Mia opened her eyes and she felt a slight headache. She looked around her and saw brown boxes, it was like she was in a wherehouse.

She then heard the sound of heels coming towards her, and then she saw turns out that the person who had kidnapped her was no other than, 'Beauty.'

Seeing Beauty, Mia was stunned, "Beauty... W-w-what are you doing here, did you do this to me...untie me now."

With a devious smile, Beauty said, "Oh my beautiful Mia..... I'm sorry but I can't untio, it because I don't wish too."

Mia, "Why are doing this, let me go.... don't you know that this kidnaping, you will go to prison for this."

Beauty, "I don't care if I go to prison, so far I get you away from my Dennis.... I'll do anything."

Hearing that, Mia was a little confused, "What do you mean by that."