
Valerian followed behind Quies, who was dragging the stunned bandit leader from his collar. At this moment, the gray-robed mage had his limbs broken, they were all wiping on the ground, while his head was lulling in the air.

Quies was not polite at all, this guy had bad intentions in his heart regarding the Princess. How could he show mercy? Valerian, well, he did not have any warming emotion for humans at all. He may talk politely but that was just his mannerism and not his emotions.

The guard captain said, "I see them."

The other guards all became alert, soon Quies and Valerian walked over. The guards gazed at the two people and their pupils constricted in fright. They were not normal people.

The guard captain jumped onto the ground and he took hold of the bandit leader. Quies glanced at Valerian and said, "Call her highness."