Finally the wedding was over but there was still something missing.

"Throw it!" The loud voices of single women who were present said and upon hearing that, Diana turned around and with a Swift move. She threw the bouquet.

As she threw it, everywhere went silent. Everyone wanting to see who would catch it and as the singles ladies battled to get the bouquet.


It landed in the hands of no one other than Lizzie!

"WHAT!" Everyone was a little surprised even Lizzie and upon seeing who caught it, Mia laughed and Diana laughed along with her.

"It looks like we are gonna be having another wedding soon." The entertainer said and upon hearing that, everyone laughed and Lizzie just shyed away in embarrassment.

She turned her head towards Dennis and she caught him staring but he quickly removed his gaze from her and pretended that he had a call and left the wedding.