Close Brush.

The guards all ran over to the bonfire and surrounded the princess and the rest while their gaze locked onto the tree line. Quies had also taken out his sword and was ready to deal with the enemy.

Just when the tension was at its peak, two figures walked out of the tree line. Under the moonlight, their features looked very mesmerizing, Azula was surprised and she stood up. The two figures looked like they were made of wood.

Quies asked, "May I ask, what brings your excellency here?"

His tone may sound calm but his heart was palpitating. The creatures in front of him were called the Driad. They were the creatures that lived in the forest, the information about them was scarce, however, these creatures were not known for their hostility.

The figure in the front said, "We sensed the presence of your magical beasts, so we came to check. We hope that you do not mind the intrusion. Not many people stay in the woods at night."