyes.

"Man, aren't you getting too obviously head over heels to Violet?" Randy commented. It earned him a dagger look from Allen. Just that, as childhood friends, he witnessed how Allen teased Violet to the point she would go home crying. "What would Violet's reaction be after she learned your AI was named after her? If I were Violet, I would get angry and think you were making fun of me. How dare you create an AI who looks like me to enslave?"

"I enslave my AI?" Allen raised a brow. "Isn't the purpose I created them to help me run this facility?"

Randy immediately shut his mouth and smiled nervously.

"I know that... You created the twin AI, Flora, and Violet, for a profound purpose. Forget I said anything, and I will forget that you were fostering pets because they have green eyes like Violet…."

"Randy Lao!"

"Ah! Since you were here. I better have my shower! Goodbye!" Randy dashes out of the room, leaving Allen speechless.

"Tsk!" Allen sneered in his heart, throwing sharp glares at Randy's disappearing silhouette. "His father is Uncle Rudolf, but he is as nosy as Uncle Daichi."