
The saintess heard Valerian's request and nodded. She waved everyone to sit down. Boo-too also took a seat at the table. The old lady recalled the memories and said, "Everything began to fall apart when Divinus and Flos managed to form a magical bond with Dragon King and Dragon Queen." 

The people fell silent as they heard the story. The lady continued, "From what Divinus told me, he and Flos had been traveling the world. His Majesty Dracos also happened to be traveling the world with the dragon queen Senium. 

It was a chance encounter, and the two pairs were visiting the dryad realm. King Dracos and Lady Senium were discussing the matter of magical folk alliance, and Divinus and Flos were also called over because Divinus was the first human to master all seven elements. While Flos was his wife, and she was a formidable lady with lots of connections. She proved very helpful in negotiating things with the human leaders.