The exchange (2)

Evelyn gazed absentmindedly at the delinquent-looking boy as she felt her brain shutdown from extreme anxiety with her breath quick and uneasy, she had earlier deluded herself into thinking delivering drugs wouldn't be as hard as she thought, after all, she had seen a lot of students do it easily without getting caught, it couldn't possibly be that difficult right? she had initially thought.

However, words are easier said than done as she couldn't help but feel skittish and jittery next to the frighteningly tall boy with full arms tattoos stretching upwards towards his neck with a lot of piercings around his facial body parts most noticeable his nose and lips, the boy with a cigarette settled between his lips turned his gaze towards Evelyn's hand which were now firmly gripping a jet black bag.

"Can I help you with something?." he asked again this time with a dangerous smirk as he hungrily threw a lustful gaze towards her completely smitten by her unparalleled beauty.

"I...I was asked to deliver a package," she said with a stutter avoiding his piercing gaze, she felt completely disgusted by his lustful narcissistic gaze however she knew better than to scold him knowing how dangerous he might be judging from his physical appearance.

"A package?." he asked with furrowed brows

"Ye..yes, Leonard asked me to deliver it," she said in a whisper tone afraid the students next door might be listening in on their conversation.

"What's in the package? a bomb?." he asked tilting his head to the side holding back his surging laughter amused at the fact Evelyn was referring to drugs as package, what was she thinking? does she think she's in a movie? the boy thought in humor.

"No," she answered before darting her eyes nervously checking to see if there were any listening ears before adding hesitantly "its drugs," she whispered nervously which made the boy burst out in laughter.

"You could have just said that, there's nothing to be afraid of." he spoke gently stretching his hands towards to receive 'the package' which Evelyn happily delivered to him, they stood rooted in place for a few seconds with the boy staring lustfully at Evelyn.

"umm the money?." she asked stepping a few steps backward creeped out by his predatory gaze

"I'll tell you what, if you agree to fuck me, I'll pay you triple of the initial agreement with Leonard, you get to keep it," he said with a smile leaning forward.

"No thank you, please just give me the agreed money," she said in annoyance, if she hadn't met Asher she would have long concluded that the boys in St Donavan were outright Jerks.

"I promise you'll love it," he said smiling seductively "A beautiful girl such as yourself should taste pleasure to the fullest.....I can also protect you, as you must have heard this school can be quite... dangerous."

"I SAID NO!" she yelled at him which unfortunately infuriated the boy as he forcefully pulled Evelyn by the arm towards his room before shutting it forcefully, pining Evelyn by the door with both hands placed firmly against the door.

"You are such a beautiful girl," he said running his hands through her white silky hair taking in a few strands to inhale the smell, "girls like you wouldn't last long in a school such as this, you'll need someone like me to protect you from the hungry wolves that lurk around St Donavan," he spoke gently licking his lips which staring fondly at Evelyn's chest which irritated and repulsed the girl beyond words.

"Let me go or I'll scream." she threatened in fury, her earlier fear towards him had now been replaced with one of burning anger, she knew now was not the time to sulk as the boy in front of her would undeniably take it as a sign of weakness and would only increase his hungry predatory desires, slowly she trialed her sights towards a table nearby and found a few bucks placed carelessly on it.

"I can't let you go, but I honestly wouldn't mind you screaming, you'll definitely be screaming in pleasure," he said with a smile as he brought his face closer to hers leaning forward for a kiss, Evelyn realizing it was now or never forcefully with her knee kicked his groined area which immediately immobilized him as he dropped painfully on his knees holding his groin area, his veins protruding firmly indicating the agonizing pain he was currently enduring, Evelyn not wasting a second further pushed him aside and dashed towards the table taking the few bucks placed carelessly on it before sprinting out of his room.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!, YOU ARE DEAD, FUCKING DEAD YOU HEAR ME!" The delinquent boy screamed out loud in fury as she dashed out of his room, Evelyn not even once bothering to look back briskly ran towards the room Leonard had instructed her to deliver the payment, room three while panting heavily.

on getting there she harshly hit the doors repeatedly for a few seconds which felt like an eternity to her as she was scared the boy might catch up to her soon until finally to her outmost relief the doors were swung open by Liam who had a wide grin etched on his face seeing her sweating and panting for breath, he could already discern what had happened.

"Glad you made it out alive," he said with a slight chuckle earning a glare from Evelyn, nothing was funny about her situation, all she wanted right now was to deliver his dirty money and dash towards her domitorium to get some sleep cause at the moment she needed it.

"so look so hot when you glare at me like that," he said with a wink "Leonard's inside come in."

"I don't want to come in here's the money." she declined coldly shoving the money on Liam's chest

"he insists you come in, saying something about exposing your secret if you don't," he spoke in a mockery tone which made Evelyn's already furrowed brow furrow even deeper as she hesitantly stepped into the room all the while mumbling incoherent curses at the arrogant brat Leonard.