She Got it

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"And how are you sure about that?" A clear voice was heard and upon hearing that, the three turned around to see no one other than Kelvin.

Upon seeing kelvin, Annabelle was a little taken aback, "Kelvin? What are you doing here ? And what do you mean by that? The contest is over so you can go home now."

She said as she once again tried to enter her cat but the words of kelvin made her widen her eyes in surprise.

"Annabelle, Yes! You didn't win but that didn't mean that you didn't get the chance to compite in the fashion contest."

Kelvin said but then Maribel and Annabel said in unison, "What do you mean?"

Hearing that, kelvin then explained, "Well girls, winning the contest doesn't guarantee you the opportunity to compite in the contest. It's only done to bring out the best in you."