The wail of a banshee

Warning: This chapter contains strong matured contents readers' discretion is advised

"You still haven't answered my earlier question of why you aren't in class....I mean what kind of class rep skip classes?." she asked her lips pulling up to a lopsided smirk.

"What if I told you I'm too intelligent that skipping classes has no effect on my grades?." Asher retorted with a wide grin making Evelyn roll her eyes holding back surging laughter.

"Then I'd call you a narcissist," she said with a scoff earning loud melodious laughter from Asher, he looked so beautiful, so entrancing were the naughty thoughts that ravaged her thoughts as she let out a little chuckle.

"Are you two dating? two look really good together," Annabelle asked with narrowed gaze darting her big brown eyes between Evelyn and Asher back and forth, hearing her shameless words both Evelyn and Asher's cheeks reddened in embarrassment as they both stuttered incoherent words.

" we aren't," Evelyn replied quickly before slowly turning her gaze at Asher

"Yeah, we are just friends." Asher quickly chimed in refuting Anne's claims even though he would love for nothing more than to have Evelyn as his, her whole being was intoxicating and exhilarating luring him deeper and deeper to the deepest parts of love, he had even gone as far as skipping classes just to check on her, knowing he might appear as a playboy if he was to suddenly confess his feelings to Evelyn when they had just met a day ago, he decided on waiting a little longer and give evelyn time to adjust to his presence before spilling the beans.

"Hmmm.....okay if you say so," Anne said with a wink, somehow Evelyn's mind wandered off yesterday when she had been alone together with Leonard, her delicate cheeks reddened even further remembering how the pretty bad boy had tried seducing her with his gorgeous body.

How he had revealed his toned masculine muscles to her in its full glory, how mouth-watering his torso appeared, the soft trail of his fingers against her skin, his smooth compelling voice whispering seductively to her its compelling and enchanting words that had almost swayed her resolve and made her give in to temptation if they weren't abruptly interrupted "Ahem focus Evelyn" she scolded herself inwardly for her lewd thoughts, however, no matter how hard she tried shoving the thought of Leon aside she wouldn't help but wonder and hope on Leon's safety.

"Evelyn are you okay?." Asher asked with furrowed brows, concern laced in his tone of voice noticing Evelyn's unsettling daze

"Yes I'm fine." she replied with a smile unable to keep her burning curiosity to herself she asked, "Have you seen Leonard today?."

"No why?." Asher replied with a frown, he still hadn't forgotten how the arrogant brat had pummeled his face with punches, luckily for Leonard, there were a few humans including Evelyn in the classroom or else the outcome would have been different as he was confident his magic skill would triumph over Leon's.

He had heard the rumor of how Leon wasn't only a lycan but a powerful witch as well however he doubted his magic skills could compare to his, being that Asher was the direct son of the queen of witches Sabrina and from a long line of powerful witches his magical abilities were far superior to every other besides his mother Sabrina, he had been hailed as a prodigy in the witches realm, someone who might even surpass his very own mother in the near future.

"Nothing really, I just haven't seen him in school today," she answered with a straight face

"he's lucky he didn't show up today or else I would have thought him a lesson he would never forget for messing with my Evelyn," Annabelle spoke arrogantly with confidence which made the two figures with her burst out in laughter.

"I don't think you'd be able to handle him but thank you," Evelyn said with a smile, she had earlier judged Annabelle wrongly, even though the girl was clearly a nerd she nonetheless was good company as she had helped stir her mind from her distressing thoughts about Leon, quite frankly she wouldn't mind having her as a friend.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence eve," Anne said with pouted lips " Oh shoot, I have to get going I'm having classes in ten," she spoke frantically after checking the time on her wrist.

"Wait what's your name?." Questioned Asher at the brown-haired girl

"Annabelle, it was nice meeting you Asher," she said with a wide grin stretching her hands forward for a handshake which Asher gladly took.

"Pleasure's all mine." Anne standing up from her seat walked towards Evelyn before pulling her in for a tight warm hug which Evelyn reciprocated, however to her wildest expectation as soon as her warm body collided with Anne's her eyesight blurred its vision as she felt the cafeteria scenery morphing into a different scenery, one that was dark and frightening.

With a trembling body she found herself in a small dungeon with little lights but the one streaming through the small barred windows to illuminate the dark surroundings, it was cold, unusually cold, with little droplets of water dropping through the hard rocky ceilings, albeit the dungeon was dark it nonetheless did little to nothing in masking the sight of carcass and decayed bones scattered all over the dungeon floors creating a sour and foul stench in the dungeon, snapping her from her reverie was the menacingly psychopathic voice of a man.

"Well that was no fun...she died too quickly." slowly and hesitantly trailing her sight she found a silhouette of a man standing tall and proud over the body of a dead lady, she gasped out loud in horror and shock at the sight, the dead lady's eyes had been gauged out with all four limbs dismembered almost like it had been ripped apart by a beast.

it seemed her presence was left unnoticed by the figure standing before her as his gaze was fully concentrated on the body of the dead lady, however, what seemed to have caught Evelyn's attention was the hair color of the lady, it was brown almost like Anne's, and on the bloodied floor was a pair of medicated glasses she easily recognized to belong to none other than Annabelle, to confirm her suspicion further she heard the silhouette of a man speak.

"Annabelle what a beautiful name....such a shame you met such an unfortunate end all because of her.....Evelyn."

she felt all the air and energy inside her had been sucked out and dry hearing the mysterious man's words, it was Anne, she knew this was a vision of what was to come, the inevitable horrific death of Anne, slowly she staggered backward with her hand clutching against the hems of her dress firmly as she panted heavily for breath.

"No this can't be real," she muttered repeatedly, it couldn't be, Anne couldn't possibly be murdered in the future and to make it worse all because of her, unable to keep her surging fear and terror within she let out a terrifying bone-chilling scream which startled everyone present at the cafeteria including Asher and Annabelle as they were taken aback by the loud wailing ear-piercing sound of the white-haired girl, unknown to them it was no ordinary scream but the wail of a banshee, a scream which precedes death, Annabelle's death.