Not so fast

Alita pressed her lips together. She was glad that he stopped approaching her but that didn't mean she will let her guard down. He kept saying that he saved her life but she couldn't remember when he did. The only time someone saved her life was when... Her eyes stretched wide as if she just realized something. Was he the hooded man who saved her that night? He must be.

"You are the hooded man." She finally spoke, more to herself than to him. Now that she thought of it, she had also noticed that night that he was strange and different from the others. Even though the other hooded man felt off too, his was on the milder side when compared to this one here.

"Congratulations for figuring that one out. That was very fast. Should I give you a medal?" He spoke sarcastically, wearing a boring look.

Alita's brows drew together in annoyance. Why did he decide to switch to being a jerk now? He was being all teasing and serious just moments ago and now he decided to mock her. She huffed internally wondering why she was even bothered by his sudden change in attitude. After letting out a sigh she decided to just cooperate so that he could leave her house and her alone.

"I saw them kill a girl by draining her of blood. Since then, I decided to hunt them down and kill them too." She explained, frowning.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Next question. What are you and how are you able to kill vampires?" Axel threw the question he so badly wanted answers to.

"I am human. I don't know how I'm able to kill them. The ability just showed up one day together with the speed and every other abnormal thing." She answered tiredly.

Axel narrowed his eyes as he surveyed her once more. "And when did they show up?" He inquired.

"About two years ago." She answered. When he nodded and said nothing further, she spoke again.

"I've answered all your questions. Can you now leave?"

"Tsk tsk... Not so fast." Axel shook his head in disapproval. He raised his left hand to look at the hole present on his sleeve. "Your answers only succeeded in paying for the sleeve of my shirt."

Alita's jaw dropped. This troublesome vampire is sure going to drive her nuts in just a few minutes. "I will replace your shirt tomorrow. You don't need to add it to whatever you think I owe you." She spoke through clenched teeth.

A mischievous smile suddenly appeared on Axel's face and his eyes twinkled. "Stop confusing me, sweetheart. One moment you are sending me away, the next moment you want to spend more time with me." He paused, seeing the confusion in her eyes. However, before she could fully understand what he was getting at, he spoke again. "Anyways, I accept your invitation to go shopping together."

Alita became dumbfounded. How did She give him the impression that she wanted to go shopping with him? "I didn't invite you. I will get the shirt myself. I don't need you to come with me." She spoke exasperatedly.

He let out a chuckle, the sound of which was surprisingly pleasing to her ears. "Sure. Be my guest." He said as a corner of his lips pulled up. His hands moved up to unbutton his shirt but his eyes never left her face.

Alita blinked and her eyes stretched wide. "W-what are you d-doing?" She stuttered, completely flustered.

"Taking off my shirt. How else would you get the exact same one if you don't have a sample?" Axel asked with one thick and perfectly carved brow raised up.

That made sense, Alita thought. Even though she wanted to scream at him to keep his shirt on his body, she knew there was no way she would remember the exact design by tomorrow. But then, why was he undressing before her like he had no shame? She should look away, but her treacherous eyes remained glued on his slowly moving hand, following every one of his movements. When the last button came undone and he moved to expose his upper body, she shut her eyes and leaned her head against the wall. What in heaven's name was she doing watching a man she just met undress? She shook her head as if she couldn't believe what she had just done.

A smile crept up Axel's lips the moment Alita closed her eyes. For some odd reason, he was enjoying this. A thought of how to fluster her more than she already was jumped into his head, but he dismissed it as quickly as it came.

"You need to open your eyes to take the shirt." He stated but she shook her head.

"Just leave it on the couch." She told him with eyes still closed.

Axel obliged and his eyes surveyed the room. The previously neatly arranged place he entered moments ago had now turned into a mess.

"You messed this place up real quick. Should I help you clean up?"

Alita's eyes almost flew open, but then she remembered that he was still shirtless. She kept them tightly shut and shook her head instead, in response to his previous question.

"Okay. Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked again and this time, after a short moment of silence she answered.

"Leaving will be a good idea." She said the last word in a way that it sounded more like a question instead of a statement.

"Okay." Axel nodded. After staring at her for a few seconds, he disappeared from the room.

Alita opened her eyes when she could not feel his presence in the room anymore. She was about to sigh in relief when he appeared before her again, startling her. She tried to turn around only to realize her back was still against the wall. She quickly shut her eyes again. What is wrong with his vampire? She asked herself while trying hard to normalize her breathing.

"What is your name?" His voice rang out and her face contorted into a confused frown.

"Why do you want to know my name?" She asked.

"Well, I need something to call you by. Unless you want to admit that you enjoy me calling you sweetheart." He replied with one corner of his lips pulled upward.

Alita gritted her teeth. This troublesome and annoying vampire. She let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "Alita Lucius."

"I'm Axel Ray Parker. It was nice talking to you, Alita." Axel said and Alita frowned again.

"I wish I could say the same." She muttered to herself, but Axel heard her. His smile widened and his eyes lit up like he had been gifted the best present ever.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. If you were happy with this meeting, I wouldn't be feeling this satisfied." Axel said.

"You have a strange and twisted way of thinking." Alita commented, wearing a combination of a puzzled and incredulous look on her face.

Axel chuckled. "Good observation. Have a good night, Alita." He wished and disappeared again. This time Alita kept her eyes closed for a longer time. When he didn't show up again, she opened her eyes.