For the next two days, Allen poured his time creating a code for a new program he would upload to the time machine. Randy inspected the giant power cords he connected to the device to prepare for the test run.

For the past two years, he has been helping Allen complete rebuilding the device. But the last test run three months ago left them terribly messed up.

Randy and Allen spent enormous time fixing the machine; however, even though they failed, Allen never gave up. He even worked harder on the program, hoping it would work this time—something Randy admired about him.

"Do you think it will be successful this time?" Randy communicates with Allen through a small screen on the left side of his vision. He installed nanoparticles as software on contact lenses he wore to create an invisible computer screen to monitor everything.

After a while, Randy waited for a reply, but the other side remained silent. He walked to the elevator, climbed up to the Control Room, and then sat down on the wheeled chair while his eyes fixed on Allen.

Keisha, the kitten, approached Randy, rubbing her tiny body on his leg. He wants to pet the kitten, but Allen does not allow anyone to hold her except for the robot he made as Keisha's nanny.

'I can't believe it!' Randy was in disbelief when the robot Allen made was named after him.

The other day, he was surprised to see the new robot inside the Control Room guarding the kitten sleeping comfortably on a heart-shaped cat bed.

"Tsk! How lucky you are! But if you don't have those beautiful green eyes, your owner would not be interested in fostering you. I wonder if he even realizes that he is too obsessed with Violet. Everyone did not see this, but I know he had this kind of hobby. What can you say, huh?"

[Doctor Lao…]

"Eh!" Randy was startled when the robot suddenly moved and looked at him fiercely. He asked the robot. "Who are you?"

[My name is Randy. I am Keisha's nanny.]

"Nanny!???" Randy could not believe that Allen would go this far. His finger pointed at the robot, but no words came out as the news astounded him. 'Damn! I'm having a chill down my spine now.'

[Doctor Williams built me to watch little Keisha's wellness 24/7]

'Wellness my ass! How lucky this kitten truly is. Tsk! Why did he not give me a nanny too? I need to be pampered as well! I sacrificed my nightlife for him. Did he even care? How dare he treat the kitten better than me!' Randy is fuming while having this thought.

The door opened, and Allen came in with a can of cat food not long after.

"Tsk!" Randy could not paint the displeasure written on his face, which Allen immediately noticed.


Randy frowned and took the opportunity to complain. "How could you name that robot after me?"

"Why the fuss? Is it you who gave me the idea?"

Randy dropped his jaw. He could not believe that Allen would hold a grudge against him.

'I'm just telling you the obviousness of your hobby that is actually crazy!' However, he could not voice this out to Allen. He wants to live, of course.

Randy could not recall the exact day. All that he remembered, Allen began fostering animals during their college days. He and Allen accelerated their grade level many times, so they started college when they were fifteen.

Attending Leroy Collins University in New Jersey is not a fun memory but loneliness for Allen. That is why Randy did not question him in the past. But then, it became a hobby, and it continued even after they graduated from three courses and began rebuilding the Williams Facility five years ago.

One day, he realized after they went back to Mainland City that Violet had grown into a gorgeous lady. She possesses a pair of beautiful green eyes that are none alike. Since then, he understood why Allen kept bringing home those stray dogs and cats, even a bird, as long as it had green eyes.

Growing up with Allen, standing by his side through thick and thin, only a few people knew why the guy didn't want to admit his feelings for Violet, despite how much attention he gave her.

"I'm done. Let's make her work this time." Allen announced that it brought Randy back to the present.

"Alright!" Randy wheeled his chair toward the center table, where several computer screens appeared. He began inputting some codes that he and Allen are the only ones who know about the program they both created.

"Are you ready, Violet?" Allen asked the AI.

[I am Doctor Williams.]

Allen started inputting the new codes he created into Violet's central system. Violet read the latest data and converted them into a frequency to open a door of an unknown dimension.

"On my count of 3… 2… 1!" Allen presses the ENTER key.

The machine below began hovering, followed by an illumination after it began forming on the platform when a property matter built up.

The light that forms into a ball spun with speed. It expands, and its velocity gets faster.

"Come on…" Allen cheered. He glanced at the reports on the computer. He was anxious when it didn't show a better result.

Allen didn't give up but started typing and inputting more codes into the program. However….

He closed his eyes when a loud explosion came from below. Again, he failed to make it work. "F*ck!"

Allen punched the glass window. Randy stared at Allen's back with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He pitied him, wondering what Allen would do now.

"I couldn't decode Uncle Derek's calculation. I need to figure out the equation he came up with, and he could work the machine in the past."

Randy sighed with relief after he heard Allen saying this. He pursed his lips into a smile and said, "Then I should fix her before you finish a new program."

Allen nodded and cast a glance over his shoulder. "Yes, please. She is going to work soon. I will never give up on her."

"She will, of course!" After another failed attempt, Randy cheered Allen, the least he could offer him. The guy always had high hopes. The determination he has could compare to no one. He probably gave up a long time ago if that were him, but not Allen. That is why he gives all his respect to him.

"I will pay Uncle Derek a visit," said Allen afterward.

Randy queried, "Do you think he will help us this time?"

"He would not, but I never give up. Do I?"

"You never did." Randy retorted at once. "Alright. Don't worry. She is fixed when you come back."

"Thanks, bro." Allen threw a knuckle, and Randy nudged immediately.


Bennett Chateau, Italy

Allen looked up at the high walls that surrounded the chateau. After the dispute many years ago, his uncle Derek stepped back from the Alliance and built the prison he lives in these days.

Doctor Derek Williams shuts himself from the world and turns blind and deaf to everything happening to their family. The once-proud prodigy in the line of medicine becomes a cower to appear in public.

"Will Uncle Derek let us in?" Riku Isagawa, seated in the driver's seat, asked Allen.

"He will…" Allen is confident this time. He already perceives that his uncle will keep hiding from him. He sent an email with essential files attached to make him come out.

Not long after, the screen on the wall turned on, and a robot greeted them. "Good day. Master Williams had only permitted Young Master Allen Williams to meet. Please, you may enter now, Young Master."

"Allen…" Riku protested, but Allen immediately appeased him.

"It's alright. He would not harm me. It is not his nature, so I will be fine. Of course, I would not miss this chance to speak with him."

"Remember how he chose Howard's side!" Riku reminded him, but Allen only threw a hard look in his direction and didn't say another word. Riku sighed helplessly.

A door opened after a quick security scan, and an electric vehicle waited for Allen. The last time he was here, the place was still bare. Now Allen could see trees and bushes growing around the residential area.

It only takes a minute, and the car stops at the chateau entrance. Allen gets out of the vehicle, and a male robot waiting by the stairs welcomes him, the same robot he spoke to a minute ago.

"Please, follow me, Young Master Williams."

Allen followed the robot, and he brought him to a tearoom.

He looked around and took the seat the butler offered him. After it served him tea, the robot exited the room.

Allen looked outside the French window and saw a woman sitting in a wheelchair in the pavilion. He softened his gaze when he recognized who it was. His chest tightened when memories flashed before his eyes.

Although his uncle Derek Williams stopped his research but hid and rebuilt this place and turned it into a paradise. It is still obvious that it was actually a cage for him and the people he wanted to protect.

"How many times should I repeat myself, Allen?"

Standing in the entryway, instead of a warm greeting, Derek welcomed Allen with a question.

Catching a glimpse of his uncle through the window glass reflection, Allen pursed his lips into a bitter smile. "Hello, uncle. Am I completely prohibited from visiting a family? Even seeing Aunt Isabella?"

Derek had rendered speechless. He clenched his palm into a fist inside his pocket when Allen's question was a strike onto his heart. The word family is like an atomic bomb explosion inside his head.

"I told you not to come here anymore. This is the last time, understood? The next time you appeared at my door, I would not open it."

Allen was flooded with emotion. In front of Derek, he hid nothing of his vulnerability. After he regained himself, he muttered, "It's alright, Uncle Derek. I promise you I will not come again because next time… It will be you who will knock on my door."

Allen trailed his last sentence where there is a meaning to his words. Derek didn't retort and walked toward the couch and sat down.

"There's no use saying this to me. You can leave now." Derek said coldly. He kept wearing a solemn expression on his face.

"Giving up was not in my vocabulary, you know that, Uncle," said Allen. He stood on his feet and prepared to leave. "We still have less than two years, but it is enough time for you to think over and change your mind."

Allen took a step but halted halfway. He added, "I am preparing for the Red Blood Moon. If your mind changes, you know the way back to Williams Research Center, Doctor Derek Williams."

Allen resumed walking then a loud voice cracked in the silent room.

"Stop right there!" Derek raised his arm to stop Allen from leaving. "What are you planning, Allen?"

"You already know what it means when the NINE PLANETS ALIGN during a RED BLOOD MOON." Allen turned around and faced his uncle. His eyes filled with determination. "Even if you will not help me, I would never give up until the last drop of my blood. I will not stop until she works again, even if I am chasing my last breath!"

As emotion overwhelmed him, Allen turned his head sideways and looked outside the window, fixing his gaze on the woman in the pavilion.

"Mama Cassandra is waiting out there. I'm going to open the door to our timeline and bring her back home. Soon she will reunite with Aunt Isabella. Don't you want that to happen?"

"But that's not enough to perform the ritual!" Derek exclaimed. His shoulders dropped to his sides, lowering his head. "Besides, you know that she is no longer…. Mama Isabella is…"

"That is why she has to regain her immortality to perform the ritual," said Allen, interrupting his uncle's words.

Derek raised his head and yelled, "I told you that's not enough!"

"Of course, it will not. Unless it's the THREE OF THEM….." After saying this, Allen walked out of the room, but Derek grabbed his arm, gazing at him with shock.

"Are you… Don't tell me you are bringing Madison back from the dead?"

"To perform the RITUAL, I will..."