After her talk with Dennis, Mia was still feeling a little swollen. Today was really stressing and all she wanted to do right now was shoke her self with an hot steaming bathe.

She went to the party and could see people congratulating the married couples and it made her happy.

She went to a Empty table and as soon as she got there, a waitress came to her with a tray and a nice salad placed on it.

"Ma'am, Your food." She said as she placed the food on the table.

A little taken aback, Mia said, "But I didn't order for a food." She said because he never remembered calling the waitress.

"No you didn't Madame, the head maid asked me to give it to you...she said that Mr. Parker had ordered it."

Upon hearing the words of the brown haired maid, Mia nodded in understanding and excused her.

"Ah!" Her husband really cares about her, even more when she is pregnant.