x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Finally Saturday came and waking up was no one other than Isabel and with a sweet smile, she stood up from the bed.And then made her way to the bathroom. After Getting herself ready, she Neatly and carefully placed the dress inside a huge Black bag and took her things ready to leave.Today was the day of the contest, she has to make sure all went well with no single mistake.Upon getting to the breakfast table, Isabl took a seat opposite Maribel who greeted her with a smile.Just then, Mia walked in with a plate filled with scrambled eggs as she smiled upon seeing Isabel."Good morning Isabel, are you excited for today?" Mia asked with a bright smile present on her face."Yes I am, I thought you would be at the venue getting things ready?" Isabel asked after all Mia was in charge and being a hardworking woman, she was a little surprise to still see her home.