Derailing suspicions

Sitting at a round table were three good-looking boys surrounded by six gorgeous school girls at the school cafeteria, the crowded cafeteria was packed and filled with the incoherent chatter and muttering sounds of the students present with the mixture of sweet and spicy aromas pouring through the foods served, among the three boys was Liam who was too busy flirting with the six girls present with them at the table to notice the brooding aura of the motionless figure next to him, Leonard.

"You should talk to the girls Leon, we both know they are here because of you not because Liam invited them over," Jeremy said with a slight chuckle, the brooding figure next to him had been quiet ever since returning from the infirmary, it wasn't hard to tell that he was being troubled by his mate's wellbeing.

"There's a lot of rumors circling about you and the girl, people are starting to notice your strange interest in her, if this continues it wouldn't be hard for them to figure out she's your mate." Jeremy tried reasoning with his stubborn friend however the brooding figure remained silent staring blankly into space making the green-eyed boy frown and sigh in frustration.

"All you have to do is talk with other girls, pretend being a playboy to the public, it would help redirect everyone's attention from Evelyn."

"I'm not good at flirting Jeremy." The silent figure finally voiced himself to Jeremy's relief

"You don't have to, not with that face," Jeremy said with a wink, Leonard taking in a deep breath trying to compose himself finally relented knowing full well the truth behind Jeremy's words, the lycans along with the witches present in the school had started to suspect his connection with Evelyn and to derail their suspicions it'd be best to do as his friend suggested, letting out a deep sigh he spoke

"Are you girls just going to sit there all day admiring me or are you going to come over here and satisfy your burning desires," he said letting out a devilishly seductive smile which immediately drew the attention of the six girls giggling at Liam's flirtatious words.

Hearing Leon's words felt like a dream come true to the girls, they had earlier agreed to sit next to Liam only because of the insanely good-looking figure next to him, they were too scared to make a move on him due to the cold aura he had earlier emitted however his demeanor now had changed to one of mischief and the girls couldn't help but blush and giggle at his words, and not a second later encircled the devilishly handsome Leon making Liam furrow his brows in disappointment.

"Can't flirt my ass," Jeremy muttered with a chuckle

"You are such a bad boy Leon." said one of the girls tracing her slender smooth hands through his perfected jawline "We heard about how you beat up that goody two shoes Asher."

" bad, so hot and strong." came a whisper of another biting his ear lightly while skillfully running her tongue over it.

"I'd like for you to beat me up on the bed tonight" another girl uttered shamelessly making Liam furrow his brows even deeper, they weren't even this opening towards him when he had earlier conversed with them.

"You know sometimes I wish I was him," Liam said to Jeremy with a frown, Jeremy hearing his words chuckled out loud trailing his sights towards Leonard who at the moment was preoccupied with the six girls clutching to his existence with lustful gazes, though Leonard didn't talk much, it nonetheless didn't stop the girls from giggling now and then from touching him, a few minutes later at the entrance of the cafeteria two twin girls suddenly walked in with their feet trailing towards Leonard's table.

"Can I help you with something?." Leonard asked both girls who stood a few feet away from him with their hands akimbo with one of them Deborah throwing lustful gazes at him.

"The Elder is with your mate." the older twin Jennifer spoke to Leon, making her words not understandable to the female humans currently clinging to him, hearing her words the girls furrowed their brows deeply confused as to what the blonde-haired principal's bitch meant with her words, not wanting to waste a second further Jennifer and Deborah exited immediately leaving the girls in confusion.

"Leave" he spoke coldly to the girls

" you..."

"LEAVE!" He yelled out loud startling the girls including everyone present at the cafeteria and without a second further the girls immediately dashed from his company scared to death of the cold aura Leon emitted.

"Don't do this Leon, don't go to him," Jeremy spoke softly already knowing what Leon had in mind

"He's with my mate, how do you expect me not to do anything?." He spoke coldly at Jeremy

"We both know it's a trap, he isn't sure if she really is your mate, going there would only solidify his suspicion," Jeremy said calmly trying to reason with Leon

"Still, that fucking elder is as unpredictable, sly, and cunning as a fox, I can't trust him with her," Leon spoke coldly

"You can't just go berserk on an elder Leon it's not smart," Liam said, "it's as Jeremy said it's only a trap, there's no way in hell the principal would harm her." They both voiced out their thoughts trying to convince Leonard to do the otherwise of his raging thoughts.

luckily it seemed to work as the black-haired boy pulled out a cigarette from his pocket before lighting it up, seeing his calm demeanor both boys could finally breathe in relief, they knew how powerful Leonard was however they weren't sure he would be victorious against an elder, they knew for a fact if Leon was to confront Alexander it wouldn't be a verbal one but a violent physical one, fortunately, Leon finally for once could put aside his selfish needs for the sake of another.