War Bear.

Valerian stood in front of the War Bear. His resolve was not yet very firm, and he was aware of that. Quies had taught him, that to win a battle, one must commit to the battle. This commitment could cost him, his sweat, blood, flesh, and even life.

The boy closed his eyes, steeling his heart. The stone he had flung earlier at the bear's head successfully awakened the beast from its slumber. When the War Bear gazed at the boy in front of him, it roared.

Swiftly the beast stood up and charged at the boy. Valerian heard the roar, he understood how arrogant this beast was, the roar meant, 'Almost died yesterday, now you dare to come back. I will shred you.'

Valerian moved slightly to the left and dodged the attack coming at his head. The speed was so fast that the boy only sensed a wind caressing his forehead. His heart was beating so fast as if it will explode.