Daina went to the police station with Lizzie but when they got there, they received the news that the inspector was busy and they had to wait.

So they waited, for over Two hours and when the inspector finally came out.... Daina quickly went to him and said, "Inspector.....we need you to find my sister in-law, her name is Mia...I already discussed this with the other police officer."

Inspector, "Yes he told me and he also said that he told you to wait until 24 hours and if the victim hasn't come back yet....we can start searching for her."

Daina, "What nonsense is this....she is kidnapped can't you understand, her things were scattered on the side walk....and she was no where to be found."

Inspector, "And how are you sure it belongs to her."

Lizzie, "We saw her phone there, so it does belong to her."

Inspector, "ladies you have to understand that there are certain ways we do things here and you all have to follow it."