Landing A Bride.

Valerian and Fortuna reached the eastern shores quickly, and the young man said, 'Your speed has increased a lot. It only took us half a day to reach here.' 

Fortuna replied, 'Did you think I will not work on myself in your absence? I was angry but not insane. I channeled all my time into perfecting my skills. What you called speed was teleportation magic.' 

Valerian was surprised and asked, 'What are you saying? How does that even work?' 

Fortuna replied, 'The void is made of magic too. It has all seven elements instilled within it, just like us. Suppose you can find the balance of these elements and sync your body with them. You become one with the void. The vibrating mana particles will shoot you through a tunnel of the void, and when you get out of sync, it will eject you.' 

Valerian raised his brows and asked, 'What's the catch?'