
Violet's face instantly soured.

'I knew this guy had many tricks hidden up in his sleeves!' Scrutinizing at Allen, she fretted inwardly. 

She had to think carefully not to give in to whatever he was up to but to play along with what scheme he had in store for her. 'I will just kill him later!' Inwardly, she thought while throwing sharp glares in Allen's direction.

After pondering for a while, Violet decided to play along since it was her chance to own these varieties for her great friend; thus, she is willing to compromise.

"Alright. I'm all ears." She smiled later then, concealing the vigilance in her eyes.

On the other hand, Allen suppressed the triumphant smile playing on his lips. He could see that Violet doubted him. But he doesn't care. He knew Violet would erupt like a volcano after she learned how he prevented those who were perfect sperm donors for her.

He is not afraid she will beat him up someday after everything he had planned was revealed to her. As long as that day arrives, she is already married to him.

"Why don't we take a seat?"

Allen tilted his head to the right, pointing at the bench under a pink Camellia tree. Violet's eyes lit up, and the deep frown on her face disappeared.

Earlier, she was only looking at Vanda Sanderiana, and she failed to notice that behind these giant trees were venturous flower trees such as Sakura Trees, Camellias, all varieties of Magnolia, and Climbing Rose Plants.

She felt like she was walking in a pure Eden Gardens. The bench Allen was pointing at was surrounded by these flower trees, and their fragrance filled her nostrils.

Soon, Violet realized.

These scents are her favorite flavors, the ones that Arabella carefully develops because of her skin sensitivity and allergies. Her body moisturizer, shower gel, hair shampoo, and conditioners are all base formulations. Even the Rosewater, her favorite spray mist she carried around so it would keep her face hydrated, was made by Davies Cosmetics, where Arabella built a branch research center in M Country.

'Could it be that those petals are from this greenhouse?' Now that these floral scents were too familiar, Violet could not stop having this suspicion.

She glanced at Allen. Curiosity surged in her chest to know what tricks he had done to her, yet she remained blind. It was apparent that many things he hid from her, and she must uncover them soon.

Violet was falling into deep thoughts when her inner self reminded her that she and Allen had no special relationship.

'Ah! Why would I think we are in a relationship and I want to catch him red-handed?!'

Violet shook her head and buried all her crazy thoughts. How dare she assume something when she hated it to happen? She must be out of her mind.

After she gathers her thoughts in one place, Violet takes a long breath and lets it out. Then she queried, "So? What are your conditions?"

She doesn't want to beat around the bush anymore. The moment she sat down on the bench, she threw this question, staring at Allen as if she was slicing him into pieces.

The way she behaved, Allen finds her alluring. Instead of feeling terrified at Violet's dagger look she threw at him, he was more proud of her for not being easily intimidated by anyone, even by him.

The world they lived in was so chaotic, and he would not always be there on her side; thus, Violet needed to be strong on her own.

He has no magic power as Howard has. Even so, he is good at building machines and combatant robots. But of course, he will provide everything Violet needs to stay safe. He will pour all the knowledge he has to keep her safe.

Thinking about this, Allen pursed his lips and sat down next to Violet.

At first glance, they looked like they were on a first date and on the stage of knowing each other the way they were seated with a distance in between.

After a brief silence passed between them, Allen finally spoke and narrated his childhood. "My grandparents always showed me everything they have discovered. We may only communicate through video calls most of the time, but they become my first teachers in life."

"After I was able to build my laboratories, I started transporting those rare species my grandparents had kept. It is easier for me to breed them thanks to their research data. However, this greenhouse will not sustain these plants' demands in the long run someday. It will consume so much water and energy soon. I'm afraid that with the shield alone and how the city grew rapidly. It would lack its electric supply."

"That's why I am doing a lot of research to make a diversion to supply the electricity from another source. But these plants should grow in the right places. That is why I am looking for that perfect place where I could transfer my Botanical Laboratory."

Violet was stunned for a moment. She is trying to process everything Allen is telling her, and he sounds like she will be involved with his plans. On the other hand, she agreed with him that the city had changed so much, and it was also because of his own projects.

But to think about it now. Those new buildings have their own source of electricity through solar energy, and Crow Tech designed it. 

Violet admitted that she always misunderstands Allen because of their past disputes. But if she looks on the other side, Allen actually cares about how the world changes and humanity suffers because of its own doings. 

'It seemed like you were impressed by him now.' A part of her teased, and Violet snapped herself almost immediately. 'Alright! Fine! Just shut up!'

Gosh! Is it normal to speak one's oneself? Violet began to question herself.

Pretending not figuring out anything, Violet queried Allen casually. "So, where do you plan to move your greenhouse? Are you taking this one down?" 

"No. I will still keep most of everything here. I plan to build a new greenhouse that is ten times bigger than this and start doing new research with my students."

Violet felt that she was dumbfounded for another moment. 'Allen had students?'

Although she knew Allen had countless employees in his Technology company, him being a Biologist or a Botanist professor?

'Is this for real?' She can't imagine Allen being one, discussing a particular subject with a bunch of youngsters. He had a bad temper. She wondered if he had that patience.

"Have you found the place?" she asked not long after.

Allen responded, "That's what I'm trying to negotiate at the moment…."

"With whom?"

Allen scanned Violet's face. His gaze was so intense that Violet felt awkward. 'Is there something on my face?'

She controls her facial expression not to frown or blush. Instead, she wore a poker face, showing she was listening to his explanation and was waiting for an answer.

After some time of silence, Allen opened his mouth and replied, "You still haven't accepted my proposal."

"Proposal?" Violet blinked, stunned. She was in a daze, repeatedly repeating this one word inside his head. "You're not serious, right?"

'Is he talking about the last time in the White House Garden?' Allen told her he was willing to invest in the garden as his betrothal gift to her. 'That was a joke, right?'

Allen caught the complicated emotion flash in her eyes; this, he immediately explained.

"Remy Town is the perfect place to build my new laboratory. It was the reason I wanted to cooperate with you. What do you think?"

"Huh? What did you say?" Violet felt a bucket of cold water poured on her.

Allen was actually meant to build a massive greenhouse next to her garden. The proposal he was talking about is actually not marriage, but a business proposal!

Violet scolded herself. 'What were you thinking, Violet?!'

Why did she assume that Allen was speaking about a marriage proposal?

'Ugh!' Allen was able to put her inside his pocket again for assuming all of a sudden! And she hated it so much. 'Pull yourself together, Violet!'

After she calmed down, Violet smiled at Allen and laid a few questions.

"How are you certain that Remy Town is the best location to move your research?"