The exchange (1)

"You're Evelyn carter right?." Alexander asked in a soft tone staring intently at her as Scarlett exited the infirmary.

"Yes I'm," she said with a confused look, how did the principal know her name? she didn't remember telling him, reading her train of thoughts Alex spoke

"I always keep records of my new students, their names and addresses."

"O..okay," she said with a stutter completely creeped out from his awkward piercing gaze at her white hair, at first she was completely taken aback by how young and good-looking the principal looked however so far with their little conversation she couldn't help but get freaked out by his presence, she couldn't quite explain it but he gave very disturbing and creepy vibes almost akin to a serial killer.

"Beautiful hair," he complemented walking towards her "Is it natural? your hair color?."

"Yes sir," she replied avoiding his piercing gaze

"Are you afraid of me Evelyn? you seem tensed and afraid," he said with a smile as he got up close to her

"No sir... I'm just afraid you might be here to punish me for today's events." she lied smoothly which Alexander didn't buy however, he pretended to

" didn't instigate or directly involve yourself with the fight, it was all Leon, he's the one that's going to be punished.... severely," he said with a smirk taking a seat next to Evelyn on the bed.

"How are you feeling I heard you fainted today?."

"I'm fine thank you," she said meekly drifting away from his close proximity,

"Please just go away, you creep." she muttered to herself

"Hmm..please do tell me if Leon ever bothers you again, it was nice meeting you Evelyn," he said with a smile after checking his watch, it had been a few minutes and Leonard still hadn't shown up, perhaps he was wrong with his assumptions?, he knew how Impossible it was for a lycan to stay away when it senses a threat towards it mate, or perhaps he could control his emotions due to his witch bloodline? or maybe perhaps Leon already saw through him and realized it was all a trap? he grinned widely at the high probability and possibility of the latter, and with the thought, he stood up heading towards the exit.

"I will thank you," Evelyn said politely with a slight bow even though it was the exact opposite of what she would do, the man in front of her was too creepy to be around, and honestly she hoped never to cross paths with him again, he sort of reminded her of the psychopathic doctors and nurses that ironically worked at the psychiatric hospital where she was admitted to, the school principal nodded his head in understanding before walking out of the infirmary.


Evelyn arrived at the girl's domitorium thirty minutes after her awkward conversation with the school principal, luckily Scarlett had decided on discontinuing their interrupted pointless conversation as the girl only sent her a hard glare seeing her while Asher had been kind enough to escort her to her domitorium.

however he stopped a few meters from the domitorium after Evelyn had insisted on it, it wasn't that she didn't appreciate his company but rather that she didn't want to be spotted with him at the girl's domitorium knowing it would only stir up more trouble for her, arriving her room she was greeted with the sulking Matilda who still hadn't stopped crying since yesterday's unfortunate events, fortunately for Evelyn the blonde haired girl refused on commenting further as she only glared hard at her, too tired from today's happenings she decided to take a quick bath before going to bed to get some well-needed shut-eye to prepare herself for the unimaginable thing she had to do later in the evening, gosh she hated this school so badly, and how couldn't she when she had a spoiled arrogant boy determined to make her life a living hell.

"Where are you going?." questioned Matilda at her roommate who was about to exit through the entrance door with a bag gripped firmly in her hands

"To see a friend, Annabelle the girl you saw me with yesterday." she lied which was luckily bought by Matilda who only scoffed at her before redirecting her attention back to the romantic novel she was previously reading.

she exited her room as she made way towards the boy's domitorium with a pounding heartbeat and a sweaty forehead terrified and nervous from what she was about to do, what if she got caught? or worse the boy she was to sell it to decided to take advantage of her?.

she gulped down nervously in fear and was about to turn back which she didn't, remembering how Leonard had threatened to expose her if she were to disobey him, exposed to the students as an ex-mental asylum patient was something she possibly couldn't live with, it might definitely drive her to commit suicide, and with that thought, she took a deep breath as she walked towards the boys domitorium.

walking through the boy's domitorium was a torturous experience as the delinquent boys present threw lustful gazes and explicit embarrassing words at her, Luckily she was able to make it to room seven without any real trouble, checking her wrist she found the time to be exactly 7 pm which Leonard had specially instructed to be the time of the exchange, taking a deep breath with shaky hands she knocked softly on the doors and a few minutes later after repeated knockings the doors were swung open by a tall boy with lots of piercing and tattoos with a cigarette on his lips.

"Yes miss, what can I help you with?" he asked puffing out smoke at Evelyn making her cough out loud while shuddering In fright, it was truly going to be one hell of a night, she thought.

Thank you for the votes guys hehehe and please keep voting