The World Of Bloomkin.

Valerian followed Boo-too inside the portal and soon found himself in a new world. This place seemed to be a forest, but the mana concentration was so intense that it made him feel suffocated. The young man could not help but take a few moments to get used to such a high-purity mana. 

Boo-too asked with a smile, "Did you find it overwhelming?" 

Valerian nodded and said, "Even the Dragon kingdom or the realm of the Clar-awks might not have such a high concentration of mana. I fear inhaling too much of this mana might cause me to explode." 

Boo-too nodded and said, while floating forward, "You are correct. Your mother was the same when she visited us." 

Valerian was surprised, and the Bloomkin said, "I owe your mother a great deal. If not for her, the bloomkin would have perished a decade ago."