
Gleam led the way and Valerian followed her. He asked, 'Hey, you can transform, right? Why not you play as my sparring partner?'

The snake made a circle around him while giving him a stinky gaze, she said, 'What do you know? Transformation is a magic spell, magic spell sucks mana. Why should I use mana for such a wasteful deed? Also, there is a risk that I might get hurt by you while sparing. I know you, so I will not go hard on you, that will be degrading the purpose of training.'

Valerian nodded and they continued to move through the woods. The boy asked again, 'Where are we going by the way?'

Gleam replied, 'To see an old enemy.'

Her words made Valerian raise his guard, he did not expect this crazy snake to find her enemy to be his sparring partner. While passing a few trees, Valerian noticed claw marks on the tree trunks.