Existence 4

One hour ago

It was said that animals are very sensitive to disasters.

Some scientists suspected that these animals are sensing some electromagnetic fluctuations that would occur minutes before a disaster. However, the thing that is happening in the village where Priestess Anna lived had nothing to do with electromagnetic or anything that can be explained by science.

It had something to do with the mist that slowly covered Priestess Anna's house. And while not many supernatural could see it, animals can.

So, they chose to run away and find shelter.

The dark mist might be invisible to some supernatural but someone like the Priestess could easily sense it.

She looked up from the book that she was reading, her gaze immediately focused on the man sitting across from her.

"Why have you come?" she asked. "I never told her anything."

"I am well aware."

The Priestess closed her book. "You are not welcome here."