shouldn't you be in class?

Absentmindedly gazing at the outside view through the translucent window glasses in the cafeteria was Evelyn lost in her thoughts about yesterday's happenings, though Matilda had insisted she rest at home after her near mental breakdown this morning she nonetheless insisted on attending classes telling her then worried roommate she needed a distraction and being In class would definitely help.

Albeit she chose to attend classes for this reason her main reason nonetheless was to check on Leonard, she hadn't been able to think properly since she miraculously found herself in her room unscarred, it didn't make any sense that Leonard had been able to fight off judging from the sounds outside that night at least twelve boys all by himself, to make matters worse she didn't see Leonard In class this morning.

she had lost count of how many times she had to turn backward to check on him however he didn't show up throughout the class, her heart raced with sweats surfacing the area of her smooth delicate skin with the thought that something might have happened to Leonard, although In a sense it was actually all his fault, if he hadn't asked her to deliver those drugs then perhaps none of this would have happened

However, the fact that she woke up safe and unharmed meant Leonard had defended her when he could have simply handed her over to the hungry wolves, with this thought she couldn't help but be concerned towards his wellbeing.

"Evelyn." The white-haired girl was snapped out of her trance hearing the feminine voice of a girl sitting opposite her, with widened eyes she spoke

"Annabelle?, what are you doing here, I thought you were a science student?." she asked in perplexion a slight smile coming to settle between her alluring lips.

"Umm yes I'm a science student, I thought I should come over and see you, I have been worried about you," Anne answered with a widened grin as she clasped her hands with Evelyn's

"Worried why?." Questioned Evelyn with a frown

"You're quite popular in the school you know like literally almost everyone has been talking about you and you know....." she said playing with her eyebrows as she gave Evelyn a mischievous smile.

"It's not what you think." Evelyn quickly defended herself with a sheepish smile

"But weren't you with him in the camp during the day before yesterday's party?."

"Umm...yes but he called me over."

"Really?." she asked with bulged eyes which made her look really adorable that Evelyn had to exert great strength and willpower not to pinch her cheeks "Anyway I heard what happened yesterday."

"You did?." Evelyn asked feeling her heartbeat rise drastically in thought that her meeting with Leonard had gone full circulation around St Donavan, oh God if it really had then she's good as dead.

"Yes about how you fainted seeing a boy named asher get beaten and was rushed to the infirmary by Leonard," she replied to Evelyn's greatest relief as she let out a deep sigh of relief inwardly.

"Oh that?, it's nothing I'm fine now," she said with a smile

"Are you sure?." she asked with concern

"Yes Anne I'm sure, how about you how are you doing?." she asked wanting to deviate from the topic, talking about Leonard did little to nothing to satiate her ravaging thoughts and concerns for Leonard's wellbeing.

"I'm good, classes are also good, my classmates aren't that bad, except for this girl Michelle who thinks she's the goddess of the classroom, Always belittling others, and she's not even pretty. I mean you are wayyy prettier than her." the brown-haired girl with round translucent pair of round medicated glasses blabbered out loud continuously when a white-haired boy sat next to her distracting her as she turned her gaze towards him.


Annabelle gasped out loud at how good-looking the boy before her was with his alluring white platinum silky hair and his gorgeous face endowed with a well-defined jawline and well-carved cheekbones.

"Sorry for interrupting, I'm a friend of Evelyn's I'm Asher," he said with a smile bringing his hand forward for a handshake which Anne hesitantly took as she felt her whole body tremble from anxiety being so close to a guy as good-looking as him, was Evelyn some sort of hot guy magnet? she asked herself, first Leon then Asher, so this was the Asher that got beaten by Leonard? come to think of it his face looks weirdly smooth for someone who just got beaten to an unconscious state.

Luckily for Evelyn the cafeteria was almost empty with a few junior students sitting at the far end of the cafeteria, so there wasn't much hostility towards her, though classes were going on now she had decided to hide in the cafeteria, her mind was in a complete mess to focus on class, finding the class rep skipping classes was well surprising to Evelyn.

"Asher? shouldn't you be in class?." she asked with wide eyes

"I should be asking you that question." Asher retorted with a slight chuckle

"I wasn't feeling too well so I decided to skip classes for today." she lied smoothly which luckily was bought by Asher

"You are so handsome." Anne subconsciously blurted out loud with reddened cheeks lost in trance at staring at the beautiful figure next to her, realizing what she had shamelessly blurted out her already reddened cheeks reddened even further as she buried her face with her petite palm which earned a burst of laughter from both Asher and Evelyn.

"thank you, you look beautiful yourself," he replied sincerely with a dashing smile making Anne blush in excitement before turning his gaze to Evelyn who gazed back at him with a smile, a smile he could never get tired of seeing and a smile he was willing to protect no matter the cost, she was simply the most beautiful creature he had ever set his eyes on, a girl who stole his heart since the very first day they met.