Thick babe

Phoenix went to her shop first to retrieve the products she will need and drove over to the villa. As the young man by the gate has been informed, she was allowed to drive her car into the villa.

 Parking by the courtyard, she picked up her stuff and marched towards the house. The butler was already waiting for her outside. He ushered her into the house and informed her of the situation.

" My young Master has been experiencing headaches for the past few days and we went to see the doctor but the meds aren't helping at all."

" What do you think might be the cause? Maybe hormonal imbalance, the weather or too much thinking?" Asking, Phoenix started walking towards the second floor.

" Am not sure but the condition worsened yesterday." Replied the butler.

They talked as they approached the bedroom. Phoenix knocked and announced her presence before opening the door and entering into the room.

She found it dark like last time and she went on to switching on the lights. The man was sitted on his rocking chair and his head was lowered. Jade shifted his body as he heard movements behind him but didn't turn his head over. Anyway he wouldn't be able to see anything even if he was to turn his head so he remained in that position.

The butler excused himself just like last time and inside the room, the two individuals were quite.

After a while, Phoenix took a seat next to Jade as she placed her baskets on the coffee table.

_' he seems to be in pain with the way his brows are furrowed.'_

She moved her hand forward as she wanted to ease the tension between his brows but she stopped herself. They were strangers after all and she didn't want to be forward. Retracting her hand a tiny voice within her told her to go for it of which she did.

Stretching forth her hand, she rubbed between his brows with the rightful pressure. Not expecting this, Jade stiffened and held her hand in place. That was when Phoenix realised what she had just done thereby retracting her hand from his.

" Am sorry, am really sorry, I just saw your furrowed borrows so I thought I could help with a little massage. I didn't mean to be forward with my behaviour." 

Jade kept quite after Phoenix retracted her hand. The warmth he felt seconds ago had vanished leaving his hand cold. Longing for the same warmth again he said after a moment,

" May I trouble Miss Jay to continue, if that is fine with you." He said.

" Yeah, yeah that's fine with me besides I was born for this." Immediately she pressed her hands on his temples, applied a bit of pressure and started rubbing in circular motion. 

" Your butler told me that you have headaches, could it be the oils I left behind for you?"

" I don't think so." Jade stated.

" Okay, since today it's just a head message it won't take long but I would give you a bit of shoulder massage to relieve the tension on your upper body muscles and am not gonna use oils as your body may become totally dependent on that, so I will just massage you without those." 

" Don't we need to move to the massaging table?" Jade asked back.

" That won't be necessary but if you want to we can use that, what do you say?" 

" Am fine with whatever arrangements you have."

" As you say Master, then this servant shall serve you to your satisfaction. You know I rarely see men with long eyelashes like yours, I mean have you tried applying mascara before?" She joked as she outlined his eyelids with her right index finger. 

" Mascara? You mean the black sticky black thing that comes with a brush?" 

" Yeah that's the one, so have you tried applying that before? My male friends would do that sometimes. You know they had few thin lashes so applying that added volume to them but I bet you wouldn't use that as yours are long, dark and thick. Same as mine here. You know people sometimes asks if I applied some mascara or faux lashes. But the answer is simply a big fat no. Am scared I might damage my natural ones with the glues so I normally brush them using a small eyebrow brush." She rattled on for a while.

" Are you sure you have male friends instead of female friends. Who would allow their boyfriends to do that and outshine them. Anyway we live in a free world."

" I have none, I don't have any friends so my friend is my spa shop. It wouldn't betray me, gossip behind my back or laugh at me." She took a deep breath before continuing, " I used to have a bunch of friends but they all left me saying am a failure but look at me now. Am doing good, didn't lose weight but rather gained a few kgs and now am a short, thick babe. Ha haha. Clever me, so what about your friends. I like to engage with my customers you know, it makes me feel the pleasure of what am doing." She laughed out aloud.

" Yeah clever thick babe indeed. I too used to have a bunch but they left me after seeing my condition. But unlike you, I have no shop and customers to keep me company." 

" Since you have no friends, how about I become your good friend? You wouldn't lose out on me, I would share my candies with you and go to the amusement park together. He hehe. Am considerate, aren't I?"

Not hearing his answer, she thought she had went overboard so she opened her mouth to speak.

" I apologize if I went overboard. You don't..."

Before she could finish, he chimmed in quickly.

" I agree, let's be friends. Is your offer still valid?" Jade asked her.