After breakfast, Isabel made her way out. She was ready to get going and lucky for her that Nathan was just driving in.

As he parked his car in front of her, he majestically emerged from the car and walked towards her.

And upon seeing him, isabel blushed slightly as the kiss they ahd both shared passed through her memory.

How could she forget? Two day ago, they had both kissed in that forest.

Argh! Just thinking about it made her blush already, how much she forgot things this days.

Meanwhile, Unknown to isabel that Nathan was getting lost in her eyes and her bright innocent face that ahd a trace of red in them.

It was quite obvious that she was still thinking about that night.

But his eyes were fixed on her for some reason. She looked quite cute today, he was expecting her to wear something more attractive for the contest.

Bust she just wore simply plain clothes but they still looked absolutely beautiful on her.