Existence 3

Her back started burning.

"Matthew?" Ava said when she suddenly felt like someone else was there with her. "Matthew?" she called out. For some reason, she could feel Matthew's wolf around her, lurking in the darkness.

She heard a growl. Almost immediately, Ava turned around and flinched. It was too dark to see anything.

But she could hear someone's footsteps, someone was approaching her.

"Ava?" It was Matthew's voice.

"Matthew?" She frowned. She could feel his presence. Even if she couldn't see him, she could feel him standing just in front of her. "Where are we?" What is happening?

"In the dark…" he touched the side of her face. "Were we belong…" His voice resembled an echo. Ava shivered from the sudden gust of wind that assaulted her senses.

"Dark?" Where they belong? What does that mean?