Duel with Azotian.

Valerian heard the name of the game, and he chuckled. He asked, "How does it work?" 

The Lady nodded and said, "Now and then, a male will take a liking to a female. Our tradition allows women to decide whether to marry a man. If they say no, and yet the man is insistent, the woman in question will bring them here, the game field. 

The two people will spar; if the Lady loses, she must marry the man. If the man lost, then it was over. He will be asked to leave and not bother the Lady again." 

Valerian raised his brow and asked, "What if the guy is still persistent?" 

The Lady replied with a shrug, "Bring someone who can defeat the woman he likes. Because we also have a special category of battle where the loser will give up their rights over themselves to the winner." 

Valerian frowned and spoke solemnly, "You mean, like subduing a slave?" 

The woman nodded and replied, "Yes, something like that."