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Walking up early, Mia went downstairs to prepare breakfast as she was in the mood today.

Luckily, Annabelle, Maribelle and Eren came back last night and they went straight to bed.

Last night, after Maribel camehome, the three went to a nice club to celebrate. Annabelle of course invited her friends and so did Maribel and Eren.

As Mia came downstairs, she could see that Mariam was already getting breakfast and she then said, "Why don't I help...just get the maids to set the table and I'll be in charge of the meal."

She said and upon hearing that, Mariam nodded and did exactly as Mia had instructed.

After sometime, breakfast was already ready and as Mia and the maids were taking the dishes to the breakfast table, she could see Annabelle and Maribelle coming downstairs in Their pajamas.