Chapter 43- Second business?

After playing with Royo, Kylie and Bree, Saachi had turned curious about them and had searched for their previous records only to find zilch. Yep, it was as if arena level players had sprouted up suddenly.

It was only later he learnt that they were not using thie previous professions. It happens. A new game, a new start, a new profession.

But for professionals, players who play on big stage, starting over is like losing, starting with new profession meant they were not thinking about making a comeback.

The story behind their decision of starting anew in different profession would be a great novel, even a saga. Right now, Saachi was not prepared to be a novel writer or a saga writer.

More than a week had passed since massive game launch. The promotions and hyped were no longer exaggerated. The PR teams were peppering the general public with few small highs.

Celebrities had new way of showing off their abundant charms..ahem, abundant talents. Let's not forget that these people had to pay through the nose to have their own face and alter the physique to show off their buff or beautiful bodies.

These celebrities made vlogs, shorts(short videos) and posted in their social network accounts ...viola, new content, more exposure, more chances of gaining fans, more self worth.

So ...not many professionals had started their vlog journey. Later was good way to make extra money, using paid videos.


Saachi was planning second part of his business even before the first part took off. None of alchemists had responded yet. The lady tailor, fortunately, had sold herself to get alligator skin. He had tried talking to Blacksmiths but they were too busy to listen to a silly alchemist.

Second part of business was to ensure that the levels of lifestyle players were maintained, thus a baby sitting job in grinding areas was a must.

The talk with the trio, actually only Royo (Kylie - perpetual silent, Bree - planning something, thus silent), gave him idea.

Foraging and mining - base over which alchemy and blacksmithy flourished. The meat and skin were monster drops so it would get collected and dumped in market. But mining, foraging all needed proficiency. Higher the sub class level, higher level ores or herbs collected in same region. But these jobs are boring and repeative and chances of avatar increase level was very less.

Saachi was alchemist, knew foraging in and out, though he had experience as miner too(brutal times). Mining was done in rotations, thus atleast in other times, players could theoretically kill monsters to increase the level. Foragers had it bad. While automatically foraging ( the only way he knew from before), the level of foraging and herb level dictated the amount of time required to collect and in that time, player could not move, not even sneeze. Obviously, foragers died more often than others. Would monsters allow silent statue like player to survive? Especially when that player had his eyes on the treasure of the monsters.

Saachi had heard of high level forger who was treated as a royalty, especially after high player level maps opened. That person's job to be still and keep touching the high level herb. That person had squatted for hours, laid on stomach for too long, heck, in one of the maps, he had dangled over steep cliff edge for so much time that the rope holding him nearly gave away. That person was even guarded by two bloodthirsty professionals. That was royal treatment, fated for few. But if he needed viable company, then his workers would forage or mine, kills monsters and make potions or weapons too. What would happen if he brought a bunch of players to monster map like marshlands for killing and pillaging? More than half of his requirements would be satisfied and he would not have to buy ingredients from market too. Of course a team or two of baby sitters would be a necessity to save these players from monsters or red players. Thus his wondering of building his own baby sitter teams or mercenary teams.

It was still wondering, not planning. This time, he had loads of ideas to make money, to literally mint money but how effective it would be and would some one else come to steal his business...worth pondering.

Bree stood still near the player market, while others were preparing to go in different ways.

So when she said, " I have to start collecting coins," Kylie broke his silence to say, " Let's wait one more week". Colour Saachi surprised.

Bree shook her head. " I checked. This new batch of players are just average. We can start early."

Royo shrugged to say he had no idea. Later Saachi would learn that Royo knew what they meant and why they pushed 'coin collection ' so early.