The Cube

Allen smiled and explained. 

"I've finished my analysis in the area. I can build solar panels on the mountain. Your hydro station can back me up when I encounter a problem in the future. Not only that, you can supply the water I need. And oh! I will take the locals to work in the greenhouse. I can teach them how to run things around. Its size needs more caretakers." 

"You know that my company is giving slots for scholarships. I can prioritize the students from Remy Town if they have an interest in studying any course involving Science. And one more thing! I can grow the Vandas as much as you want."

Violet was speechless. 'It seemed like he was well prepared to convince me.' She constricted her pupils upon having this thought.

In her opinion, Allen doesn't need more farmers when he could create a robot to watch over the greenhouse.

However, the guy was indeed scheming. He planned out this thoroughly after she rejected him the last time. So this time, he came prepared.

Violet curled the corner of her mouth. He knew her weakness too well. Like what she did on her flower farm, she hired the townsfolk to have their livelihood instead of purchasing more robot workers.

Indeed, Allen's proposal is tempting.

But is she ready to take him as her neighbor? Violet pursed her lips. She wanted to weigh things first before she decided that she would not regret it in the end.

Once she allowed Allen, she allowed him to claim that region as his territory.

"Tell me what benefits I would get if I would permit you to build the greenhouse near my White House Garden?"

This question is to measure how great his plan is. She has no way of letting him have it so quickly. Besides, the town mayor and the governor are her relatives. They were also relying on the resources she provided them.

No one can build in that region without her nod, and probably Allen has known this, why he is doing his best to woo her. Her donations and private projects help the town a lot. That is why her words are the law the local official must abide by.

Seeing her silence, Allen knew he needed to convince her further.

"Violet, I know that Remy Town has deposits of Jadeite and several companies are after it. Once Williams Botanical Research facility moves there, those men would no longer dare to bug you again. I'm planning to build solar panels in those mountains. Who would dare to dig the land after that?"

Allen sounded too arrogant, but it was indeed a good plan. She hates to admit it, but people are afraid to provoke the Williams family. And so, his proposal is too tempting.

Violet is bound to accept it. But before she could give her answer to Allen, Violet was shocked when suddenly it rained.

No. She is wrong. The sky was so clear and blue. The water irrigation sprinkler activated and drenched her and Allen's clothes.

"Allen!" She was annoyed that Allen had forgotten to reschedule the time he watered his plants.

"I'm sorry! I instructed Randy to shut it down for the time being. It seemed like that robot needed extreme reprogramming." Regrets exhibit in his eyes. "You should change your clothes. I can lend you mine while waiting for new clothes."

Violet's brows knitted together. She suppressed her irritation, even though she wanted to fret at Allen.

"No need. I can wash my clothes if you show me your laundry room."

Allen blinked. He peered at Violet with an intent gaze. Violet said she would wash her clothes if he weren't wrong about what he heard. 

"What?" she snapped and hugged her own body when Allen scanned her drenched body.

Allen smiled and shook his head. He looked at Violet with no ill intention. He is justly proud of her that she isn't like those socialites, who are wanna-be heiresses in the upper society who know nothing to do with their lives but waste their family's fortune by shopping and traveling without contributing to the family, such as excellent reputation.

However, an actual princess standing before him is planning to wash her own clothes. In this world, there are only a few billionaire heiresses doing this.

"It's nothing. Okay. Please, follow me."

Violet gritted her teeth. She was drenched and started feeling a chill. Hugging herself, she followed Allen back to the kitchen. She can't wholly blame him because her purpose in being there was to discuss the droids that attacked her. Not to stroll around.

"Let me take you to my bathroom. The washing machine was in there."

Allen brought her to the second floor of this laboratory. She realized he had taken her to his bedroom.

Violet halted, her foot immediately rooted at the door, reluctant to step inside. Who knows what will happen inside?

'You were just overthinking, Violet!' said a part of her.

"Come in. It would be best if you shower and change before catching a cold. I don't want Uncle Theo scolding me for not taking care of you," Allen said before entering his walk-in closet. He is holding a clean bath towel and a white shirt when he comes out again. "Here… The bathroom is that door."

Allen handed the bath towel and his white shirt to Violet's hands before he left without another word. He could see the hesitancy in her eyes, so he took the initiative to leave her so she would feel comfortable inside his bedroom. 

Left alone, Violet snapped from her, dazed when she felt something rubbing her feet.


"Oh, it's you!" Violet bent over and picked up Keisha. "You're dry already! It seemed like Randy was efficient."

Carrying in her arm, Violet brought Keisha to the bed and placed the kitten there. She looked around to find the door Allen was showing her. She was in a trance earlier, so she didn't listen to him much.

"Is this the door he was pointing at me?" The doors are identical, and so she is uncertain. "Let's try this."

Violet pushed the door, and she found out it was Allen's study. She was about to close it, but Keisha ran inside.

"Hey! You can't go in there!"

However, the kitten didn't listen. Instead, Keisha jumps on the swivel chair, then to the table, and lies down there. Looking at Keisha leisurely rolling on the table, Violet could tell that this spot was her favorite. 

"Alright. I will leave the door open for you to come out later. Okay?" Before she turned around, Violet petted Keisha on the head and her neck.

The kitten purred as it liked what she did. She had forgotten that she was still wet if it was not for her sneezing.

Keisha was startled. She abruptly gets up and moves to the side, bumping into a photo frame. Before it falls to the floor, Violet quickly catches it. She sighed with relief and put back the photo frame on the table.

"Meow…" The kitten remained to stare at the photo. Violet was intrigued to look at it as well.

"What the?" Violet was shocked. 'Is he crazy!'

Violet felt uncomfortable. Allen is keeping a photo of her. Is he truly in love with her? But aren't only stalkers keeping pictures of their victims?

No! Somehow, a part of her doesn't want to believe that he is that kind of person. Maybe he indeed loves her.


Violet was pulled back to her senses when an object fell on the floor. She walked around the table and saw a crystal-like CUBE on the floor. It looks like Keisha pushed it on edge, the reason it fell. 

Thankfully, it didn't break.

"You naughty kitten. You get me in trouble if something breaks in here."

Violet picked up the cube and put it back on the table. This time, she placed it in the middle to ensure that Keisha won't touch it again. 

"Alright. I need to take a shower now."

Keisha watched her mom's receding back. She yawned and purred, stretching her tiny legs before she settled into her favorite spot.

The kitten was drifting into her deep slumber. But then, Keisha could feel a warm feeling tickling her.

The kitten opened her eyes just to be shocked by what she'd seen.

Keisha got up and took a few steps backward. All of the hair in her tiny body stood up from fear after the cube gradually floated in mid-air and now illuminates all kinds of colors that only a human could distinguish.

But as a kitten, Keisha was puzzled. She could remember her daddy playing with it earlier, but nothing had happened.

Now that her mom had touched it, the cube emitted dazzling lights that filled the study.

Unfortunately, no one would understand her even if she told her dad what she had witnessed...

Her mom can do magic???