What are the odds?

Evelyn arrived at the art building with a look of admiration etched on her beautiful face, she had seen it last night when led to the girl's domitorium and was fascinated by it however seeing it in plain daylight was truly a sight to behold.

The four-story building painted brown was astonishingly huge in size, surrounding the school building was a tall steel welded gate, the school premises were being decorated with beautiful ornamental plants, flowers most of which were red in color and beautiful intricately designed art sculptures, most of which were of humanoid wolves referred by many mythologies as Lycanthropes

It was truly fascinating to Evelyn that she momentarily had forgotten about her unfortunate mishaps, at the entrance of the school building were hundreds of students rushing to the classroom, noticing she had only 10 minutes before classes started as the time was already 9:20 am she rushed towards the building searching for her scheduled class which was to be taught by Mr Ethan the maths teacher, thinking about what subject she had this morning made her almost want to puke, she despised maths and anything related, it was one of the main reasons she chose Arts and not science.

Standing in the hallway finding it difficult to locate her class she accidentally bumped into someone while she was rushing to class as she only had five minutes left, the last thing she needed was detention for being caught in the hallway while classes were ongoing.

"Ouch." she rubbed her head gently feeling a slight pain from bumping into someone, whoever it was he was certainly tall as she was only at his chest level in height.

"I'm sorry are you okay?." came a deep yet soft melodious masculine voice of a boy trailing her sights upwards she gasped at how extremely good-looking he was though not like the annoying brat Leonard but still insanely gorgeous even more than Jeremy.

"Umm...yes, yes I'm fine," she said with a stutter gazing at the beautiful boy with long silky white hair like hers at his waist length, this was the first time she had ever seen someone with the same natural hair color as hers, his eyes were very silvery ash almost white in color, he was endowed with a well-chiseled jawline and was tall with broad shoulders and in contrast to Leon devilish looks his appearance was simply one of an angel.

He smiled sweetly at her which made his appearance even more breathtaking that for a moment Evelyn had lost her balance and almost fell, thankfully the white-haired boy had quickly caught her firmly by the waist which saved her from an embarrassing fall, their position was quite intimate which made her cheeks flushed red, the boy seemed to had been lost in a trance as he stared piercing at Evelyn with a perplexed curious look.

"Umm...you can let me go now," Evelyn said haltingly with a stutter making the boy regain his senses as he quickly released Evelyn from his embrace.

"I'm sorry, I was.....taken aback by your hair color," he said scratching his head awkwardly which Evelyn found quite adorable, like him she too was taken by surprise finding someone with her exact hair color.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, I was in a hurry and should have watched where I was going," he said with a polite smile.

"It's fine, it's not your fault." she waved her hand.

"Are you a new student?." he asked, he was sure he would have seen her already if she weren't, her appearance was well quite appealing, especially with her hair color that looked exactly like his.

"yes, I'm."

"What year are you?." he questioned

"Senior year 1 Art, I can't find my class venue," she said with a slight pout, the school was quite big and anyone she had asked for directions had purposely given her the wrong directions, it was simply fun for old students to taunt and misdirect new students on their first day In school

"What a coincidence," he said with a smile "I'm Asher, the Art class rep for senior year one," he said with a smile to Evelyn's relief, finally something lucky had happened to her, she smiled back at him with her hands stretched forward for a handshake.

"I'm Evelyn, Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure's all mine." he shook her smooth petite hands with a smile "Follow me, we should leave now," he said and Evelyn nodded in reply.

She was led by Asher towards the class hall, entering the classroom alongside Asher she could feel all piercing gazes directed towards her by the girls in the classroom, gazes she could easily discern to be one of jealousy from probably from being sighted with their high school sweetheart Leonard, she gulped as he walked alongside Asher towards the front roll seat all the while receiving murderous glares from the girls in the classroom.

it took her a few minutes to notice the flirtatious gaze thrown at Asher by the girls which made her realize the girls were probably seeing her as a threat, Asher was drop-dead gorgeous and was also intelligent these two combined would make him like a god to most girls.

Lost in her thoughts she noticed the swooning lustful gazes at Asher being directed towards the entrance with series of murmurs following, trailing her gaze she gasped out loud at seeing the last person she wanted to see walking alongside his two trusted friends into the classroom completely stealing the gazes and attention of everyone.

"No! no! no!." she screamed inwardly at the sight of Leonard, like her it seemed Leonard was also a senior year 1 student, what are the odds?, she thought inwardly, she held her breath In shock seeing Leonard smiling mischievously towards her, However, sighting the figure next to her Asher his smile faltered and it was replaced to one of disdain and anger as he took a seat at the back alongside Liam and Jeremy.