
Aiden narrowed his eyes dangerously at Leonard hearing his mockery words, however, he kept his mouth shut in fright for the presence of an elder.

"Is it true Leon? you attacked aiden without cause?." Alexander asked with a raised brow.

"What do you think?." Leon questioned back with a mischievous grin, hearing his friend's nonchalant uttered words to an elder both Aiden and Liam's jaws dropped in surprise at Leon's behavior, "fuck, is he trying to get himself and all of us killed?", Liam screamed inwardly, he knew Leon was extremely powerful however he wasn't sure as powerful as the Elder before him, to their further surprise Alex's lips pulled up to an amused smirk as he stared at Leon who gazed back at him impassively.

"This should be the last time this happens, a next time and you'd be punished...severely." He said with a creepy smile making Aiden and Liam gulp down nervously as they nodded in agreement, Leon however blatantly ignored his warnings as he pulled up a cigarette from his pocket bringing it to settle between his seductive lips before walking away, Liam and Aiden with widened eyes slowly trailed their sights towards Alex to see his reactions.

"What are you waiting for? Leave," he spoke calmly noticing their probing gaze, and not a second later the two delinquents had disappeared from their spot leaving behind Alexander and the passed-out students who had foolishly attacked Leon, noticing the pile of motionless bodies around him, Alex took a deep sigh before pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialing a number.

"Yes Principal?." came a feminine voice on the other side of the call.

"Your presence is required, there are some injured students who got into a fight," he spoke calmly

"Lycan's humans or witches?."

"Lycan's, Also Leon is here," he said a glint of mischief laced in his voice

"So he really came huh?" said the voice behind the phone " Do you have any reason why?."

"I don't know but I intend to find out."

"You do know the council wants him dead right? why don't you get rid of him?."

"Not now Ava, not until I have witnessed his true potential," he muttered with a mischievous smile etched on his angelic face


The day dawned crisped and clear with the dawn chorus of melodic bird chirping songs echoing throughout the silent premises of St Donavan, the golden bright rays of sunlight poured through the windows bringing forth new hopes and inspiration with it, however to the white-haired girl who had woken up rubbing her blurry bleary eyes walking towards the window the morning sun brought forth a dreaded and terrible day where she would have to do something she had never imagined doing all because of that annoying brat Leonard.

She stared absentmindedly at the golden hues across the morning sky with raging thoughts and furrowed brows thinking about how she would have to go to the boy's domitorium to sell drugs, she could only imagine what girls sighting her at the boy's domitorium would think about her

"Probably a slut." she muttered with a bitter chuckle, she could only hope she wouldn't have to see him today cause it would only ignite the flames of hatred the girls currently had for her if they saw her with Leon at the boy's domitorium

"Thinking about Leon?." she was pulled from her reverie by the hoarse sound of a lady, turning backward she saw Matilda sitting on the bed with her legs crossed staring daggers at her, her eyes were currently red and swollen like she had cried her eyes out all night, wait did she not sleep?, she asked herself, well Judging from the way she was obsessed with Leon it was a possibility, she wished she could tell Matilda it wasn't what she thought, however, doing that would mean she would have to tell her about the drugs and why she agreed in selling it in the first place.

"I wasn't thinking about him Matilda, why do you keep blaming me for what happened? he came to me not the other way around." she tried to reason with her stubborn-headed roommate however knowing how obsessed the blonde girl was with Leon she knew it was futile.

"Lies, I saw you walking with him smiling like a wicked witch." she spat harshly fighting back her brimming tears.

"Smiling? now you are just making shit up," Evelyn said with a frown " I couldn't say no to him, especially not with the murderous glares I got from his friends telling me not to."

"LIES, YOU ARE LYING YOU BITCH." she cursed harshly at Evelyn making her furrow her brows annoyed at Matilda's harshly blurted words, not wanting to spend the whole day with Matilda knowing how upset she was and quite frankly getting extremely pissed at her, she decided on resuming classes, she needed to get far away from Matilda, besides it might help distract her mind from her raging thoughts

well she could only hope Leonard's fan girls had gotten over their murderous intent towards her, and with the thought, she walked towards the bathroom ignoring the blonde haired girl sitting on the bed with teary eyes as she decided on resuming classes, a decision she would come to regret a few hours later.