
"Aiden, I have been expecting you, what took you so long?.", he asked with a mischievous grin settling on his gorgeous face staring down at the figure below him, Aiden expecting a different response got annoyed seeing his nonchalant attitude, he had mocked him by referring him as a half breed trying to rile up his emotions however it seems it had zero effect on Leon.

"I thought it was a rumor when I heard you decided to start schooling here," he chuckled "It doesn't make any sense you could choose any school, why choose this one knowing more than half of the students here belong to your brother's pack? Or are you looking for a quick death?." he asked with a raised brow.

The questioning figure Aiden was an average looking blue-eyed boy with spiked dyed red hair with a lean tall build, he had a tattoo of a snake eating itself on his forehead among other tattoos around his body, particularly his arms neck, and legs, he was currently dressed in a leather black jacket and black pants, on his fingers were several rings, alongside Aiden were six other juvenile delinquent looking boys.

"I have heard some rumors about you Aiden," Liam said with a smile staring down at Aiden who gazed at him perplexingly.

"What rumors?"

"That you are in love with Leonard," he said with a chuckle making Aiden's head redden in surging anger and embarrassment "I mean it's obvious, you even came all this way in the middle of the night to see your dream crush, were you hoping to make out with him under the bright moonlight?." he said bursting out in laughter.

"FUCK YOU LIAM!" He cursed out loud

"I don't want to, I'm straight." came his nonchalant taunting words which aggravated Aiden even further, Leonard with a bored expression jumped from the tree branch landing downwards just a few feet away from Aiden.

"And who's going to kill me? you?." he asked with a raised brow and a taunting smirk.

"Don't you dare look down on me, you fucking half breed." he cursed at Leon, vexed by his nonchalant attitude and superiority complex, before he could grasp what had happened in lightning speed Leon slammed his fist hard into his face breaking his jaw upon impact and sending him flying few meters away.

"Such a noisy dog," he said with a smirk, seeing their leader being thrown like a rag doll, infuriated the six other boys charged furiously at him elongating their claws and canines, Liam sat lazily on the branch tree watching the entertaining scenery on the ground, he didn't bother to assist Leon knowing the delinquents were nothing but flies in comparison to Leonard, he watched enthusiastically as Leonard fought back every one of them evading their sharp claws as he punched them every once in a while sending them flying with a bored expression.

"FUCKING HALF BREED!" Aiden yelled out furiously at Leon seeing his boys being beaten to a pulp by Leon, the sounds of broken bones and a shrill piercing scream echoed throughout the night, Leon had just finished dislocating both arms of one of the boys when he heard Aiden.

"I know I'm God-damned sexy but are you just going to stand there all night admiring me or are you going to fight?." he asked with a smile that Aiden couldn't deny was entrancing.

"Fuck" he cursed inwardly not only was Leon extremely powerful he was Impossibly good-looking too, how could someone be so lucky, he thought to himself as he gritted his teeth, knowing he didn't stand a chance fighting Leon in his human form he was about to shift into a lycan when a deep calm yet imposing tone echoed behind him.

"What is going on here?." Aiden hearing the voice he could easily recognize turned backward hesitantly with beads of sweat coming to settle across his forehead.

"Elder Alexander," he said respectfully gulping down feeling extremely nervous and tensed at his presence.

"It's principal Alexander in school Aiden," he said calmly before trailing his sight towards Leonard who gazed back at him taking a defensive stance.

"I'm not going to harm you Leon," he said with a smile before trailing his sights upward towards Liam who stood frozen on the spot at his sudden appearance trembling from shock and fear, what the fuck was the principal doing roaming around the school premises.

Alexander was a man with long blonde hair at shoulder's length and blue eyes, he was tall inbuilt, and extremely attractive with a young appearance of a man in his early thirties, however in contrast to his appearance he was one of the most feared lycans in existence as he was one of the oldest and strongest lycans to ever exist, at exactly 900 years old he was often referred to as an elder by the lycans and was tasked with the responsibility of training young lycans to control and fit into a modern society which he had done for centuries.

To the humans he was a man of peace however the lycans knew just how dangerous and horrific Alexander could be, his calm facade was simply a front, and to this day no one knew how he had existed for this long, in history only one lycan had lived longer than Alexander, an original Morbius known to be the first lycan that ever existed, an immortal.

"Mr Alex.I mean principal it was Leon who started it, my boys and I were simply minding our business when Leonard attacked us, he should be punished principal," he spoke haltingly shivering in fear which made Leon chuckle out in humor.

"Is something funny?." Alexander asked with his usual creepy bone-chilling smile.

"The once big bad wolf has been reduced to nothing but a frightened puppy," he replied staring at Aiden with a widened grin.