Rainbow Giggles

" I... I didn't mean it in that way. What I was trying to say is that... well am sorry... am..," Stuttering, she couldn't complete her sentence. She made an apologetic face.

" I got what you meant so no need to apologize, okay. I was indeed blind but still I got you, right? Now let's get going so which is the way my lady?"

She gave him the directions and he quickly manoeuvred the car into the narrow street road. Arriving at the shop's front, Jade wrinkled his brows as he directed a questioning look towards Phoenix. She started laughing awkwardly as she rubbed her forehead.

" Mind explaining?"

There was a big colourful sign hung high up before the shop's entrance. On it were huge carved words, ' Rainbow Giggles' which had rainbow colours hovering around it.

Phoenix with her eyes slightly closed flashed a smile at him before explaining herself. " I suddenly craved for something sweet so I changed the venue before you arrived. It's still the same as we will get to enjoy our date accompanied by delicious food. Now stop sulking. You will make me appear as if am the bad girl."

Jade exhaled and turned to look outside the car window. He eyed the surroundings before turning to look at Phoenix.

" You are the bad girl here and you call that food? Who eats sweets for dinner?"

" I usually do that sometimes when am lazy to..."

She didn't get to finish her sentence before Jade threw her a sharp side gaze. She shrank back into her seat as she zipped her lips tight.

Jade was frustrated at her careless answering. He wondered how this woman worked and functioned. Right now he felt as if he was tricked into doing something illegal. When Phoenix gave him the name of their destination, he had entered that into the car GPS system without a second thought.

He hadn't been here before so he didn't think much about it.

" Don't tell me that you eat sweets before bed."

Phoenix nodded and again shrunk on her seat. Immediately she felt an overbearing aura envelope her whole being. She looked up and met Jade's eyes. Phoenix became nervous and bent backwards.

" What are you doing?"

" What do you think?" He asked as he brushed her ear with his lips. His hot breath tickled her making her laugh.

" I don't know. Am not on your mind. And stop doing that, it tickles." Her laughter made him bite her ear playfully before he blew on it.

" You are on my mind all the time and you should already be aware of that. Am always thinking about you," He bit her once more as he moved lower to her neck area. Phoenix shuddered at the sudden touch on her neck. Her giggles halted as she sucked in air.

She lifted up her arms and held unto him. Her eyes closed, she felt his lips roam about on her nape area before he moved lower. Jade bit, sucked and licked on her soft skin. It was all so nice. He wanted to hold her in his arms and knead her like dough. His hands explored her back and shifted to her chest.

Feeling his hand's invasion, Phoenix opened her eyes. She grabbed his roaming hands making Jade growl. He reluctantly stopped his actions as he nestled his head on the hollow of her neck. With his eyes still closed, he spoke, " You also could have let us enjoy this great moment as part for our date."

Phoenix snickered at his words. She shifted wanting to make him move away to which he remained glued to her.

" We are in a public space Jade."